
Chapter 1: A New Friend

I'm now 8 years old and practicing my skills. I had learned from a very young age that I had the ability to bend 2 of the elements, Earth and Fire. Father had told me that I'm going to become an official member of the Dai Lee when I'm 16 if I perfect my skill. It's an interesting thought, working alongside my father, keeping order in the city, protecting the King, it would be great. But I'm only a small child, and with so little experience in the real world.

I thought that until Long Feng assigned me a " partner ".

" Zoe, I think it's time you get some more friends. " he said.

" Isn't my friend good enough? " I asked.

" You don't even know anyone from the other nations."

" That's because you never let me out of the Upper Ring."

" Well, I have brought you a new friend from the Northern Water Tribe. You're both royalty, you'll get along." Long Feng said.

A girl popped up from behind Long Feng and ran up to me, putting up her hand for a handshake. She had dusty blonde hair and an orange and blue outfit on.

" Hi! It's very nice to meet you! I'm Aurora and this i-" she started to say.

Long Feng covered her mouth before she said anything else.

" Now how bout' you two go and bond in the Training Room? " Long Feng asked

" That would be alright. " I respond

" Good. " Long Feng says as he leads me and Aurora to the room. When we enter, Aurora is gasping at the walls full of weapons, training rocks, and bodies, lots and lots of bodies.

" Now you two go and talk about… stuff. " Long Feng says as he exits the room.

" So… what do you like to do? " I ask,

" W-w-why are there d-dead bodies everywhere? " she asked,

" Oh! Sorry, that was my doing. I can get a bit carried away with my work. "

" Carried away?! " she shouted. I walked across the room and grabbed a couple of Kunai's then walked back to Aurora.

" Here, we need a fair fight, " I said as I got into a stance, " let's begin now, shall we? " I lifted up a training rock and threw it at her. She deflected it with a whip of water.

" I won't be needing those, I'm tough as steel." Aurora said.

" That's what I thought. " I responded. I made the same move again, but this time, she ran out of the way and bursted a giant gust of wind at me. I lifted up a rock to block the wind, then I focused my aim at the ground. Lava Bursted out of the ground and I lifted it up. I made the lava into a sharp blade then shot it at Aurora. She blocked it by freezing it in ice. This went on for about 3 hours, then we both collapsed on the ground, tired, not fainted. We laid on the ground trying to catch our breath. Finally, Long Fend came in and stayed at the door.

" Oh my, you two really had a fight, " Long Feng said, " and It was bad. "

" Is this a normal thing?! " Aurora shouted,

" Why are all of these bodies here? " I asked.


" Of course! But now, I finally found a friend for Zoe. Isn't that wonderful! " Long Feng exclaimed.

" Swell. " I say. Long Feng carries me and Aurora to my bedroom and sets us on the bed.

" A medic will be here in just a minute so be patient. " he said. We both said yes and he left the room. For the next couple minutes, we just lay there, but later, the medics came and treated our wounds.

" I would suggest you stay here for the next couple hours, was it that bad of a fight? " the medic asked.

" It was bad, but now I have a new friend. " I responded. The medic smiled at me and left the room. It stayed quiet for the next couple of minutes, until Aurora said,

" Does that man help you find friends by taking people off the street and making them fight you? "

" Is that a problem? " I ask.

" YES! YOUR KILLING PEOPLE! " she shouted.

" I never thought of that… Long Feng always told me to kill the weak and bow to the powerful… so. " I start to say. I get off the bed and bow. " I give my respect to you. "

" Umm… no need to do that… I'm just a friend. " Aurora stampers.

" Friends? " I ask.

" Um, yes? Do you not know what friends are." she asked.

" I've only heard of ' Masters ' and ' servants '. " I say.

" Owch! That's harsh. "

" It's really not that bad of a lifestyle. Long Feng said if I study hard, I'll get into the University, get a diploma, and have a great job. Work smarter, not harder. " I stared up into the wall and put my hand on my head. " I have a headache, I'm going to bed. Ask the master to get you to your parents and go home. "

" Why? We just met? " she asked.

" I'm only a weapon, not a friend. " I responded.

" But you could be! You and I could be friends, and I can teach you! I was a Princess, you know! I won't talk without your permission, I'll be your slave, I don't care! I just don't want to go back to the Northern Water Tribe, PLEASE! " Aurora shouted.

" I don't want you to be my slave. I want you to stay away from me for another reason… I can't tell.

" Why? I won't tell. "

" