
The Hand Of The Damned

Novel that takes place in a fantasy world called Oshio which has 5 continents called Zantessa,Sincarsa,Tiberon,Enteria and Galvia. The story begins in Galvia about a main character called Aisuru Kre, A Kind empathetic boy who as a child witnesses the murder of his mother and father.

raheem_Blake · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Chapter 4: Dangerous Encounter

Kre's heart raced as he sprinted through the narrow alleyway, his pursuer hot on his heels. He had to think fast, or else he'd be caught, and he knew that would mean trouble. He scanned his surroundings, looking for any possible escape route.

Suddenly, he heard a sound behind him, and without hesitating, he pivoted and threw a punch. His fist connected with his attacker's jaw, and the man stumbled back. It was a police officer. Kre was stunned.

The officer recovered quickly, his hand on his gun. "You're under arrest," he barked.

Kre knew that he couldn't go to jail, not when he had so much left to do. He couldn't let the cult get away with their crimes, and he couldn't let the police find out about his involvement. He had to think fast.

Without warning, Kre lunged at the officer, knocking him to the ground. He delivered a swift punch to the man's nose, causing it to break. The officer cried out in pain, and Kre used the opportunity to flee the scene.

Breathless, Kre hid behind a dumpster and watched as the officer's backup arrived. He knew that he had to keep a low profile from now on. He couldn't let them catch him.

Kre had to think of a new plan. He couldn't take down the cult alone, not without the help of someone else. But who could he trust? He thought of Niwa, his former partner, and wished that she were still alive. She had always been his rock, his support, and his confidant.

Suddenly, Kre had an idea. He remembered a man he had met in Tiberon, a mercenary who had helped him complete a job. The man had been skilled, ruthless, and most importantly, trustworthy. Maybe he could help.

Kre made his way to the nearest bar and inquired about the mercenary's whereabouts. The bartender informed him that the man was currently in Sincarsa, on a job for the royal family.

Kre hesitated. He knew that going to Sincarsa would be dangerous, but he had no other choice. He had to take down the cult, no matter the cost.

With a deep breath, Kre made his way to the docks and boarded a ship bound for Sincarsa. As the ship sailed further from Galvia, Kre couldn't help but think about his parents and Niwa. He vowed to avenge their deaths, no matter what it took.

As he arrived in Sincarsa, Kre was struck by the grandeur of the city. The towering palace, the bustling streets, and the ornate architecture were all a stark contrast to the grim reality of the cult's activities.

Kre found the mercenary he was looking for, a man named Kael. After explaining the situation to him, Kael agreed to help Kre take down the cult.

Kre and Kael spent the next few days planning their next move. They scouted out the cult's hideout, looking for weaknesses and vulnerabilities. They also gathered information about the royal family and the cult's possible ties to them.

One night, as Kre was keeping watch outside the cult's hideout, he was ambushed by several of their members. But instead of attacking him, they invited him to join their ranks.

Kre was hesitant at first, but he saw this as an opportunity to gain even more information about the cult's inner workings. He accepted their offer, and slowly began to gain their trust.

But as time passed, Kre began to have strange hallucinations. He saw himself committing terrible acts of violence, including the murders of his parents and Niwa