
The half-breed

They had her surrender and snarled at her with their sharp, long teeth. She knew she was doomed. She has finally met her end. Even if everybody forgives her and lets her go, Delta Logan won’t support them. He is dangerous. She examined her surroundings, her eyes wondering for a way out. However, it was a dead end. They were in the middle of a jungle. The only thing she could hope for was an unexpected miracle. Delta Logan strides forward, followed by Rebecca, and her witch friend, Rachael, while the rest of the lycans pack moves behind her. Instantly, an idea crept into her head. Rachael is a witch. That means she was not fast like those lycans. “You can do this,” she assured herself. As Delta Logan dived at her, at the last minute, she stepped aside and the Delta collided with a tree instead. Before any one of them could react, she dived at Rachael, her elbow aiming straight for her teeth. Before Rachael could blink, Joy’s elbow collided with her mouth and the force removed the front teeth in the process. She pushed her out of the way and then grabbed a tree branch she had seen earlier and used the force to propel her body on top of the tree. Joy was sure of one thing, she couldn't outrun Delta Logan and the pack on dry ground. But she could do it on top of trees. Dan had taught her that. He had been training her for a day like this. She swung her body on top of another tree, and then swivelled her body midair, did bar hop skills, and grabbed another branch. She could hear the rustling of leaves behind her which suggested that they were now chasing her. Yet, she did not panic. She has been in this wood many times without number, and she knew her way better than them. After jumping for what seemed like forever, she could see the exit of the woods. It was a few metres ahead of her, and that made her double her effort. She was sure that Dan would be waiting for her at the exit of the woods.

Alegria del Autor · แฟนตาซี
72 Chs

Chapter 8

Chapter eight

Theme: "Identity, Part 4."

Attack her, and don't forget that the elderly need her alive." Says Delta Logan. Without hesitation, the seven Lycans take dangerous steps toward Joy.

Dan, where are you? Joy thought inwardly. She couldn't allow these lycans to capture her. Worse, they are taking her to the elders. The vampires, werewolves, lycans, wizards, and witches' elders.

Hell No! She couldn't allow that. She has heard enough about the elders from Dan. At least it is not the supreme council. It was just the elders. She thought.

Yep! All the supernatural creatures have elders. Even though they were always at war, that was thousands of years ago before Darius Rucker took control. He seized power from his father, slaughtered him in cold blood, and became the next Lord Darius. It was as if the man was immortal and invisible. He was undefeated.

After he takes control, he wages war against all the supernatural beings and humans in the middle land. Normally, humans depend on night-walking creatures to protect them. That is why there is no hunter in the middle land.

Nonetheless, they pick up weapons and wage war against Lord Darius. Out of anger, Lord Darius massacred half the people. After that, he forced them to serve him only, and he put them under his command.

He then places them according to their rank. The Delta, Beta, and Alpha. He made them start living together with his witches and wizards because he didn't want any rebels. He then appointed elders for them. The elderly will be the ones to solve the pack's issues. Then the supreme council will be the ones to settle any matter that goes beyond the elder's hand.

Nonetheless, she couldn't allow them to take her so easily. They had not only burnt her house, but they had also killed someone she had grown up to know as a human. If Dan was here, he would have changed into his Alpha hybrid forms and killed all these beings.

"Holy goddess, sipping herbs." Joy whispered inwardly, as the Lycans were now a few steps away from reaching her.

It was as if they knew she couldn't do anything to them. Even though she was still holding their pack's knife, which was popularly known as the death angel. However, she didn't know how to use it. Joy tightened her hand on the death angel, and she felt something like electricity shock her to the bone. It begins with a strange buzzing sound from the death angel, followed by an electric shock that shocks her to the bone.

Joy let out a painful shriek that echoed throughout the whole night, and she dropped the death angel instantly. She had heard rumors that only those that were tortured by the death angel, or trained with it, could wield it, but she never believed it.

It was like her soul had been tortured by more than a thousand spirits. It was like they were shouting in her head and yelling at her to join them. No wonder those lycans were not in a hurry to hit her.

