
The Guardian: A Tale of Protector and his Unwavering Loyalty

In the World of Magic and Technology, since ancient times everything was peaceful living together with magic and happiness, but as time goes by magic was wielded with bad intentions that might harm anyone or the entire human race. But, after the Wars, new forces arrives that is a very threat of humanity. Unknown forces or entity appeared through our world, using the Gates or Portals that humanity do not know. As this events keeps happening, one by one... Our world changed from a United World into a Split Fraction between the 4 Fractions that separated all of humanity. The Royalty/Nobility Fractions, Military Fractions, Freedom Fractions, and the Neutral Fractions. Because of this fractions that was formed, everyone or most of them has other agendas or there own personal gains instead of dealing the threats of humanity. Because of that, the Royalty/Nobility Fraction and Military Fraction join forces created an alliance that will prevent the people/awakeners/players stopping them. The Freedom Fractions created a peace treaty and joint forces with the Neutral Fraction to slow down that other 2 Fractions, to help and nurture the young generations and instead of oppressing them from those 2 Fractions. the Freedom Fraction and the rest of the remaining United Nations who are currently active created multiple associations to help there journey and solve the current problems. The Church has been always allied with the Freedom Fraction by generations and generations. This is a story of a young ordinary boy, who has luck at his side that will become "One of the Guardians of Humanity" in the near or far future, Accel. -Enjoy Reading-

ItsAccelDude · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

Season 1 Chapter 11: "Ishikawa (石川) Family Part 2"

(Next Day --- Ishikawa Family Dorm #5 --- December 2017 --- 4th Week)

Today, marks my first day becoming a butler of the Ishikawa Family. Yesterday, the butlers brought all my belongings to my designated dorm room #5, one of the maids also gave me my uniform for tomorrow, I also sense enhancements place on the butler's uniform, when I check the uniform there was "Fire Resistance", "Blast Resistance", "Cold Resistance", and "Poison Resistance". 

I do not know why this kind of resistance was place and maybe I will soon find it out later. After the early morning preparation and wearing my butler's uniform, a knock on the door came. One of the butler told me that to gather at the outside dorm for inspection before starting the actual jobs.

(Several Minutes Later)

After the inspection, that was trying to check if there is no harmful items or weapons that either the maids and butlers are holding will be immediately, but temporarily confiscated that will be returned later night. After that, one of the Head of the Butler of the Ishikawa Family talked to about, what roles will I take.

Head Butler: "Hello, Accel. I am the Head Butler of the Ishikawa Family, Samuel Waverly. Now, then... For the roles that was given to you by Lord Ishikawa is to guard and watch over his daughter, if there are some signs of dangers."

Accel: "What kind of dangers are you talking about, Sir Samuel?"

Head Butler Samuel Waverly: "There are signs that unknown people are going in and out of the Rivershire Town. And at the same time, protect her daughter especially when comes to potion making. Because some of her potions sometimes explodes by seconds or few minutes. That is all, come and follow me. I shall guide you to her."

Accel: "I see. I understand, but how do I deal those unknown people, Sir Samuel. I am still a low-ranking player and I am still not ready fighting them..."

(Note: Accel is still 12 years old, though he might be mature. But, he still a kid.)

Head Butler Samuel Waverly: "You don't need to deal with them, all you have to do is bring her out of danger, that is all he asked."

Accel: "Okay, I shall do my best. I shall guard her and escort her safely when danger comes."

Head Butler Samuel Waverly: (Nodded) "Okay, I thank you for that. And one more thing, I shall give you this potion for the upcoming next week. This is called "Potion of Disguise" it allows you to transform into another person, but the duration is between the minimum of 8 hours and maximum of 10 hours from Lord Ishikawa."

Accel: "Can you tell, Sir Ishikawa... A Thank you."

Head Butler Samuel Waverly: "Okay, follow me, Accel. Let's head towards to Miss Sakura."

(Few Minutes Later)

The Head Butler knocks the door of Miss Sakura's Living Room, upon entering the room of Miss Sakura, the Head Butler starts instructing me what to do first...

Head Butler Samuel Waverly: "Miss Sakura, this is Accel. He will be your personal butler and protector. Accel, your primary duty is to ensure Miss Sakura's safety, especially during her potion-making sessions. Now, let's start with the basic protocols."

Miss Sakura: (smiling) "Nice to meet you, Accel! I hope we can become good friends."

Accel: (bowing slightly) "Nice to meet you too, Miss Sakura. I will do my best to serve and protect you."

Head Butler Samuel Waverly: "First, Accel, you must always be attentive to Miss Sakura's needs. This includes preparing her workspace, ensuring all materials are at hand, and maintaining a vigilant watch for any potential hazards. Miss Sakura, please show Accel your potion-making lab."

Miss Sakura: "Of course! Follow me, Accel."

(Few Minutes Later)

Miss Sakura leads Accel to a large, well-equipped potion-making lab. The room is filled with shelves lined with various ingredients, vials, and bubbling concoctions.

Miss Sakura: "This is where I spend most of my time. Potion-making is a delicate process, and sometimes, it can be quite dangerous. That's why I need someone like you to help keep me safe."

Accel: "I understand. I will stay close and keep a watchful eye."

Miss Sakura: "Great! Let's start with a simple healing potion. I'll show you the steps, and you can help me with the ingredients."

Accel watches closely as Miss Sakura demonstrates the process. She moves with practiced ease, carefully measuring and mixing ingredients. Accel helps by fetching items and ensuring the workspace remains organized.

Accel: "You're really good at this, Miss Sakura. How long have you been making potions?"

Miss Sakura: "Since I was very little. My family has been doing this for generations. It's a lot of fun, but it can be tricky. Sometimes, potions can explode if we're not careful."

As if on cue, a nearby vial starts to bubble ominously.

Accel: "Miss Sakura, that vial—!"

Miss Sakura quickly grabs a cooling cloth and wraps it around the vial, preventing it from overheating.

Miss Sakura: "Thanks for the heads-up, Accel. See what I mean? It can get dangerous."

Accel: "I see. I'll make sure to be extra vigilant."

As the day progresses, Accel continues to assist Miss Sakura, learning more about potion-making and becoming more confident in his role as her protector. Despite the occasional mishap, he finds himself enjoying the work and the company.

Later that evening, after a successful day in the lab, Miss Sakura and Accel sit down for a break.

Miss Sakura: "You did great today, Accel. I feel much safer with you around."

Accel: "Thank you, Miss Sakura. I'm glad I could help. I'll do my best to keep you safe every day."

Miss Sakura: "I'm sure you will. Now, let's relax a bit. We deserve it after all that hard work."

While Accel was relaxing, he also took the chance to look around the potion labs, there was so many and different kinds of potion, but Accel do not know what are there effects and suddenly he found a weird looking potions and ask Miss Sakura about it...

Accel: "Miss Sakura, what are this weird looking shapes potions?"

Miss Sakura: "Oh that, you shouldn't touch that or drink that, we called them Random Effect Potion."

Accel: "Random Effect Potion? What does it do, Miss Sakura?"

Miss Sakura: "Its gives random effects and the side effects gives it temporarily or permanent. We ask the National Association about this and they deem this potion an Legendary Tier, but has risk. So, be careful about it."

Accel: "I see... Thank you, Miss Sakura..."

Accel Thoughts: "Hmm... It peeks my curiosity about this Random Effect Potion..."

(End of Chapter 11 Part 2)

I will just send this before having a Mental Break. But, at least I was able to hold up. Please give me your support, i appreciate it. Thanks!

ItsAccelDudecreators' thoughts