
Chapter 1:The Oasis

"You're the only daughter of Alexios and Celestine." He told me.

"You know them? You know my parents?" I once again asked for I couldn't my curiosity.

"Oh yeah! They are my friends. Like during the ancient times. I'm part of the Tree People race so I definitely know your parents." He said cooly, reminiscing the old times he had.

Tree people.. Ancient times.. My parents..

Realization hits me! "Belerick! What year are we now? When exactly is that ancient times your referring to?"

"You know Lunox, it's been century since the war ended and your parents died." He answered me.

My eyes grew bigger. Bigger than I expected. My parents are dead, 100 years ago. And the war, the desperation ended.

"Holy shit! I've been sleeping for century?" I couldn't help my self but to yell. I over slept!

"I have waited for this time to come, but not as soon as this one. I'm sorry about your parents, they're heroes." He gave me a smile and patted my head. He's too tall and his body is so huge.

"It's okay, at least I know." I forced a smile. "Are you a.. uhm what do you call that again?"

"Tank? Yes, I am." He laughed. 

"I was just wondering, sorry for asking." I feel so stupid for asking. He's obviously a tank with his features.


"Yes master?"

"Before I fainted, there's someone whispering to me. He called me dear child and that's creepy."  I frowned as I recall what happened to me earlier.

"I was about to greet when you fainted. I was so worried. What about that?" Belerick commented. He's so kind for helping me.

"That voice.." I paused. "It's calling me to go somewhere, where I can find my memories." I continued.

"Really? That's a good sign, master. But I can  sense the pressing of evil. Maybe tomorrow, its getting dark. " His tone sound concerned. He has a point. It's so dangerous for me to lurk in the dark alone, defenseless.

"Okay." I agreed. "Where are we staying?"

"Oasis. The safest place I could think of since the fortress is a 3 hours walk. And let me go with you tomorrow. I'll help." I just noticed that Belerick's voice is really deep. Pero bagay naman sa kanya dahil malaki naman siyang creature.

"Okay. Oasis it is." I chuckled and followed Belerick.

The forest was so quiet, only our footsteps can be heard. Belerick ain't speaking so our walk is kinda boring . I just hope I can get my answers tomorrow. I am very desperate to know my identity. It was still a big shock to me about my parent's death and me sleeping for 100 years.

But hey, it seems that I didn't age a lil bit. The best thing about this drama so far.

"We're here." Belerick announced and I sucked in my breath and gasped as I look at the view... speechless. 

"Paradise." I whisperered. This is so breathtaking.

"Don't flatter me, master." He grinned I frowned. Not getting what he meant.

"I made this island and named it Oasis. When the desperation reached the Land of Minoan, the Lord of Lights approached me. He made me do this island for them just in case. I can't say no and built this with my prize of heavy slumber but not as long as yours." He proudly said. "Cool isn't it? I chose them before myself." He added.

I appreciated the fact that he shared this to me. I am very much happy about it, knowing what he did. He's so selfless, a hero.

"I salute you, Belerick. No wonder my parents liked you. You're also a hero just like them." I praised him and thanked me afterwards.

"Thank you my master. You must take your rest now, it's a long walk tomorrow. You need energy." He winked and that made me laugh. He's so silly. I entered the room Belerick showed to me and went to it's full length mirror. 

I didn't notice that I was wearing an old leather coat the whole time. With a white halter dress inside and a pair of old rubbish boots. 

So I've been using this clothes for a century? Ew! The idea nauseates the shit out of me. 

I decided to go and find Belerick to ask for some clothes good thing he had one for me and told me that it was from tne Fortress he was saying. 

"Thank you!" I shouted and rushed inside my room.