Well, she didn't need it. Joy knew she couldn't beat them, but she could still deal with them and managed to escape. At least her speed has increased. She was sure that none of them could match her speed. Besides, Dan had taught her a lot of skills she could use to defend herself in such situations.

As the first lycan launches at Joy, his sharp long claw comes down on her. Joy's fast reflex kicked in, and she ducked to the left. Then she spun behind the man and grabbed him by the neck. Joy then uses the same power she had used to command Delta Logan and Rebecca's crew earlier. She went deep down, imagining the same thing happening to the Lycan.

If she can do that, then luck is still on her side. However, Joy was met with nothing. She felt extremely empty. She had thought it would be easy to summon that power again. How wrong was she? The Lycan easily retrieved her small, tiny hand from his hairy neck and hit her in the face before he threw her away like a piece of paper.

As Joy's body landed on the firewood, she let out a painful shriek. She could feel the pain surging through her entire body and the slap from the Lycan sting like hell. At first, her vision was blurry, and she quickly shook her head. Finally, she could see again. Once again, she wishes that Dan was here with her.

"Did you think that old trick of yours could work on them again?" It is Delta Logan's voice that is mocking her now. "Well, let me assure you that they will deal with you very well before the elders have what is left of your body."

Hell No! Joy thought. She had heard how cruel and vicious the elderly could be from Dan. Especially if they knew that she was the Savior, then they wouldn't hesitate to hand her over to Lord Darius. She couldn't allow that. Not now, not anytime soon. She still has a lot of things to do. She hadn't seen Dan ever since the incident in the woods. She still needs to see Joel and apologize for the human she killed. That's if he will forgive and keep her secret.

"Well, I don't even need that trick again before I deal with your animal," says Joy, as she raises her feet. She dusted her clothes and made a battle pose. She might not be strong like them, but she still has speed. She raises her leg, and Delta Logan quickly steps forward. He was now standing in front of the seven beings.

"Don't be in haste, Delta Logan. I only shifted my foot from the firewood. That thing burns like hell." Joy scoffed as she spoke. Delta Logan shakes his head in astonishment. He couldn't believe that Joy had just tricked her.

"So, back to business." She said, and her expression turned serious. "You want to take me to the elderly, right? Then let's wait and see." Before any one of them could move, Join vanished from her previous position.

Nope, she didn't vanish. She was moving at inhuman speed. She was fast, faster than any supernatural being Delta Logan had ever seen. Everything happens in such a blur that no one sees her moving. It was so quick that everything happened in seconds.

"So, how about that?" says Joy as she returns to her previous position.

A painful growl was heard from the same lycan that slapped Joy earlier, and all eyes turned to him. He was now lying on the floor, dead, with blood oozing out of his chest. Not only that, there was a deep hole in his chest. His heart has been removed, and the artery is missing.

"Hush, this thing hurts like hell." Joy yelled as she dropped the death angel and Lycan's heart. "I could have killed you all, but this stupid stuff won't allow me." Joy elaborated, her gaze now resting on the two knives she had dropped on the ground. She could even hear the buzzing sound that was coming from those knives, which made her wonder about the amount of dark power Alpha Malcolm acquired before creating them.

Hell No! Alpha Malcolm of the Black Venom Pack couldn't create such weapons. It must be the work of those wizards and witches or the elders. She thought. The howling of those lycans brought her back to reality, and she quickly jumped out of the way as a claw swiped at her face.

Brain, just allow me to think properly. She thought.

"May the moon goddess help me out." She whispered as she jumped up to avoid the death angel that was thrown at her. Joy activated her speed again and dashed at another Lycan. This time, Delta Logan was the one that stepped forward to protect the lycan.

He stopped Joy by grabbing her on the neck and hitting her twice in the face before tossing her away. Before her body could reach the ground, a lycan dashed at her and kicked her in the abdomen. The force of the kick made her fly several feet backward, and then she reached the ground with a loud thud. The impact of the attack made her split out of the blood.

