
Funeral in Nocturnal Heaven

The trumpets screamed as it strikes midnight. I had to escort the reincarnated souls of the Juty war where I'm heading. The verisimilitude of the sun peeped behind the bluish-gray clouds like a blur fading in and out. The city of Vermic masqueraded dinner consuming balls of Namu instead of protein-filled plate bought in flying sachets. I stretched my arms soon after immersing on a sword fight with a Yuvi fairy. The muscular small creatures living inside the dark caves.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

I partly meditate but when I do it's life after death before I decide to move on to my next task. I slumbered for one hundred years. Enough strength to kill dozens of mizus in minutes. The deceptive man molesting sleeping women. Victims described to have brown hazel eyes angled perfectly under their bushy eyebrow, pink plump lips exude complexity between their cheekbones and peach rose skin rounded off its exotic features. Misleading a face of monster. Sucking their blood. Eating their memories. Raping its souls. Deranged women are tortured outside the city left to die. The Gods blame their sexuality to inferiority against man. Giving birth to a god-flesh eating monsters.

The dead creeps at their golden graves. The homeless Sertavs rescued by guardians. I am the son of Micur, a human-winged guardian warrior battling the Mizus for millions of years. Master Zhang sold his horse to send me back to the mortal world through a ceremonial opening of the portal. "I shall look after the dead poets" They are the rotting skulls of the Underworld lurking at new visitors. The one I'll be escorting. The sertavs are harmless. They are innocent souls locked out of heaven.

"When are you going back?" Animals are fed to the higher power. Granting an escape for angels like us. Thousands are eager to promenade in the unknown. The earthly sound rumbles down the floor. The cry of the sinners. The money-grubbing peasants. The rulers of the greedy era powerful than us. The only tool to deceive an angel is the sword made out of fire. It burns the pinion. One I've never seen in battles.

"My wife died million years ago" A handless dilapidated statue flung and submerged down the ocean. The mizus killed her. The other side of the story I don't believe. She married a rich mortal but not under water. They were under my heaven. Bustling down the floor. Gossiping the dead. Quaffing the blood of a fruit that poisoned me.

"She pleaded for your life" Human fights angels. In this humane world horizon exists between us. When darkness overpowers the light, fallen angels are reborn. Like the betrayal of befriending and falling in love with a mortal. It can turn you into an evil.

"It was a mistake. She betrayed me" The roses would shrink at the look of her. I'll kill her. The mask hanged on a facade witnessed as her nails scrathced my face. Blood spurted out. Limerence was poisonous than the venom of Luzaru's snake. The devil. The castles and the gate promised to open if he prayed to gods to save his soul. He's the true king of the sinful immortals trudging the streets of Vemic. Worshipers are dead clasping his ankles 'Save us'.

Why does demons don't rot in hell? But angels do. The babies. They were killed and burned before they speak. My son. A harmless child. This is a place called Nocturnal Heaven having funerals for souls who shouldn't be dead.

"The Gods told you to kill your child and you were too obedient"

"They'll turn them into a Mizu. The jealous Gods clapping at our suffering" Madden sky had opened. The night vanished for hours. The sinners, demons, fallen angels and mizus hid well on earth. Light burns its skin turning it into ashes and soon vanishes to the world of nothingness. Not even in hell. No one knows.

"The prophecy had begun. You have to accept your fate" Silence slammed the door, opened the windows and cleansed the streets. The noise had gone. The agony and pain of ubiquitous evilness freed on land howling at every corner. This is the time at peace. Not even darkness in sight. We must pray. The chant of angels played in loop.

The heaven spoke to Zhang. A qigong master and the messenger of the Guardians preventing harm against the Azer of Vermic. A monk meddled humans to be saved fromtheir deaths faced a prevailing punishment. The black magic had given to him. In return for his unlawful wrongdoings from heaven, the Gods gifted him an eternal life in the city of Vermic and nevermore can return back to the earth.

"Your brother will look after the city" he added.

Khan, the mighty lord of Farok. The king of the woman warriors. Given an equivalent position under their government, they had the strongest and most powerful official guardians. All are women. Four classified positions from highest to average had a vast training in sword fighting. The lowest position are known to be two times stronger than the guardians of Vermic.

Harbo uses telepathy and invisibility to fight. The wingless and giant creatures uses solely mind powerto kill the enemies. Their golden hair symbolizes the sun as where they took all the energies in battles. Harbo's weakness comes from the light of the moon and the darkness of night. They are visible at dawn and enemies could defeat them easily. Fourth and ranked last in the position of the Khan's army, they usher others where to attack.

Herit are wives of Khan. Flaunting their skin and luring the enemies are their skill and power. They give in once the Herit removes their clothes and cut off their heads with a lightning sword. The land of Farok had five Herits. The queens married to lord Khan. They lost their children in nocturnal heaven. Misery of not being able to give birth and raise a child again caused row between them and Khan. Even if he forbids his wives to visit the city of Vermic, they doesn't abide by his rules. The third ranked warriors portray women fighting for justice. Gods hated them. The herits are heartless but when it comes to a child, they become vulnerable.

