
1. Normal Day (Prologue)

It was winter 2015 when Red Agany was studying with a group of friends for the mid term examination or so he told his mom when he got out, setting in a cafe enjoying his hot chocolate while reading his study notes he was 23, this was his fourth year in medicine collage, the weather was so chilly this winter that you feel the cold in your bones even while looking as a bear walking with all these clothes on you, with news of people being found frozen in their homes or some homeless dying on the street from the cold.

suddenly he heard a commotion around him and saw some people laughing while some young men hurrying to grab their coats and scurrying outside in a hurry , when he looked outside himself he saw a woman in her coats had fallen due to the wind an was rolling away while screaming and trying to garb something to stop herself but that was futile due to her clothes and making her look like some kind of a ball and rolling away with the wind, soon he saw the youths that got out earlier running towards her and catching her to help her stand and deliver her safely to her car, this hilarious scene was repeated many times these days due to the cold and wind so he just smiled and returned back to his study while cursing at the global warming.

Red was a solo man, he wasn't always like this but due to some issues with his parents and travelling a lot he became like this, a man who cherished his solo life style and loved that no one payed him attention or spoke to him the less the better, he hated getting into a relationship with a girl due to them being chatter boxes, even though his mother had urged him to bring home a girlfriend or a daughter in law and even introduced him to some they left after noticing his cold attitude and his inclination to silence, till his mother lost hope in him and even thought he loved men or have some other tendencies, he told her that is not the case but he is waiting for the girl that will make him want to talk to her and not some chatter box that she know even if they are beautiful or rich, all he has are just three childhood friends that has been separated by time and fate.

Returning to his books after this little farce he studied till the evening then returned home to eat something and rest a little then return to his studies till late into the night, he was reclining on his disk when he heard something akin to lightning striking but the sound was as if the lightning was striking just beside his head he was awakened in fright and found that in the sky there was a lightning vortex that was heading towards him he looked around and discovered that his house's roof was no longer there that is how he saw the sky just now, he saw his room wall disintegrating and vanishing and saw his family of five standing there in their sleep clothes struck by fear when he saw his brother gesturing to him and shouting while he didn't hear anything from the thunder that was making his ear ring ,and while trying to listen he felt extreme pain in his head and back and fainted from the pain.


it is just a start if you like it tell me in the comments


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