
The Hand of Time

In a world where ancient deities and mythical creatures coexist with humans, the bustling city of El Dorus is a treacherous place for those who are struggling to get by. Jackson knows this all too well. As a young orphan with no home or family, he has had to rely on his wits and quick reflexes to survive on the streets. Every day, he wakes up before dawn and sets out to earn his keep, pickpocketing and running errands for a local gang leader...

David_Shandler · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs


Jackson sat at his desk, studying the ancient scroll that lay before him. The parchment was yellowed with age, and the ink that had been used to draw the map was faded. But despite its age, the map was still legible, and Jackson could make out the details of the forest and the cave that lay hidden within it. It indicated that the cave was located deep within the heart of the forest, accessible only through a treacherous and winding path.

The scroll also contained a drawing of a demon scorpion, its body segmented and its tail curled tightly, ready to strike. The creature was said to be a rare species, and its venom was said to be highly toxic. Jackson knew that he had to find this cave and retrieve the egg of the demon scorpion, no matter the cost.

As he got ready to leave, he carefully folded the scroll and placed it in his pocket. He grabbed his orb and leather bag, and made sure that he had enough potions and supplies to last him throughout the journey. He also took a good look at the drawing of the demon scorpion, trying to commit its image to memory. He knew that he would have to be ready for anything once he entered the cave.

He took one last look at his home, knowing that this trip might be more dangerous than any of his previous ones. He took a deep breath, and then set out into the forest, towards the cave.

With determination, Jackson set out on his journey to find the cave containing the egg of the rare demon scorpion, while deep in the cave, Vayne's senses were immediately assaulted by the musty, damp air that clung to the walls. The cave was dark, with only a few beams of light filtering in through cracks in the rocky ceiling. He could hear the drip of water echoing through the cavern, and the distant sound of scurrying animals.

The vampire made his way deeper into the cave, his sharp eyes easily piercing the darkness. He passed by jagged rock formations, their edges glinting in the dim light, and walked along narrow ledges that looked as if they could crumble at any moment. He could feel the weight of the cave pressing down on him, and he knew that whatever was inside, it would be a unique encounter.

Vayne came across a natural underground lake, its surface reflecting the light coming from an unknown source. The lake was calm and still, with a soft blue glow coming from the depths. He noticed small fish swimming near the surface, their scales glistening in the blue light. The vampire found a small waterfall on one side, the sound of running water gave a serene feeling.

He made his way further into the cave, the tunnels becoming narrower and tighter. Finally, he reached a small chamber, which was filled with small stones of different shapes and sizes. Vayne took a moment to look around the chamber, but there was nothing of interest. He was about to leave when he caught sight of a small, smooth stone. It was an unusual shape, like a small egg with a small crack in it. Vayne liked the shape of it and decided to take it with him.

He turned back and started to make his way out of the cave, the small stone in his hand. As he turned back, Vayne felt a sense of disappointment as he realized that the cave was nothing more than a dead end, and all he had to show for his exploration was a simple, unremarkable stone that he had taken a liking to.

Meanwhile, Elara arrived at her family's small cottage in the forest, eager to show her parents the green dagger she had obtained from the adventurer, Jackson. She knew that they would be surprised to see such a fine weapon in the possession of a young herb seller like herself. As she entered the cottage, her parents looked up from their work, their expressions of curiosity on their faces.

"Elara, what is that you have there?" her mother asked, her eyes fixed on the glimmering blade of the dagger.

"It's a dagger," Elara said, a hint of pride in her voice. "I traded some herbs for it with an adventurer named Jackson. He said he found it after a battle with some orcs."

The dagger's glinting green metal caught the light of the fire, casting an eerie glow on the faces of Elara's parents. They were both in awe of the weapon, examining the intricate engravings and the sharp edge of the blade. Elara's father picked up the dagger, running his fingers over the hilt and testing the balance. "This is a truly remarkable weapon," he said, a hint of admiration in his voice. "Where did you say you got this from?"

Elara repeated the story of her encounter with Jackson, but as she spoke, she realized that she didn't know much about the adventurer himself. All she knew was that he was handsome and seemed very powerful.

"This Jackson sounds like an interesting character," her mother said, a hint of a smile on her face. "Perhaps one day you'll be able to tell us more about him."

Elara nodded, but in her heart she knew that she might not ever see Jackson again. Still, the memory of him would stay with her forever, as would the beautiful dagger that he had given her.

Elara's father carefully examined the dagger, his eyes wide with wonder as he examined the intricate design of the hilt and the sharpness of the blade. He was a skilled blacksmith and had seen many weapons in his time, but this dagger was something special.

"Elara, come here," her father called out. She walked over to him, and he handed the dagger back to her. "This is a powerful weapon," he said, his voice filled with pride. "You should use it to protect yourself."

Elara carefully took the dagger from her father's outstretched hand. It was a beautiful weapon, its blade a deep forest green and its handle made of intricately carved wood. She admired its craftsmanship and was pleased to see that it was well-balanced and felt comfortable in her hand.

She unsheathed it and tested its sharpness by slicing through the air. The blade glinted in the light and a small smile formed on Elara's lips as she felt its power. Her father smiled back, pleased with her reaction.

Elara sheathed the dagger and carefully placed it on the bedside table before laying down to sleep. As she closed her eyes, she couldn't help but think about how much safer she felt with the dagger by her side.

The sky was dark, a storm brewing on the horizon as Elara watched two figures clash in the distance, one wielding a crystalized hand, the other with a sinister presence.

In her dream, Elara watched as Jackson and Vayne faced off against each other in a dark, misty forest. Jackson's crystalized hand shone like a beacon in the darkness, casting a golden glow over the clearing. Vayne's eyes glinted in the shadows, his long fangs glistening in the dim light.

As they fought, Elara could see the raw power and skill that Jackson possessed. His movements were fluid and precise, his strikes landing with deadly accuracy. Vayne, on the other hand, fought with a ferocity and cunning that was almost animalistic.

The two clashed with a deafening roar, their weapons clashing in a shower of sparks. Elara watched in awe as Jackson's golden hand and Vayne's deadly claws struck at each other in a frenzied dance of death.

Elara woke up with her heart pounding in her chest, unsure of the outcome of the fight. She awakens from the dream, wondering if Jackson would truly be able to defeat Vayne, if they ever met.