Li are small fairies trained to fight in group. Millions exists in battles. It outnumbered the troop of guardians from other cities after feasting the flesh of mizus. The price of victory means mounted in numbers of Li fairies. Its razor teeth are its weapons made from a metal sword. Its wings had a venom that poisons anyone who touch it. The second strongest of Khan's guardian has one fear – the sword of yuvi fairies.

Long time ago, the Yuvi and Li had bad blood after the betrayal of one of its leaders and put a kibosh on its affair. He sold half of the Li fairies and fed them to an old Mizu. They were powerless to fight. When Khan found them inside a cave skulking for food, he took them to Farok and built an army. The Yuvi fairies stole a magical sword from the Li and asked the Gods to grant it the power to kill any fairies except them. Yuvi have hundreds of their own while Li have millions. Li fairies are in a hunt to find the sword and kill all the Yuvis.

It's a war between guardians and fairies. I've known Imu and he's not like the Yuvi fairies that's greedy of power. We had an agreement. I must feed and keep him for his protection and he will train me to fight. A certain specie of human-sized fairy dreamed of living in the city of Vermic. He told me his plans of reuniting the Yuvi and Li and put an end to war between them.

Now, it's hopeless to save the affair after a wild goose chase.

The fairies are building an empire of their own stronger than Khans. My brother had meetings with the Gods everyday and was occupied by taking orders from them. Our kin used to be their servants and passed on to their sons. We are the last of our blood.

The first and top guardian warriors are the Mehar. The well-educated Philosophers in Academia battling and rallying against the Gods. The dauntless soldiers in debate plotting an underhanded plan to the higher power's will in court. Khan protects them from harm in return they must serve the guardians in Farok and teach them how to read and write. They gusted over their teachings of the possibility of having democracy. On the sly, all they hoped for was to destroy them and take their positions using intellectual powers sacrificing themselves for the greater good.

Not all guardians are granted to enter school. Mehars are half-god and half-guardian born with great power to live life according to their convictions with liberation. Khan convinced them to join his army and spread their philosophy in Farok. The negotiation became a nefarious act of manipulating the God's orders which Khan wasn't completely convinced.

Every guardians respect Khan and his government.

I'm his brother who hids behind his shadow. The guardian ruler of the city of Vermic. He granted and entrusted his troops under my position and I'm not as strong-willed as he is. I flee and married an alluring mortal. Her name was Alexa.

"Where is he?" My brother. I asked Master zhang. The door opened. Khan bustled behind the room where I sumber. No other furniture except a chair sitting on the giant thick clouds.

"I am here." He dropped the tone of his voice. "I am sorry for what happened to you."

He offered me his new sword to be used in the Juty war.

"Humans are weak. They don't have the capacity in this world where we belong. We must obey the Gods." He palliated the tension inside. " Right now, they are mighty than all of our forces combined."

"I killed my son" I leaped at my mistake shedding tears at the thought his death.

"We could've saved him only if she followed my orders. It was too late."

"You loved her more than your child. The Gods let you choose between your wife and the baby and you chosed her."

"But she poisoned me" Khan advanced. The shadow of a sword he dragged away from the floor. The face of dismay and shame got my vision opened to an unforgivable scene.

"Did you see her? She was tricked to poison you" The baffling image I coudn't account for. He showed me his vision of Alexa before her death. She was reincarnated many times. She dashed away from the guardians in task to kill her and erase her memories.

"And she stole the Yuvi's sword" he envisaged the day he last saw her. "The fairies are after her".

The portal to the mortal world has opened. The gate to the other side of the world. The whereabouts of metathesis laying under my heaven, the city of Vermic. The Azer came present to the event. The good immortals. And the evils flourishing in darkness are not allowed to join the ceremony.

Hundreds of guardians will depart on a journey towards the mortal world to hunt and save the Sertavs from Mizus and bring them to the city. The shackled souls pondered earth as if they're alive. Death came suprisingly to them.

"Save her! She needs you."

Everyone applauded as the chosen guardians enthraled in line to the portal. The Gods had given a seat far from us taking part at the ceremony. They hailed shrouding their faces behind the light as we maqueraded the belief they deserve the heaven's seat. It's a mere flogged a dead horse. They're nothing but a mystery in this world.

The sky turned into vermilion, a brilliant red changed in color. The rain pelted down and submerged our feet in blood. The unseen pathos of fearful battle was imposed on us. The sound of war and the metallic weapons clashed coming from the outside of the portal. The end of the long tunnel can be hardly seen like a black hole as soaring stardust gravitate towards the starry night. They all rose from the ground. The lost souls we must find.

Support the guardians to their journey on the next chapter! What will happen now to the city of Vermic? I hope you like the first chaper of my story!!! Keep on reading!!

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