Being born a god would be enough for most, with your every whim satisfied. Kaito isn't most people, and decides to have his powers stripped to start again from the level of a human, and work his way back up to the top with his own two hands. What can go wrong?
Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works, if you recognise it from somewhere else, surprise it isn't mine.
Betad by morde24, Atrius, Hermes, Priapus, Marethyu, Old man of the mountain and TheDonFluffles
The Guild of Gamers: The Tamer
Chapter 03: Preparing for the School Year
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♦ Topic: Gameciel's Attack on Nanao
In: Boards ► Kaiju Attacks
Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Posted On Jul 10th 2148:
It is my unfortunate honour to once again report on Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju's attack on Japan.
Following its usual M.O., it surfaced near the port town of Nanao (the newly installed deep sea sensors picking it up and giving the heroes more warning than they usually have, allowing for the evacuation to start early)
But thanks to Gameciel's speed underwater, it still arrived during the evacuation and immediately started to push into the city, while the assorted heroes and villains attempted to drive him back, Gameciel mostly ignoring the attackers as it tried to get to the centre of the town and unleash its steam
All Might in particular managed to push Gameciel back and delay its approach to the centre, buying time for more people to evacuate
However, Gameciel apparently found this unacceptable as it revealed that it can burrow despite never having done that before and simply burrowed towards its goal instead, preventing people from attacking it while it for deeper into the city and prepared to unleash its steam, which would have hit not only the fighters but the civilians still inside one of the evacuation centres as well (it's worth noting that Gameciel moved directly above where the majority of the civilians were hiding, furthering the idea that it is intelligent)
Fortunately, new hero Mt Lady (who decided to debut during a Kaiju attack) grew to a colossal size and managed to pick up Gameciel and rushed to the shore while wrestling the Kaiju, who was biting and unleashing its steam on her the entire time
Gameciel once unleashed its massive blast, but by the time it did Mt Lady had already carried it and thrown it back into the sea, suffering severe burns and bites across her body in the process
Due to Mt Lady's efforts and sacrifice, Gameciel's steam blast dealt minimal damage, causing one of the least devastating attacks in recent history
Adding more evidence to the theory that Gameciel can't do it's steam explosion repeatedly, the Kaiju stayed in the water, not trying to attack the civilians again, as it spewed steam at the heroes and villains trying to drive it off, before it left and sunk into the ocean, vanishing
Mt Lady is reported to have survived despite her serious burns, so wish her a fast recovery, because we definitely need a hero like her
[Video of MtLady carrying Gameciel] [Demolition Man's final attack] [All Might punches Gameciel back into the sea]
Confirmed Fatalities
Heroes: Captain Pyrotechnical and Absolute Zero (ending the IcyHot hero team), Alpha Wolf, Allback Man, Tanktop Hatter, Tanktop Mask, Tanktop Racer, Slothman, Heavy Kong, Steelgrip, General Falcon, The Magnificent Mako
Villains: Demolition Man (who had Heavy Kong throw him into Gameciel's mouth, detonating his explosives inside Gameciel in an unfortunately failed attempt to kill the Kaiju from inside), Viper, Condiment Man, Anon, Phantom Thief Blue, Tazer Face, Void Goblin, King Penguin, Kinetica, Don Fluffles, Nightfyre
(Showing page 1 of 102)
Posted On Jul 10th 2148:
Have I mentioned how much I hate that this many fatalities is seen as a win, because I really do.
This is a best case when it comes to Kaiju, and Gameciel isn't even the worst one for hero and villain casualties. Gameciel tends to have high civilian deaths but compared to some of the others he's one of the less dangerous ones to fight, especially compared to the likes of Nergigante
But massive respect to Mt Lady, you can see the damage she's taking from Gameciel, look at her skin? It's melting her cape outfit, and I'm pretty sure skin isn't supposed to be that red
►Mock Moniker
Posted On Jul 10th 2148:
Yeah, here's hoping she recovers from the damage, I imagine she's getting the best medical attention money can buy after that
One hell of a debut
Posted On Jul 10th 2148:
Oh, hey look everyone…
All Might actually showed up for the Kaiju attack this time, that makes up for the last two Kaiju attacks in Japan he didn't show up for!
►Good Ship Morpheus
Posted On Jul 10th 2148:
Dude, don't start this again
Yes, All Might hasn't been at every Kaiju attacks but he's been at more than any other hero or villain, Kaiju attacks are random, there's no warning or reason to them
The Kaiju shows up wherever they want, starts rampaging, and it's a rush to see who can show up to fight them.
Terrible Tornado (still think that's a terrible hero name) would have been amazing in this, since she's shown she can lift Gameciel with her telekinesis, but she was dealing with a dungeon break in Korea and didn't even hear about the attack until it was over
We're not blaming her for not showing up to this one
A Kaiju attack isn't the place to bring up your hateboner for All Might
Posted On Jul 10th 2148:
Fuck, IcyHot are gone?
