
The Hand Of The Damned

Novel that takes place in a fantasy world called Oshio which has 5 continents called Zantessa,Sincarsa,Tiberon,Enteria and Galvia. The story begins in Galvia about a main character called Aisuru Kre, A Kind empathetic boy who as a child witnesses the murder of his mother and father.

raheem_Blake · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Chapter 13: Hell

Awoken by a sharp pain, Kre shouted in great pain as he realized he was suspended from a crescent hook on a wall . all around him he could also hear the screams of those on the wall with him. Kre was having trouble thinking straight but he could only guess where he was "I'm in Hell" . He remembered being killed by Lucia but he didn't understand how he could feel such strong pain without a physical body.

As Kre hung there, his mind drifted back to his childhood before the tragic events that changed his life forever. He recalled the warm embraces of his mother and the sound of his father's laughter. But those memories were soon replaced with darker ones.

Kre remembered the first time he and Miss Niwa went on an assassination mission together. They had been hired to eliminate a wealthy merchant who had refused to pay his debts to the wrong people. Kre had been nervous and unsure of himself, but Miss Niwa had guided him through the entire process, showing him how to move in the shadows and strike swiftly and silently.

He remembered the thrill of the chase and the adrenaline rush that came with each successful mission. But those feelings were always tempered by the knowledge that he was taking another person's life. As time went on, the missions became more frequent and the targets more powerful. Kre had tried to convince himself that he was doing the right thing, that he was serving justice in a world where it was hard to come by. But deep down, he knew that he was only causing more pain and suffering.

As the pain from the crescent hook intensified, Kre tried to push those memories out of his mind. He wished he could go back and make different choices, choose a different path in life. But it was too late now. All he could do was face the consequences of his actions.

The screams of the others on the wall grew louder, and Kre could feel his strength slipping away. He knew that he would soon join them in death, but he hoped that somehow, in some way, he could make amends for his past.