

A Harry Potter fanfiction with some changes and a much larger universe. Courage, knowledge, loyalty and ambition, characteristics of the four houses and what is essential to fulfill every purpose, is what Alexander embodies in this overwhelming adventure through the magical world of Harry Potter, avoiding intrigues and fighting against darkness, in the search for keeping your loved ones safe and conquering worlds along the way. English is not my first language, please report any errors in the comments. I do not own Harry Potter or any of its characters or settings, only my own characters.

DaoistWXmQpJ · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
4 Chs


1988 - London, England; Saint Thomas Hospital, room 307.

Third person POV.

Only the constant sound of the vital signs monitor could be heard, accompanied by the breathing of a child of about 10 years old in the spacious room. From one moment to the next, drops of water began to fall outside the window, announcing the beginning of a rain, which in a short time became a storm full of lightning and winds that threatened to flood the city, just at that moment the young man who was previously unconscious in bed opened his eyes abruptly and disoriented.

POV Alexander Thawne.

An unfamiliar white ceiling, the smell of antiseptic, the sound of falling water and the sensation of only wearing thin pajamas is the first thing I notice when I wake up, disoriented and a little alert due to the surroundings that I did not recognize, I tried to sit up, to discovering that a horrible vertigo came over me, accompanied by the urge to vomit, which made me lie down again on the bed I was in; Closing my eyes to try to overcome the discomfort that was flooding my body I thought: "well, let's analyze, where are we? In a hospital, why are we in a hospital? I fell unconscious after grandpa's funeral, why did I lose consciousness?" It was at that moment that a series of memories came to mind, like a tidal wave, more specifically those of a series of children's books and movies called "Harry Potter." I went blank for a moment, before I finally A not-so-polite exclamation came out of my mouth:


- Oh, I see you woke up Mr. Thawne.

Hearing a woman's voice, I turned my face and saw in the doorway what was clearly a nurse, who seemed relieved to see me awake.

- How do you feel?; the nurse asked.

- Well, thanks for asking, although with a bit of a headache; I responded as I sat up to remain seated.

- I'm glad to hear that; she replied as she walks over to approach me and start checking me out.

- Besides the headache, do you feel any other discomfort?

- No; I responded.

- Okay, I'll go call your doctor; she said as she left the room.

After the nurse left, I sat on the edge of the bed, and began to try to organize all the information that filled my mind: "First, my name is Alexander Thawne, at least in this world, I am the son of Carlos Thawne. , writer and Martha Thawne, teacher, I have a little brother 3 years younger than me named Magnus and a grandfather whom I love very much, well until a few days ago when on the way to a business meeting, the car in which my grandfather was traveling was hit by another who ran a red light and unfortunately my grandfather died"; Sighing and sad about the death of my grandfather, I tried to remember my name in my original world but I couldn't, there was nothing, except for the innate feeling that I knew I had been reincarnated and that I was in the world of Harry Potter.

After accepting the fact that I couldn't remember anything from my previous world, I began studying memories from the Harry Potter series of books and films, only to be surprised that everything was a jumble of images and fragments of memories. Without any sense of time and order, frustrated by this revelation and with the headache intensifying, my mood became volatile, to the point that without realizing it, a glass vase that was on a small table in front of me A two-seater sofa in the room exploded from one moment to the next.

Surprised by the sudden sound of the glass breaking and the impression that I had previously had my eyes fixed on it, I got out of bed and approached the table, careful not to cut my feet on the pieces of glass, since I was barefoot. , I took one of the pieces and thought: well, at least I'm a magician!; recognizing that what just happened was a burst of accidental magic, as my mood was affected.


At that moment I hear the knock on the door again and before I say anything it opens, letting me see the nurse who previously checked me with a somewhat older doctor and with a frown when she sees me standing next to a pile of glass. broken.

- What's happening? the doctor asked.

- Nothing doctor; I responded, only tripping over the table when I got up.