Today sucks
RIP to everyone who died to that stupid fucking turtle
►Mr. Fabuu
Posted On Jul 10th 2148:
Why did Demolition Man try and suicide bomb Gameciel? There was no way he wasn't surviving that blast, and while it definitely seemed to hurt, it seemed kinda dumb
►Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Posted On Jul 10th 2148:
You wouldn't be saying that if it worked
As for why, Demolition Man used to be part of a villain/mercenary team of four, rumoured to be a family. Demolition Man is confirmed to be the husband of Farsight and the father of Snipes and Tankboy
All three of them died in Gameciel's last attack
End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 100, 101, 102
♦ Topic: New Hero Debut? Wild Man and his Pet Slime
In: Boards ► Locations ► Japan ► Musutafu
Lasersmile (Original Poster)
Posted On Jul 10th 2148:
So, if you were wandering around Musutafu yesterday you probably spotted something a little odd.
Or not spotted, as the case may be since there was a strange lack of litter. At first I though maybe people actually started holding onto their garbage long enough to throw it into a bin but then I found the much more realistic answer
Some guy was wandering around town, feeding it all to his… pet slime?
[img1] [img2] [img3]
I figure they're a hero in training since one, that's obviously part of a U.A uniform, and two, why would a villain spend their time cleaning up the city? Plus nobody tried to stop them, so I guess yay?
Still, aren't slimes monsters? As in, dungeon monsters that attack anyone who gets too close to them?
(Showing page 1 of 12)
►PinkandProud (Hero in Training)
Replied On Jul 10th 2148:
The little blue guy is cute, and even if it looks like a slime, it's pretty relaxed despite being in the middle of a building full of humans
Don't judge a monster by its appearance I guess
Also, much more importantly… look at those muscles. Mama likes
Replied On Jul 10th 2148:
I actually saw that guy in WcDonalds! He was eating like twenty double cheeseburgers without stopping. It was kinda impressive to be honest
The little guy is apparently called Blue, and yes it's a Slime. The guy, whose name is Kaito (I don't know if he has a hero name yet) says he can tame monsters with his Quirk, and Blue is completely harmless (unless you attack Kaito or Kaito orders him to attack you).
If you get past his kinda scary (and sexy) appearance, Kaito is pretty relaxed and happy to answer questions. Also Blue is cute and jiggles if you poke him
Also, Blue ate all the wrappers from my meal so I didn't have to carry them to the bin, so that was cool
Replied On Jul 10th 2148:
Taming Monsters?
That sounds pretty broken, or maybe not at all depending on what he can tame. Some monsters are strong enough to give the top heroes trouble, if he could tame a few of them then thank fuck he's studying to be a hero because I don't like the sound of a villain who could be a one man dungeon break
►HereandGone (Resident Monster Expert)
Replied On Jul 10th 2148:
True, he's tamed a slime which are usually seen as the lowest rank of monsters (though there have been reports of much stronger slimes like during the Sydney Dungeon Break, where a massive slime was eating entire buildings). I think Blue is just a regular Blue Slime, which are E-rank monsters
But then again, if he's a student it's also possible they wouldn't let him into the more dangerous dungeons and he's never even had the chance to try and tame anything stronger.
U.A does send their students into dungeons to get them some experience fighting monsters, but it's usually the weaker dungeons and under supervision
If his Quirk lets him tame even B-rank monsters in any kind of quantity, he'll definitely be a powerful and effective hero, with a different monster for every situation
Plus, do you know how hard it is to capture monsters? If he could tame them and let researchers (like me) study them, we could learn a lot more about them because frankly we still know basically nothing about them
Replied On Jul 10th 2148:
Plus, if the monsters don't work he can just flex at the villains and monsters and make them run away, seriously look at those abs!
Do you think if I pretended to be a villain around him, he'd manhandle me?
Replied On Jul 10th 2148:
That, or he'd feed you to Blue
Replied On Jul 10th 2148:
That's a risk I'm willing to take to be pinned down by our new wild man
►RockHard (Hero in Training)
Replied On Jul 10th 2148:
Dude, Kaito is so fucking manly
Also littering is gross, so good on him for cleaning up other peoples' messes
►Midnight (Pro Hero) (U.A Staff)
Replied On Jul 10th 2148:
That's cute, but I promise you… they look so much better in person~
For the record, Kaito is joining U.A next year on special recommendation by principal Nezu and All Might, so while he isn't a hero yet he's studying to be one
That said, he doesn't actually have his provisional license yet… maybe I'll have to discipline him later~
►Lasersmile (Original Poster)
Replied On Jul 10th 2148:
Wait, he got in on recommendation from Nezu and All Might!?
Doesn't that mean they think he's going to be a big deal later?
Replied On Jul 10th 2148:
Maybe he'll tame the Kaiju and we won't have to worry about massive monsters destroying our cities with no warning
Replied On Jul 10th 2148:
That's being a bit too optimistic, only one Kaiju has ever been permanently dealt with and that cost the lives of 80% of the heroes and villains involved
It serves as a permanent reminder that cornering a monster makes them so much more dangerous
Replied On Jul 10th 2148:
Hey, I'm allowed to dream!
