
The Green Flames


I stood in front of a pond full of turtle ducks, waiting for something. Finally, my friend Ursa came out of the palace, carrying two children.

" I've come, now please, take them! " she said in a loud whisper voice.

" Give me the oldest child, then I'll leave. " I said.

She shoved one of the children into my arms. I stared into her deep hazel eyes, dark brown hair, and gentle expression.

" What's her name? " I asked

" Onika. " Ursa responded, " Now leave! "

I ran up the walls, through the people, and out into the field of grass. I stumbled to the ground, trying not to drop the baby. I look out into the dawn sky as I catch my breath. The sky is an orange, blue, and pink color with thin clouds covering the sun as it rises. I get up and stare at Onika, my heart beating an enormous amount. How could I use a baby as a horrid weapon for my own addiction to getting power.

I put the child on the ground and got into a stance. As I put out my fist, a giant tunnel appears inches in front of me. The baby shrieks and claps her hands as I pick her back up.

" Soon, you will be able to do that, and more. I promise that you will be the strongest Earth-Bender the world shall know." I said. I jump in the tunnel and walk along the path of stone. The only light being bright green crystals and flames. I'm walking for hours upon hours until I arrive at the Outer Wall of Ba Sing Se, being greeted by one of the Dai Lee Agents.

" We have been waiting for your arrival Sir, " the man says, " who's this little angel? "

" She will be the ' one. '" I responded. The guard leads me up the wall and gets me a train to the Upper Ring of Ba Sing Se, where the King and other wealthy people live. He escorts me to the Palace then leaves.

I go into the Palace and head over to the Kings Quarters. He is sitting on his throne with his pet bear, Bosco.

" Um sir, who is the child in your arms? " he asked

" You said that you needed a child to take the throne until you have a child of your own, so I went out of my way to find you the perfect child for the position. I hope you're happy. " I said

I walk up to the King and place the girl in his arms. He slowly rocked her in his arms. Back and forth, back and forth. She giggled as he did this, eventually falling asleep.

" Thank you. She is perfect. " the King said.

He gave her back to me. I give a bow and head back to my chambers. I set her down on my table and opened a locked door.

" Did you get a proper human?" some voice said.

" Yes, but tell me, how are you going to… do it? " I asked.

" Oh, I have the perfect plan. " the voice responded

The figure handed me a sharpened knife.

" W-what am I supposed to do with this? " I asked

" The only way to fuse with her is to put her in a life threatening situation. So I need you to stab her in the stomach, nothing personal, it's the only way. " the voice said. I almost tripped over my own feet. Me. Kill an innocent child. No, I couldn't why would I-

Next thing I know, I was jabbing the knife into the child's neck, without hesitation. My heart had been saying no, but my urge for power told me yes.

" N-no.. NO! " I shouted.

A shadowing green figure jumped out of the closet and stretched out his clawed arms in front of the child's neck as she shrieked in pain. Suddenly, the child bursted into green flames. By the time the figure had gone back into the closet, the baby's injuries had already healed.

" ONIKA!! " I shouted, rushing toward the table.

I held the child in my arms, as I stared at her face. She opened her eyes, which were now a deep emerald green.

" The emerald eyes. " I said.

" Ahh yes, " the figure said, " I guarantee that The Green Flames will rise again. "