Joy closed her eyes, then shook her head as she felt a loud bang. Delta Logan had just hit her again. He hurled her up with his left hand and delivered multiple punches into her stomach.

"That is for making me kill my men earlier." Spattered Delta Logan as he slammed Joy's head against a lycan head. "If it is not because of Alpha Malcolm and the elders, I will kill you right here."

"It's not too late," Joy said with a chuckle. Even though she could feel her head banging loudly due to the beating she just got, she didn't want to give Delta Logan the pleasure of seeing her as a weak being. "You know something about me? I hate garrulous beings." She taunted him, and she regretted it instantly.

Delta Logan dived at her, his eyes now deep black, and she could see all the veins in his body turning black. Without being told, she knew he was about to hit her with their black venom. That's why they called them the "black venom pack." They have a special ability that runs in their body. All the pack could hit their victims with a black poisonous claw that would paralyze the victim before killing them.

However, Delta Logan stopped at the last second. Joy had even closed her eyes in anticipation of the final blow. She opened her eyes, and a sly smile escaped from her mouth. Blood has now filled her teeth and tongue altogether. "I knew you wouldn't dare do that," she said. "Unless you want to see the wrath of your stupid elders and that puny Alpha of yours."

Delta Logan hissed in irritation, with his eyes still fuming with anger. Joy was sure that the Delta was only trying its best not to kill her. He feared the elders or his alpha. Well, who wouldn't fear any one of them?

Except for Dan. She thought. Dan didn't fear any of them.

Delta Logan ordered the remaining six lycans to "bind her up before I go out of control." They have now transformed back into humans. "Lastly, don't forget to tie her mouth, and don't let her use the speed again.

"Is that all you got?" Joy asked with a puppy face.

"Nope," Delta Logan replied, and hit the veins on her neck. Instantly, Joy blacked out.


She shakes her head twice in irritation and blinks her eyes twice as she feels the cold water touch her body. "Gosh!" she exclaimed, scowling. "At least you should have allowed me to take a little longer nap." She complained bitterly, her face twisting in disguise.

"In front of who?" Joy heard a cold male voice asking her.

"The Black Venom Pack has no respect for privacy." She said it again, but she regretted it instantly. She let out a scream as the death angel touched her neck. That is when she finally came to her senses. Her brain is the one that is replying without her permission.

"Enough," the cold male voice said again, and the death angel knives made a hissing sound as they were removed from her body.

Finally, she was conscious of her environment. She was tied with a chain to a pillar. All her clothes have been removed, except for her short light pink bomber and singlet.

"You should have asked to see my nakedness, and I will gladly take off all my clothes rather than ripping them violently." Says Joy to one of the lycans that is torturing her with a death angel knife.

"Tell that to the elders," the lycan replied, and Joy opened her mouth wide in shock.

In all her life, she had never thought that she would meet the supernatural elders under these circumstances. At least the elderly are still easy to handle. Unlike the supreme council.

"And who told you that the elderly are easy to handle?" She heard Delta Logan's voice.

"Dan," she replied fearlessly. "He told me that all the black venom packs and their Alpha are..." She stopped in midair as she felt a strong muscular hand choking her.

"Easy Kyle," another male voice that was full of authority, stopped Beta Kyle from smashing Joy's neck. "Let's do this according to the pack rule."

"I guess you are Alpha Malcolm," Joy said, and gulped down nothing in particular. She had heard of how brutal the Alpha could be, and she didn't want to be used as a scapegoat. She had heard of how the Alpha submitted his Luna to Lord Darius in exchange for more power and authority. However, she couldn't allow them to humiliate her anyhow.

"You are keeping the elderly in suspense," says a female voice from nowhere. "Or we should just follow Delta Logan's advice and kill her instantly." Suggested the female voice.

Slowly, Joy raises her head for the first time to examine her surroundings, and her mouth opens wide in shock at the beings in front of her. The female voice that speaks now is Mrs. Sandra. Rebecca's mom.

Sitting in a circular position in the middle of the room were Miss Donna, Miss Mary, and seven other beings she had never seen before. Worst of all, all of them are males, and their eyes hold anger, revenge, and resentment. If her guess is right, they must be the parents of those she murdered.