If Kaito can tame the Kaiju, he could become a villain and take over the world for all I care, as long as he stopped them from rampaging
I'll even volunteer as his first harem girl for when he's king of the world! I'll happily wear a skimpy harem girl outfit and feed him peeled grapes if he can stop Gameciel, why does that stupid asshole always attack Japan?
►Kaito (Hero in Training)
Replied On Jul 10th 2148:
I don't want to rule the world, it sounds bothersome
The harem girl outfit isn't a bad idea though, are heroes allowed to build harems? They have so many rules
Replied On Jul 10th 2148:
Tell you what, if you can tame a Kaiju, you can have whatever and whoever you want
►Kaito (Hero in Training)
Replied On Jul 10th 2148:
Midnight showed me how to make an account here, so hello internet people
Challenge accepted
I will tame the Kaiju, or I'll just feed them to Blue if they don't get the message and behave. I saw that turtle on tv and thought he'd make a good tamed monster
For the record, @HereandGone, Blue isn't a basic blue slime
He's King Blue Slime, he was a regular Blue Slime but he evolved after I fed him a lot. He can just shrink himself to make travelling easier.
He evolved to a Great Blue Slime, then a Blue Slime Lord, now he's a King Blue Slime
►MIGHTiest_Fan (Pro Hero Encyclopaedia ) (Hero in Training)
Replied On Jul 10th 2148:
I can vouch for that, I was training on the beach and saw Blue grow to become much, much larger. He was big enough to fit an entire rusted van inside his body.
►HereandGone (Resident Monster Expert)
Replied On Jul 10th 2148:
The man of the hour!
I've never heard of a Blue Slime Lord or King Blue Slime but again, we don't even have names for most monsters.
This is the first I'm even hearing of monsters evolving, is this a part of your Quirk or something all monsters can do?
Is there any chance I, or some of my colleagues, could come to U.A and perform some non-invasive tests on Blue and any other monster you tame
►Mt Lady (Pro Hero)
Replied On Jul 10th 2148:
If you can tame or put down Gameciel, I'll become your harem girl (good luck finding a harem girl outfit in my size though)
I'm still in hospital thanks to that asshole turtle's steam, thank god for Recovery Girl
That said, don't underestimate the Kaiju, they've been a threat to world since they first appeared and you're not the first person to think you'll be the counter for them
Aim high, just don't get killed trying something before you're ready
►Kaito (Hero in Training)
Replied On Jul 10th 2148:
I watched the videos of the fight, read up on the reports of what he can do. I know how strong Gameciel is. As I am now, he'd melt me the moment I tried to approach
But I left home to go on a journey to become strong, and what better goal for a monster tamer than the strongest monsters?
@HereandGone Talk to Nezu, he can set it up. I only have Blue (at the moment) but I know I can tame more than one, I just haven't had the chance yet (they won't let me go into the dungeons yet)
If you hurt Blue, I'm feeding you to him
►PinkandProud (Hero in Training)
Replied On Jul 10th 2148:
Important question, do Slimes come in pink? I could totally go for a pink acid buddy
Also, are you going to be shirtless during the school year? I didn't know U.A came with free eye candy
►Kaito (Hero in Training)
Replied On Jul 10th 2148:
I've made it clear that we're going to have issues if anyone tries to stick a shirt and tie on me
And maybe, I'll let you know if I find a pink one
End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 25, 26, 27
"You know, most guys would be paying more attention to me," Midnight says as she stretches, making sure to stick her chest out towards me as I smirk.
"You're the one who tapped out, Miss 'R-rated Hero'," I simply said, laying next to her as I play around on the phone they gave me. She just blushes a little at the reminder that my stamina outlasted hers, despite her reputation.
— Nemuri Kayama (Midnight) —
Going silent at his casual reminder, Nemuri looked away in embarrassment. She'd learnt something very interesting about Kaito, he didn't seem to get tired at all.
So yes, she'd been the one to tap out after what seemed like a dozen rounds with him showing no signs of slowing down.
It was embarrassing, but they'd been in her bed for hours, and she needed the break, covered in sweat and semen.
She was half-considering calling for reinforcements at this point, this beast couldn't be slain alone.
But who could she call on to come fight this morning with her? Oh who was she kidding, most pro heroines were totally pent up and needed a good fucking, the trick was finding one who wasn't prudish and would admit they needed dicking down.
…the new school year was certainly going to be interesting, she almost pitied his classmates. The virtue of all the girls was in danger and the boys wouldn't be able to get any attention with Kaito there.
— Kaito —
The internet is a wonderful tool, I'll admit that much. They've made a 'wiki' of monsters to publicly share what information people have managed to gather on both regular monsters and Kaiju.
It's… remarkably barren, which explains why people are so interested in my ability to tame monsters.
Monster evolution wasn't even a theory, they thought that monsters simply spawned and never changed.
Dungeons have been around for a good long while, but they just don't know anything about them. Why they started showing up, what the monsters that spawn in them truly are.
