
The Guardian: A Tale of Protector and his Unwavering Loyalty

In the World of Magic and Technology, since ancient times everything was peaceful living together with magic and happiness, but as time goes by magic was wielded with bad intentions that might harm anyone or the entire human race. But, after the Wars, new forces arrives that is a very threat of humanity. Unknown forces or entity appeared through our world, using the Gates or Portals that humanity do not know. As this events keeps happening, one by one... Our world changed from a United World into a Split Fraction between the 4 Fractions that separated all of humanity. The Royalty/Nobility Fractions, Military Fractions, Freedom Fractions, and the Neutral Fractions. Because of this fractions that was formed, everyone or most of them has other agendas or there own personal gains instead of dealing the threats of humanity. Because of that, the Royalty/Nobility Fraction and Military Fraction join forces created an alliance that will prevent the people/awakeners/players stopping them. The Freedom Fractions created a peace treaty and joint forces with the Neutral Fraction to slow down that other 2 Fractions, to help and nurture the young generations and instead of oppressing them from those 2 Fractions. the Freedom Fraction and the rest of the remaining United Nations who are currently active created multiple associations to help there journey and solve the current problems. The Church has been always allied with the Freedom Fraction by generations and generations. This is a story of a young ordinary boy, who has luck at his side that will become "One of the Guardians of Humanity" in the near or far future, Accel. -Enjoy Reading-

ItsAccelDude · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

Season 1 Chapter 12: "New Semester and Leveling Up Part 1"

(2nd Week of January 2018 --- Monday --- Delayed New Semester)

After spending and serving the Ishikawa about almost 3 weeks, a new semester has now come to the National Mastery Academy, though it was extended one week due to lack of preparation. Because there was an issue came to the Academy that they had to deal it first.

If you are wondering what happened 3 weeks ago in the territories of Ishikawa Family it was a total chaos for Accel. The reason is when Miss Sakura makes mistakes in making potions either explodes or something eerie will appear. Because of that, he gained new passive skills.

(Passive Skills Obtained)

1. Basic Poison Resistance (V)

2. Basic Fire Resistance (V)

3. Basic Cold Resistance (V)

4. Basic Explosion Impact Resistance (V)

With this resistance that I acquired dealing for the past 3 weeks got easier, but not only that. What Sir Ishikawa said about people going in and out of there territory was true, they were spies from other lords from different territories of Philippines, the reason is because they want to steal the ingredients and instructions for the potion they are making.

But, what terrified me the most from a week ago was my first kill. The very first time I killed a human being like me, but there was no other choice because Miss Sakura might be on danger if I didn't kill one of them. Of course, my reactions was not good, I vomited because of the blood and other reason.

After that incident, Sir Ishikawa gave me a Calming Potion, to calm my mind down from that incident. They said to let me rest for a few days and went back escorting Miss Sakura. But, I continued escorting her knowing the dangers, because it is for the sake of my long-term goals to increase my social ranks. And just like that a week later, the new semester has started.

I went back to my dorm and Welt was not yet here, but his belongings are here that is already been unpacked. Maybe he is on the Dorm Cafeteria...

(Building B Cafeteria --- Morning --- Academy's Dorm Building)

I went to the Cafeteria to meet both of them or either of them, Raizah and Welt. After looking and finding them, I saw them near the balcony so I went there and said hello...

Accel: "It's been awhile you two, how are you? Did you have fun at your Christmas Break?"

Welt: "Oh, Accel. It's been awhile. I am fine, I went home and mostly rest and train that is all. What I did, hahaha."

Raizah: "Hello... Well I did went home... but... yeah... I spend mostly with my family, that is all... I did learn knew stuff from my older brother advice and tips for adventuring and stuff..."

Accel: "I see..."

Welt: "Accel, did you change?"

Accel: "Huh? What do you mean, Welt?"

Welt: "I sense your vibe has changed or I am just overthinking... Well... nevermind..."

Accel Thoughts: "I see... So, this is what the Knights of Ishikawa is saying to me, once you killed a human that person vibes will change... I don't know what change but, I'll try to figure it out. What changes... Man... Welt manage to know but not confirm..."

Raizah: "Welt and Accel, have your heard about the on March for the requirements to go to the next level?"

Accel and Welt: "No?"

Raizah: "According to my older brother, all grade 7 to 9 will compete in a battle royale, basically everyone will be doing solo, not allowed making groups or party something like that."

Accel: "Wow. Is there a choice for temporarily making allies?"

Raizah: "Yes, but my older brother said its not recommended due to many betrayals and conflicts..."

Welt: "I see... Then, let's temporarily disband our party and level up this few months, so what do you think guys?"

Raizah: "I agree. I need to learn more skills and improve my skill efficiency. I think I will head tomorrow to the National Association and get some solo quest."

Accel: "Also me, I'll agree. I need to work hard and improve my abilities."

Accel Thoughts: "Good, I can do that job better, since we will temporarily disband our party... Serve and Escort Miss Sakura... I heard she said she wanted to become a adventurer in the National Association... Sir Ishikawa told me advance about this... hmm..."

