
The Grieving man!

He was a failed writer , the late night coffee, the good old music , the missed weathers , a lonley autumn season, the forgotten journal. Caught in a web of abnormal mysteries, Cade Beckett world view crumbled to pieces . "Am i abnormal? no it's just the world is pretty normal !"

Hollowlives · สยองขวัญ
13 Chs

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

The Serial killer!

It was another morning and it was Saturday, awakened by the ringing sound of his alarm . He woke up slowly and felt the refreshing sunlight from the window.

Streching himself, he went to do his routine work . After some time he took a hot shower and began to feel relaxed when the hot water washed away his drowsiness .

The hot steam clung to his skin and perfected his body outline, making him hot . A few minutes later, he was looking at his reflection and as if he remembered something he looked at the reflection and didn't find the black dot which was bothering him yesterday.

"Was it just a ink ?"

He sighed in relief , if that black dot was still present then he was planing to visit a doctor today.

Humming a slow tune , he began to get ready and combing his hair wasn't his style so he let it be messy.

Walking towards the kitchen, he began to prepare for breakfast and with few simple moves , a special dish of chicken sandwich was prepared .

Taking out the orange juice from the fridge , he filled a glass and kept it back while slowly making his way to dining table .

He began to eat slowly while browsing his phone and occasionally he would sip the juice .

( A bad habit yet he never works on it !)

After clearing the breakfast, he slowly headed towards the office . He locked his appartment and saw that the lift was still in our of order so he began to take stairs.

As he was walking, he saw the black door at the end of the hallways . He looked at it for few seconds before walking away silently . When he was walking on the fifth floor , he saw that there was some disturbance at a particular room.

A group of people were crowded at the room and whispering themselves with various emotions surfacing on their face , there was even a two cops standing there and talking with a crying women.

He briefly looked at them , one of the cops looked at him and their gaze briefly clashed as he headed down the stairs .

After few minutes of walking he entered the metro and within twenty minutes of crowded space ,he finally was standing infront of his office. Taking the lift , he glanced around and saw there were three people with him !

A tall guy and two girls , their perfumes made him cover his nose for a second.

"God dammit who invited this heavy perfume?"

Thankfully his floor came and he immediately rushed out of the lift . Entering his desk , he politely greeted few people who greeted him even though he didn't knew their names .

Cade settled into his office routine, the rhythmic clatter of keyboards and occasional murmurs forming the familiar symphony of the workplace. The day unfolded with meetings, emails, and the constant ebb and flow of office activities. Despite the usual professional hustle, the unsettling image of the disturbed scene on the fifth floor lingered in his mind.

As the clock ticked away, lunchtime approached. Cade joined his colleagues in the cafeteria, the aroma of various dishes creating a tempting collage of flavors. The conversation around him buzzed with snippets of work-related discussions and weekend plans.

Seated at a corner table, he couldn't help but overhear bits of conversations from nearby tables. Some were animatedly discussing recent office gossip, while others shared anecdotes of their weekend escapades. Amid the chatter, one topic seemed to weave its way through various conversations – the incident on the fifth floor.

Speculations and rumors floated through the air, creating an atmosphere of intrigue. Cade caught phrases like "Serial murder," "police investigation," and "missing." His curiosity piqued, he decided to inquire discreetly, turning to a colleague who seemed to have some information.

"Hey did something happened recently ?"

Cade asked, his tone casual.

His colleague leaned in slightly, a conspiratorial glint in their eyes.

"Word is there that some people went missing at night and there might be serial killer behind it ...The police are investigating this case seriously!".

Cade's eyebrows furrowed in mild surprise.

"A Serial killer?"

The colleague shrugged.

"I think so, but it's still unclear. The cops were questioning people when I passed by earlier."

Cade Beckett became silent and thought that going out at night should be controlled from now on .

As the lunch break continued, Cade couldn't shake off the sense of unease about the news, he felt weirdly uncomfortable.

"What a f#king misery !"

After finishing his meal, he decided to take a short walk outside the office building to clear his mind.

As he strolled down the sidewalk, the city bustled with its usual energy. People hurried along, immersed in their own worlds, seemingly oblivious to the mysteries unfolding within the confines of the apartment building. Cade found himself contemplating the fragile nature of routine – how quickly the ordinary could transform into the extraordinary.

Returning to the office, he immersed himself in work to distract from the swirling thoughts. The remainder of the afternoon passed in a blur of tasks and conversations. When the clock signaled the end of the workday, Cade gathered his belongings, exchanged pleasantries with colleagues, and made his way to the metro station.

The journey home was accompanied by the rhythmic hum of the metro and the gentle sway of the train. The events of the day played on a loop in his mind, creating a tapestry of unanswered questions. The uncertainty surrounding the incident on the fifth floor became a subtle undercurrent to his thoughts.

Arriving at his apartment building, he noticed a subdued atmosphere. The security guard seemed preoccupied, and a sense of tension hung in the air. Ignoring the subtle change, Cade headed towards the stairs, opting to avoid the lifts once again.

At the fifth floor, he glanced at the room and saw it was empty and silent . After a silent glance , he resumed climbing the stairs .

Reaching his floor, he fished out his keys to unlock the door. As he stepped inside, the quietness of his apartment offered a stark contrast to the murmur of the outside world. The evening sunlight cast a warm glow, creating a comforting ambiance.

Cade decided to spend the evening in quiet solitude, attempting to detach from the events that had unfolded. He settled into his writing nook, laptop open, and began to type. The unwavering words flowed, crafting a narrative that mirrored the day's blend of ordinary and extraordinary.

As the words danced on the screen, a subtle realization dawned – life, much like storytelling, comprised chapters of unpredictability. The mysterious incident on the fifth floor became a plot twist, an unexpected element that added complexity to the unfolding tale.

In the midst of his writing, Cade heard a distant thunder, a harbinger of an impending storm. The atmosphere outside mirrored the uncertainty within. He took a break, standing by the window, watching as the clouds gathered, casting shadows over the cityscape.

The metaphorical storm outside echoed the turmoil within, a reflection of the unknowns that swirled in the air. With a contemplative sigh, Cade returned to his writing, embracing the cathartic process of creating order within the chaos.

The hours passed, and with the completion of a chapter in his story, Cade decided to prepare a simple dinner. The rhythmic routine of chopping vegetables and the soothing sizzle of the stove provided a grounding anchor in the midst of swirling uncertainties.

Dinner consisted of a humble stir-fry, the comforting aroma filling the apartment. As he ate, Cade pondered the fragile nature of stability, realizing that even the most routine aspects of life could be disrupted by unforeseen events.

With the remnants of dinner cleared away, he settled into his favorite armchair. The ambient glow of the lamp cast a warm halo, creating a cocoon of solitude. Cade allowed his thoughts to wander, contemplating the intricacies of existence and the interconnectedness of lives within the apartment building.

As the night deepened, he decided to retire to bed, hoping that the unraveling mysteries would find their resolutions in the dreams that awaited him. Closing his eyes, Cade surrendered to the gentle embrace of sleep.

But a few hours later something happened!

Click !

A sound shattered the absolute silence of his room ....

Click !

To be continued !