With my power I could probably become this world's foremost expert on monsters, which is an odd position to be in as I definitely don't see myself as an intellectual.
Still, if there's any subject that could keep my attention for me to research it, it'd be monsters. I could see myself spending my time studying monsters, learning the abilities and evolutions of each kind.
Because the more I know about monsters, the more powerful I'll be. A master craftsman needs to know his tools after all.
"So, you really wouldn't mind the researchers studying Blue?" Midnight asks, looking at what I'm typing (and maybe taking some amusement at how slowly I type, it's not my fault I have such large fingers).
"I can see why they're interested, the dungeons and monsters are a threat to everyone, and you need to know your enemy. I don't mind helping their research when it could save lives down the line," I say, making her smile.
I can play the hero role easily enough, this world seems to have a big focus on heroism here, and that's an easy role to play.
I could also become a villain, make a horde of monsters and try and take over the world, but I don't want the world. I'm a leader, but on a much smaller scale than that.
I want a tribe of my own, not a world where I'd have to babysit them and deal with all their little irrelevant issues.
The only benefit to becoming a villain is that I can make heroes fight me by committing crimes, which would serve as good training, but I can arrange that just as easily as a hero.
Sparring with my fellow heroes shouldn't be that hard to set up, especially since I've confirmed that U.A does have a heavy combat focus in its curriculum.
It does have the academic side of schooling that I'm not looking forward to, since apparently the government took offence to just teaching teenagers how to be heroes without giving them 'the skills needed to survive' civilian life, therefore trapping them in the hero business.
But it's the hero courses I'm interested in, combat classes, disaster training, classes to help people learn how to use their 'quirks'.
Then there's the PR classes, which apparently Midnight teaches, designing your uniform and 'brand', learning how to deal with civilians, government agents like the police, and the press.
Oddly enough, I'm somewhat looking forward to that as well, as mother always said that your image is important.
I personally prefer to look like a dumb savage, which is good because that's exactly what I am, but it's still nice to have idiots underestimate my intelligence. Mother wouldn't permit a stupid heir, even if she had a very questionable approach to what I needed to learn.
People can assume I'm an uneducated fool who only knows how to fight, and if they try and take advantage of me they'll find out just how sneaky I can be.
I don't like people trying to manipulate me, and if anyone tries then I'll feed what's left of their corpse to Blue.
That said, I don't mind U.A and the heroes trying to benefit from my powers. I'm here to benefit from their knowledge and connections, after all. We all get something out of this.
I don't entirely agree with their goals, but this isn't my home. My world would rejoice at the dungeons and Kaiju, shit I'm surprised my mother hasn't started unleashing giant monsters at random to keep people on their toes, so the idea that only a select few will even try and fight them in a world where damn-near everyone seems to have a superpower feels wrong to me, they should all be training to weaponise their quirks, but at the end of the day if they want to stay weak, why should I care?
This isn't my world, these aren't my people.
I'm on a journey, and if they don't want to fight the monsters then that's more for me.
Feeling Midnight move back under the covers, her lips wrapping around my cock, I smile and close my phone, putting it on the bedside table.
All work and no play makes Kaito a very bored boy.
— Next Day —
I'm supposed to be meeting with this 'Momo' later today, she picked the location so we're meeting at a 'coffee shop' in the city, but that leaves most of the day to train.
Since I can't go back into the dungeons just yet, though I've been promised that the paperwork to permit me access to all Rank-E dungeons has been filed, I decided to just spend some time sparring with Blue in the combat rooms in U.A.
Blue is basically immune to physical damage, but he's slow and doesn't really know how to fight. He just eats.
Running up to Blue, now in his full size, I dodge as several blue tentacles shoot out from his massive form and try to stab towards me, the sharp points easily piercing into the ground as I roll under his attacks.
He's learnt a few new tricks from our sparring matches, and it's good practice for me to have to dodge his increasingly fast attacks as I run up and kick him.
It doesn't do anything except make him jiggle, since I still don't have any magical attacks so I can't really hurt the giant gelatinous blob, but it's good training all the same.
It's good for me to practice dodging, as the tentacles swing around wildly, and it's good training for him to try and hit an agile target.
He's getting better, and as I dodge under one of the swinging tentacles, I don't notice the one sneaking up to my leg until it's already wrapped around my ankle, yanking me into the air.
The tentacles stab towards me while I'm hung upside down, but they stop inches away from my body, Blue jiggling proudly as he lets me go.
From the height he was holding me, I easily flip back onto my feet, giving Blue a proud pat.
"Good work, Buddy. You're getting sneaky," I praise, smiling. It's only cheating if the other guy does it, there's no such thing as a fair fight.
If you can slit your opponent's throat in their sleep the night before the fight, do it. Honour is for the dead.
Survival and victory are what matters.
To be fair, while my mother would agree, it might be my dad's teaching speaking, he's the true master of fighting dirty.
He'd rather destroy the entire universe the fight is supposed to take place in than engage in a single fair fight.
Dad got to where he is now by lying, cheating, stealing and fucking a lot of mens wives. I'm not sure the last one played a part beyond his motivation to become so strong, but it's definitely worth mentioning.
Tamer Ability Set Unlocked
…I do wish he'd given me even the slightest hint over how my system works, because my powers seem to unlock at the whims of my system.
Which makes way too much sense given who made it.
Please select an ability set
[Personal] [Monsters]
But as always, dad explains nothing and takes amusement in the floundering of everyone else, so I can only roll with it.
So, I can unlock an ability that either affects me or my monsters? Hm.
Buffing Blue more would be nice, but if I actually want to take part in this entry exam, I should go into it with some power of my own.
I've talked to the mouse… dog… bear (seriously, what is Nezu?) and he says I can take part if I want, but it won't actually make a difference since I'm already in on recommendation, but I wanna see how they test their new students.
All he said is that 'I'd certainly enjoy it', which definitely implies there'll be stuff to fight.
So, personal power it is.
[Partial Transformation]
Allows you to take on the features of one of your tamed monsters, gaining their powers and attributes.
[King Blue Slime]
[Full Transformation - Rank D]
Allows you to take on the form of one of your tamed monsters, up to Rank D monsters.
Rank E
[Blue Slime]
Rank D
[Great Blue Slime]
[Tamer's Might]
Grants you abilities based on what monsters you have tamed, only works for Rank B or higher monsters.
[King Blue Slime - Rapid Adaptation]
Slimes, while often seen as weak, can adapt to almost anything, growing more and more resistant to whatever they encounter, which makes an old slime a truly deadly threat.
This allows you to call on your slime's adaptation for yourself, growing resistant to types of damage as you encounter them.
Okay, that's… new.
Looking at my arm, I focus for a moment as I call on my link with Blue, my eyes widening as my skin slowly turns a translucent blue, revealing the bone and sinew beneath before they too become translucent as my arm becomes a featureless blob.
It's hard to control, and some slime drops onto the floor as I blink, shaking it a bit.
Huh, neat.
Blue jiggles in confusion as I turn it back into regular flesh, switching between the two several times as I try out different body parts.
Turning my legs was a mistake, because I just fell flat on my face in a puddle of… myself.
This power has unlimited potential, there are countless types of monsters and that means there's no limit to the amount of forms I can take.
I can see the benefit, if I turn the part of my body that's about to be hit into slime, most attacks would have greatly reduced effect.
The problem is that the transformation isn't particularly fast, it takes me a few seconds to change part of my body at the moment, it's not something I can do in the heat of the moment (yet).
But after a moment, it hits me.
Followed by Blue hitting me, one of the sharp points of his tentacles stabbing into my upper arm as I grit my teeth, before he immediately pulls back and jiggles apologetically, but I told him to do it so it's not like I'm angry at him.
Slimes regenerate incredibly fast, so…
Shifting my arm back into the slime form, I smile as the pain goes away and immediately shift back into my regular form, marvelling at the unmarred skin.
So, a power that lets me heal quickly and a power that lets me adapt after taking damage?
— Nezu —
He'd accessed the camera in the training area out of curiosity, since he knew everything would be combed over by the monster researchers who wanted to know more about 'Blue', but after watching Kaito spend twenty minutes sparring with his monster with no end in sight, he'd gone back to his paperwork.
That was four hours ago, but while he'd gone back to his work, he had left the camera feed on in the background, hearing the sounds of them fighting for hours on end, Kaito joyously praising Blue whenever the Slime managed to catch him off guard or hit him.
It was amusing to him greatly that a monster was being trained in the very room they trained heroes to fight monsters, to be honest.
It wasn't until he heard a maniacal cackle that he finally turned back to the screen, blinking in confusion as he watched Blue spray its acidic juices onto Kaito's arm, the skin melting beneath the corrosive liquid.
His eyes widened, preparing to send a hero to put down the monster that Kaito had obviously lost control over before he froze, watching Kaito turn into a large Blue Slime, both him and Blue bounce around for a minute before he changed back, his arm utterly unharmed as they repeated the process.
"Blue, spray your poison mist at me!"
…perhaps letting Kaito train alone wasn't the best idea.
— Nemuri Kayama (Midnight) —
Arriving at the training room, she blinked as she watched Kaito push his entire arm into Blue's body, gritting his teeth as he forced himself to not scream in pain at his flesh being melted.
She'd been warned about this by Principal Nezu, who had already worked out that Kaito was more responsive to her after their encounters.
"Kaito, are you okay?" Nemuri asked in concern, getting his attention as he pulled his arm back out and focused, the melted flesh turning into the same blue ooze that Blue himself was made of, Kaito sighing in relief.
"I'm fine, pain is just weakness leaving the body," Kaito said with a lazy smirk, Blue jiggling in… concern? It was hard to read the Slime but it was surprisingly emotive at times.
"How are you doing that… and why are you melting yourself?" Nemuri asked, wondering if she'd overestimated Kaito's sanity.
"I've learnt a new part of my Quirk, I can mimic the monsters I've tamed. Slimes regenerate extremely fast, so I can use it to heal any injured part of my body," Kaito explained, before smirking. "As for why? Slimes are also incredibly adaptive, and I've learnt how to take that adaptation for myself."
Wait, just how broken was his Quirk?
"And that explains you melting your arm, how?" Nemuri asked, watching as his arm shifted back, completely unharmed.
"Do you know how corrosive the acid inside Blue is? I promise you, if you put your arm in there for even a second you wouldn't have an arm to pull back out. I left my arm in there for five seconds, barely melting my skin on a surface level. If I'd done that an hour ago, I'd have lost my arm," Kaito explained, her eyes widening in shock and understanding. "I'm not just becoming resistant to Blue's acid, I'm becoming resistant to all acids, sure it hurts like a bitch but I'm getting all the stronger for it."
"You're insane," Nemuri said, shaking her head even as her mind raced.
Adapting to acid was useful, but the implication that he could just keep adapting to anything he was willing to subject himself to made her shiver, on a lot of students it wouldn't be that powerful but on someone as… determined as Kaito?
"Probably, but what's a little pain for a permanent power-up?" Kaito asked, making her sigh.
"You aren't going to stop, are you?" Nemuri relaised, making him simply chuckle. She'd quickly come to understand how Kaito thought. "I- fine, but you're going to see Recovery Girl before you go for your coffee date, and I'm watching to make sure you don't permanently injure yourself," Nemuri demanded, making Kaito nod easily.
"Sure thing, teach," Kaito agreed, and she did like how easygoing he was about things like this. "Okay, let's call it a day for the melting. Blue, hit me."
Bracing himself, Kaito still let out a grunt of pain as Blue's thick tentacle (when did he get those again?), swung forwards and hit him directly in the stomach, knocking him back.
"Oi, don't hold back. Blue, stop feeling guilty, this is just training like when I attack you, it's an important task and I'm trusting you with it," Kaito said encouragingly, standing up and brushing himself off, walking up and patting Blue.
Blue stopped jigging so much, seemingly becoming determined at Kaito's words. Seeing a monster so clearly respond to a pep talk was interesting. Did Kaito's power make them more intelligent?
Watching Kaito 'train' with Blue, she bit her lip as she watched him put himself through the gauntlet, realising something.
She was getting wet, the sadist in her was enjoying watching Kaito suffer for the sake of his training, the way he gritted his teeth and endured more and more attacks before shifting to his slime form and back to himself was turning her on.
How would he respond to her whips? She hadn't brought it up yet because Kaito usually didn't do much talking in the bedroom.
She invited him to her room and within a minute of him arriving she was face down, ass up on her bed with him on top of her.
He wasn't one for foreplay or flirting, she invited him to her room so she could get fucked and so that was exactly what he did.
She'd barely opened the door before he was dragging her to the bed, and despite her usually dominant personality she couldn't deny it felt good to let Kaito just ruin her pussy.
— Kaito — Later —
After being scolded by Recovery Girl (strange name for such an old woman but I guess it means she's been active for a long time which is definitely respectable), I got released to go and meet with my tutor.
But even if this flops, I've definitely had a productive day today.
[Acid Resistance - Rank A]
You are almost completely resistant to acid damage.
[Poison Resistance - Rank B]
You have a greatly increased resistance to all but the most powerful poisons.
[Blunt Resistance - Rank B]
You have a greatly increased resistance to blunt damage.
Blue doesn't actually hit that hard, so eventually my resistance increased so much that I can't adapt to him anymore. I need to train him to hit harder or find someone else who can hit me harder before I can adapt my blunt resistance anymore.
His acid is more powerful than his poison, which is why my acid resistance is higher. I'd be impressed if I could find someone with a more powerful acid than Blue, but I'll just evolve him to try and push that resistance up to the S rank.
Blue's internal acid is more powerful than the acid he sprays, but that was easily solved. Also, if I ever push anyone into Blue, they'll never find the body.
Blue could reduce a regular human body to nothing in seconds.
So yes, I'm more excited than ever to try and find people to spar with, because the more they attack me the more powerful I'll become. The more esoteric the attacks, the better.
I want Midnight to repeatedly subject me to her Quirk, but that can wait for another time as I follow the directions my phone has given me.
I've got Momo's number, and she seems nice from the few messages we've sent back and forth.
I haven't brought Blue with me because a monster researcher has asked to see him today, so I told him to listen to Midnight (as a test for whether he'll listen to other people, which seems to work).
If they hurt him, I told them I'd just refuse to ever let anyone examine my monsters again, which actually seemed more effective than actually threatening to feed them to him, amusingly enough.
Momo sent me a picture of herself, so I spot her easily, sitting in a corner booth as she sips some extremely overpriced coffee and reads a notebook. She's apparently some rich girl since she said she'd pay for the drinks since she chose such a pricey location.
She's beautiful, with long black hair and equally dark eyes, wearing a simple light yellow sundress as she cutely chews on the tip of her pen, frowning in thought.
"Momo, right?" I ask as I approach, making her jump slightly as she turns to me.