(Few Hours Later --- National Association --- Nobles Room #55)

Accel: "Miss Sakura, are you sure you wanted to become an adventurer?"

Miss Sakura: "I already said yes, even Father agreed about it."

Accel: "But, his reactions was not agreeable though... Fine, I will help you. Since you chose support, I will be fighting the front you must stay close. I will also ask some of the Ishikawa Knights to join us, since I can't do it alone protecting the Sir Ishikawa's Daughter, do you understand, Miss Sakura?"

Miss Sakura: "I know already... Thank you again."

(Few Minutes Later --- Reception Desk)

After our little discussion with Miss Sakura, I help he register becoming a adventurer. The Knights of Ishikawa are already adventurers who are C-Ranks. It was amazing that they reach that level. 

(Another Several Minutes Later --- Dense Forest)

We pick the most easy quest for Miss Sakura, we chose 3 quests because it has high guaranteed that she might rank up her player card. They are:

1. Pick at least 10 to 20 Herbal Plants. (VP 10)

2. Defeat 5 Horn Rabbits. (VP 15)

3. Obtained 5 Wild Boar Meat. (VP 25)

The forest air was thick with the scent of pine and damp earth. Sunlight filtered through the canopy, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. Accel led the group, flanked by the three Ishikawa Knights—Hiroshi, Takeshi, and Yuki—while Miss Sakura trailed close behind, her eyes wide with excitement and determination.

Accel: "Alright, everyone. Let's start with gathering the herbal plants. Miss Sakura, stay close and watch how we identify and collect them."

Hiroshi: "Keep an eye out for any threats, Accel. We'll cover the perimeter."

The group spread out slightly, maintaining a tight formation as they searched the underbrush for the herbs. Accel knelt beside a patch of plants, examining them closely.

Accel: "These are the ones we're looking for. Miss Sakura, come take a look."

Miss Sakura: "These are so small... How do you tell them apart from the others?"

Accel: "The shape of the leaves and the slight blue hue on the edges. You'll get the hang of it with practice."

Miss Sakura mimicked Accel's movements, carefully picking the herbs and placing them in her pouch. The knights remained vigilant, scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger.

Yuki: "We have ten plants already. Let's move on to the horn rabbits."

Accel nodded and they advanced deeper into the forest. They soon reached a clearing where the ground was dotted with burrows.

Takeshi: "This is where we'll find the horn rabbits. They're quick, so be ready."

Miss Sakura gripped her staff tightly, her eyes scanning the area nervously. Accel noticed her apprehension and gave her a reassuring smile.

Accel: "Don't worry, we'll handle the fighting. Just stay back and support us if needed."

With a nod, Miss Sakura took her position. Accel and the knights spread out, ready to flush the rabbits from their burrows. A rustle in the bushes signaled the start of the hunt.

Hiroshi: "There! On the left!"

A horn rabbit darted out, its sharp horns glinting in the sunlight. Accel dashed forward, his sword slicing through the air. The rabbit dodged but ran straight into Takeshi's spear.

Takeshi: "One down!"

The hunt continued, with the team quickly dispatching the remaining rabbits. Miss Sakura watched intently, occasionally casting a minor healing spell on the knights when they sustained small injuries.

Miss Sakura: "That was... intense. But we did it."

Accel: "You did great, Miss Sakura. Now, let's move on to the wild boars. They can be more dangerous, so stay alert."

They moved to a denser part of the forest where wild boars were known to roam. The atmosphere was tense, the silence broken only by the rustling of leaves and distant animal calls.

Yuki: "There, in the clearing. A group of boars."

Accel: "Alright, knights, let's form a perimeter. Miss Sakura, stay behind us and be ready with your spells."

The boars noticed the group and snorted aggressively, preparing to charge. Accel raised his sword, signaling the start of the battle. The boars charged, and the knights met them head-on. Accel engaged the largest boar, using his agility to dodge its tusks and deliver precise strikes.

Miss Sakura: "Accel, watch out!"

A boar broke through the knights' line, heading straight for Accel. He barely managed to deflect its charge, but it left him off-balance. Miss Sakura, in a moment of bravery, cast a freezing spell, encasing the boar's legs in ice.

Accel: "Nice job, Miss Sakura!"

With the boar immobilized, Accel finished it off. The rest of the knights quickly dispatched the remaining boars.

Takeshi: "We got the meat. Let's head back before more show up."

The group collected the wild boar meat and made their way back to the quest base. Miss Sakura's face was flushed with excitement and pride.

Miss Sakura: "We did it! Thank you, everyone. I couldn't have done it without you."

Accel: "You did great, Miss Sakura. This is just the beginning. You'll become a skilled adventurer in no time."

After doing all the three quests, we headed back to the National Association and confirmed the three quest completion, because of that Miss Sakura Solo-Adventure Rank has risen from G Rank to F Rank. She was happy that she earn her first rewards with the help of her friend and the knights...

(End of Chapter 12 Part 1 Upcoming Part 2)

I kind of overdid the words its more than 1250 words so yeah. Thanks for reading, my mental state is kind of good right now. Sending Part 2 tomorrow!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

ItsAccelDudecreators' thoughts