Hell No! She thought. They were not. They are just some stupid old people with the ability to torture.

"And they will use their torture ability on you," Alpha Malcolm answered her. Well, she wasn't surprised. As a great and fearless Alpha, he must be able to read minds. All she needs to do is learn how to guide her thoughts. "Even if you guide them till tomorrow, I will still break through them."

"That's if I give you permission." Joy replied with sarcasm.

"Which coven did you come from?" A cold voice from the Elders broke into their discussion, but Joy didn't reply. "I'm asking you for the last time, which pack or coven did you belong to?" The elderly with gray hair asked again. His voice was so cold and firm, and he carried a powerful aura.

"I belong to no one," Joy yelled back at him. "I am a lone warrior. I'm not even a wolf, a vampire, or any other stupid night-walking creature that sucks blood. I'm a fighter." She defends herself.

"Now," another elder said, and Joy screamed in agony as the death angel knife came into contact with her skin again. It was so painful that she could feel her life force draining out. It was like thousands of ghosts were hunting her.

"If you don't belong to any coven or pack, then how did you suck blood from the innocent woman's neck and turn her?" The graybeard elders asked again as the men that were torturing her stopped.

"She did not only suck blood at the city hall; she murdered my daughter and the other pack. She deserves death by the holy water." Mrs. Sandra expresses her sorrow in a mournful tone.

"Your daughter got what she deserves," replied Joy, without any hint of fear in her voice. "You are even lucky that Dan came on time." She said, her gaze now resting on Delta Logan. He clenched his fist in anger, and his knuckles turned white. Seeing this, Beta Kyle quickly moved toward him and placed his palm on his muscles.

"Don't let us do this the hard way," the second elder said. "Just tell us what we want, and you won't have to go through another torture."

"Are you a rogue?" The graybeard elder asked again. "Who sent you? Are you a spy?"

"I'm not any of those," she replied. "I'm something stronger, and I will prefer the hard way."

"As you wish," the elder retorted. "Alpha Malcolm, bring me the holy water and one of the rogues, as an example."

"Right away," he said, and dashed out of the scene. Before the blink of an eye, Alpha Malcolm returned with a man with different wounds on his body. He also had a goblet in his hand, which Joy suspected contained holy water. Right in front of everyone, Alpha Malcolm poured half of the water on the rogue's head.

The water expands like an elastic rubber and then spreads across the man's body like a wildfire. His body became white, like someone with leprosy, and his skin was like someone with a disease.

The man howls like a wounded lion, and the holy water is burning his body so fast. It was like acid was poured into the human body. Within the twinkle of their eyes, all the man's flesh was burned off, and his remaining body was scattered on the floor.

Joy gulps down nothing in particular as she witnesses the scene in front of her. She had heard of the holy water from Dan, and she never thought she could be a victim of it. Nonetheless, she didn't want to break down in front of these stupid old people.

She went deep down for her power again, but she is void and empty. It was like she hadn't used them before.

"You choose this for yourself, and you will face the consequences." The graybeard elder said, "Should we burn her?" He asked, his gaze now resting on the rest of the Elders.

"She deserves it." The chorus in unison. Before Joy could blink, Alpha Malcolm was already in front of her, and he poured all the content of the holy water on her skin. Joy closed her eyes instantly in anticipation of her death. However, she didn't feel anything.

"Impossible," she heard all the elders scream in surprise. "She can't be the prophecy half-breed and our savior."

"Well, she is," a cold voice retorted from nowhere, and Joy could feel her heart leap with happiness as she heard the new male voice. It was someone she had been longing to see. It was Dan. "You shouldn't have killed our mother, talkless of capturing her," Dan said with a hard tone that sent fear down the elders' spines.

A strong aura radiated all over the room, and all the elders were forced to go down on their knees. Before they could regain their stances, Delta Logan's head was seen rolling on the floor.

"The Alpha hybrid, and true descendant of the moon goddess." Alpha Malcolm said in a panic.

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