To be nice, I actually wore a simple white t-shirt today to go with some jeans, but her eyes still roam my body for a moment as they widen. I guess the picture didn't quite demonstrate just how big I was.
"That's right, Kaito, please take a seat. I wasn't sure what drink you'd like so I just got you a Venti Caramel Crunch Frappuccino, if you don't like it we can order you something else," Momo says as I take a seat, blinking.
"I know… some of those words," I say, making her giggle.
"Don't worry, that's a common reaction to this type of store. How do you normally take your coffee?" Momo asks, making me pause.
"Hot? I'm not exactly a coffee drinker," I admit, taking a sip of the drink she ordered for me, before nodding slightly. "But this works, it's nice," I say, making her smile happily as she arranges the books between us.
I don't think it's worth the price, but I'm not paying so I don't care. If she wants to pay for stupidly expensive drinks with fancy names, so be it.
She's got a cute smile.
Now that I think about it, this place has a lot of cute girls. Thanks dad.
"Now, I've seen the results of the tests you've done so I know what level to start at, I… if I may, did you truly never go to school?" Momo asks, making me smile. It's natural she'd be curious.
"I was raised in the wilds, regular schooling wasn't seen as a priority," I admit, it's the best way I can explain it.
"That must have been an interesting life, you must have plenty of stories to tell," Momo says, her eyes almost sparkling in curiosity.
"Heh, I can think of a few," I agree, before she straightens up.
"Well, we'll be classmates for the next three years, you'll have to tell me about it at some point, but for now we should start with what we're here for," Momo says, catching my brief frown. "Don't worry, it won't be that bad."
Lies, deception.
— Momo Yaoyorozu — Later —
Sitting on the edge of her bed, she combed her hair with a thoughtful smile as she thought about how her first session had gone.
She'd honestly expected Kaito to be dumber than he actually was, if she was being totally honest, just from the grades she saw.
But he was surprisingly smart, behind all those muscles and his wild appearance, she'd very rarely had to explain something more than once before he'd caught on.
It shouldn't have surprised her, not when he was a recommendation student like her, of course he was at least somewhat smart, since U.A had very high standards.
She'd actually seen the SHO thread about him, it was useful to keep up to date on Hero news after all.
A monster taming wild man, with his pet slime? Something about him intrigued her a lot, what was his life like before he returned to civilisation? How did he find himself at U.A?
She'd be lying if she said she didn't find him appealing, as he was much more muscular than most of the boys her age.he already knew he'd be the source of many crushes from the girls and just as much jealousy from the men.
At least tutoring him would go well if he kept up with his current progress, and it would be nice to start her time at U.A with a friend.
— Next Day —
Since it was such a nice day, she'd picked a park as the location to meet up with Kaito today, one where she knew there was a place to get food and drinks.
She was still new to Musutafu, only coming here because she wanted to attend U.A, the best school for future heroes, so she'd decided to show up early and look around, get used to her new city.
This proved to be something of a mistake.
"Come on, don't be like that, it'll be fun," one of the older boys who was bothering her said, grabbing her arm as she tried to walk past him.
Apparently this park was a hangout for students from the local college, and she'd quickly found herself being bothered by a group of older boys.
She wasn't scared of course, she was a hero in training and they looked like civilians, but she didn't have her provisional licence yet so she wasn't allowed to use her Quirk in public unless it was a dungeon break or Kaiju attack.
"Unhand me, I already told you that I'm here to meet with someone," Momo said, pulling her arm back with a glare, which didn't faze the idiot in front of her.
"Oh, got a boyfriend already? Well, I won't tell if you don't," he said, making his friends chuckle as he gripped her chin, making her look up at him.
He probably thought he was being alluring, or that she'd be attracted to an older 'pretty boy' like him, but she could tell he put way too much effort into his appearance to cover for his natural looks. It made him look more desperate than attractive.
"I don't have a boyfriend, and even if I did I wouldn't be interested in the kind of fun you have in mind, now get out of my way," Momo said sternly, knocking his hand away and crossing her arms.
It wasn't until she had already done it that she realised that she'd accidentally pushed her breasts together in the process, seeing the man's eyes flicker to the cleavage of her dress.
She preferred revealing clothes since her Quirk required exposed skin, but that didn't mean she particularly enjoyed being leered at by idiots.
"Now, that's not very-" the guy started before he trailed off, looking over her shoulder as he gulped slightly.
He was a few inches taller than her, but he was looking up at whatever he was looking at, and the heavy footsteps made her smile as she already knew who was behind her.
"Oi, take a hint and fuck off," Kaito's gruff voice said as she turned around, watching as he walked past one of the guys who was circling her, casually pushing him aside with enough force to send the smaller male tumbling to the ground.
"Y-yeah, what's it to you?" the main harasser asked, trying to look tough despite being obviously intimidating by Kaito.
Kaito wasn't that much taller, but he probably weighed twice as much and it was all muscle.
"I don't want to listen to people whining at me because I broke some little shit who didn't know when to get fucked," Kaito said simply, walking by her side as the idiot took a single step back.