- First of all, you shouldn't be standing, Mr. Thawne, so please go back to your bed; The doctor said, wrinkling his eyebrows more.

Without waiting for him to say anything else, I go back to my bed where I sit and wait for the doctor to check me, hoping that he can answer some of my questions.

- I was informed that he had woken up and has a headache, Mr. Thawne.

- Yes doctor; I respond, trying in every way to look like a normal 10-year-old child. Doctor, can you tell me what day and time it is?

- It's 9:00 A.M. on October 24, now stay still and let me check it, I don't want to be strangled again; said the doctor with a wrinkled brow and anger in his voice.

After the doctor answered me and finished examining me, he informed me that they would notify my guardian and that they would give me a headache reliever. Thanking him, he left the room, but not before ordering the nurse to give me the pill. After consuming it I go back to sleep.

Later, with the headache gone and my mind clear, I wake up to notice a man sitting on the couch in front of me, who upon noticing that I am looking at him, looks up from the newspaper he is reading and looks at me. directly into the eyes.

- You finally woke up Alex, you don't know how worried your mother was; The man said, standing up and walking towards the bed, to help me sit up.

- Yes, dad, I'm sorry for worrying you; I answer.

- Don't be sorry, champion, I know how much your grandfather meant to you, but when you fainted after your grandfather's funeral and didn't wake up, your mother almost went crazy and almost strangled the doctor who treated you; my dad told me as he seemed to remember a terrifying scene and shuddered.

I can't blame him when I remember how terrifying Mrs. Martha Thawne is, when something happens to her children, she outgrows a dragon.

By imagining what happened I already understand the comment the doctor made when examining me and the reason for his anger.

- Where is mom? I ask dad.

-She is at home, taking care of your brother; he answered me.

- Oh! Well, I'm still sad about Grandpa; I tell my dad with sadness still present.

- It is understandable champion, no one would have expected what happened.

- Dad, how is the situation? What movements has Uncle Claudio made?

He-he has been talking to the conglomerate's shareholders, inciting them to side with him after the reading of the will, with the aim of taking over the presidency.

Don't think it's strange that I ask my dad about the company and he answers me, without thinking about how strange it is for a 10-year-old child to ask that question, because for your information I am a born genius, both in sports as well as studies and since I was little I began to be interested in the family business, which is why my grandfather had such high regard for me.

- Well, he can't do anything at the moment, we just have to wait for the will to be read, my dad said with resignation at my uncle's attitude.

- Dad, can you talk to the doctor so they can let me get out of here.

- Hehe, clear champion, wait a moment.

After dad left the room I began to review everything that had happened today: "I recovered the memories of my previous life, at least those of the world I am currently in, of why in my past they were movies and books I don't have the slightest idea and to make matters worse what I recover is only a tangled skein of fragments and images that I can't unravel; My grandfather is dead, which makes me extremely sad, and I'm a magician, which is just great, thank God or the Universe or whoever; I promise that I will live this life to the fullest."

Finally reaching a state of balance with the situation in which I find myself, I get out of bed and go to the closet that is on the other side of the room. When I open it I find what I assume are my clothes hanging, a simple black suit with white shirt and bow tie, after giving them a look I proceed to take off the hospital pajamas I was wearing and put on the suit, already finishing and only missing the tie, the door opens again and my dad enters. the room, seeing me struggling with my tie, he comes over to help me, while informing me that the hospital paperwork is ready and that we can leave whenever we like.

When we leave the hospital, a driver is waiting for us next to a car, we get into the back and the driver starts the car and we drive away from the hospital.

Once inside the car I ask him what time it is and he informs me that it is 4:00 P.M. Realizing that I haven't eaten anything all day, I can't wait to get home so I can enjoy my mom's cooking.

Well here is the first chapter of what I hope is a nice fanfiction, any constructive and supportive comments are appreciated.

Thank you for reading :)

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