"Oh yeah? There's four of us and-" the idiot started again, cutting off as Kaito simply grabbed him by the throat, lifting him into the air.
"And maybe if your friends run away and fetch a couple dozen more men, it'll be a challenge," Kaito said simply, holding the man in the air with one arm, showing no strain as the guy flailed slightly, trying to get free.
"Kaito, I think he gets the point," Momo said, gently placing a hand on Kaito's chest, making him scoff as he dropped the fool.
Her words were immediately proven wrong, as Kaito turned to her and the man stabled to his feet, face red as he threw a punch at Kaito the moment the larger man turned away.
It was a cowardly attack, but as the fist connected with Kaito's jaw, Kaito didn't even budge as he calmly turned back to his attacker.
Kaito's fist lashed out in return, much faster as the idiot didn't even have time to react before the meaty fist smashed into his nose, making an unpleasant cracking noise as the poor fool was sent flying back, landing on his backside as blood poured from the clearly broken nose.
"If you idiots want to fight, I'll give you all a free hit. Then I'm going to beat the shit out of every single one of you, and I'm going to enjoy it," Kaito said simply as he turned to the others, but it seemed they were smarter than their leader as they turned and ran.
Kaito seemed disappointed as he sighed, turning back to the still dazed fool on the ground.
"I think that's enough, Kaito, they definitely got the message at this point," Momo said gently, making him sigh.
"Run, little man, and run fast," Kaito said simply, watching the man scramble to his feet and do exactly that. "Pft, they could have at least put up a fight. Dumbass clearly doesn't know how to throw a punch."
"Thank you, Kaito," Momo said simply, making him chuckle.
"Like you couldn't have handed them their asses on a platter," Kaito said, making her blush slightly.
It was nice that he did know she was a good fighter, but he wasn't actually right…
"Without my Quirk, it would have been difficult and I didn't want to risk my place at U.A by getting into a fight with civilians," Momo admitted, making Kaito laugh.
"Well, I don't need my Quirk to beat someone's ass, and they're welcome to try and tell me off. I'll happily tell them where they can stick their complaints," Kaito said easily, utterly unconcerned. "Whatever, let's get back to you torturing me with maths, you demoness."
Giggling, she slapped his chest gently, enjoying the feel of his muscles through the thin shirt.
"It's not that bad you big baby," Momo teased, making him scoff.
"If I find out who thought adding letters to mathematics was a good idea, I'll break their scrawny little necks. It'd probably be the most heroic thing I'll ever do," Kaito grumbled, making her giggle again as she led him to some benches, giving him a smile.
He wasn't exactly a knight in shining armour, but a barbarian in a black tank top was pretty nice as well.
— Bonus Scene — Izumi Midoriya
It was just for research purposes, that's all.
She was just curious, there was no way something that big could actually fit in a woman, it was impossible, right?
The moans of the girl in the video made her face turn bright red, watching as she sunk down onto the large cock, starting to ride.
Maybe it was just the camera or the angle, but Kaito's looked bigger.
Her curiosity drove her further, searching the site for one that was as large as Kaito's (not including those questionable videos of people who had… animalistic quirks which definitely muddied certain laws, was it bestiality if the horse cock was attached to a human with a horse quirk?), finding one where the male actor was as well-endowed as Kaito.
But the female actor in the video was a full grown woman, much bigger than her and even she seemed to struggle as the man bent her over and-
Oh, it wasn't going in her vagina…
It could even fit up that hole?
Wait, why were there more guys coming into- oh.
Quickly trying to close the video, she heard footsteps approaching her room and panicked, fumbling the mouse as she tried to close the tab, only managing to maximise the video in the process as the door started to open.
As the door opened, she desperately reached for her keyboard, panicking as she hit the wrong key.
"Izumi, I- Oh!" Inko started, going bright red as the sounds of flesh clapping together and the girl's muffled moans flooded the room, the sound turned up by her flailing.
She knew how it looked, only wearing her panties and t-shirt, bright red as she went to try and explain herself, the video loudly playing in the background.
"I'll come back later, dear," Inko said simply, slamming the door closed.
…why was this happening to her?"
Author’s Note: No I won’t stop stealing PHO for every superhero world. Tell me it doesn’t make sense for a world like MHA to have something like it.
Yes I also stole OPM characters, because Tatsumaki and Fubuki make my pp hard.
Also, it took a lot of effort not to put Mumen Rider in the ‘confirmed fatalities’ list.
I am entirely motivated by praise and interaction, so leave a review and I’ll probably write faster.
I have a discord server (technically someone else’s but my name is on the server so it’s basically mine) with a bunch of other authors and a load of porn. Here’s the link for that: discord .gg/wd3tUYWVCd
I also have a bad P word that FF doesn’t like, what’s on it? Right now, nothing that you can’t find elsewhere and I don’t know if that will change to be honest, I don’t like the idea of paywalling content but I also like money to fund my pizza and games addiction, so here’s the link for that as well: Pat reon . com/TheDarkWolfShiro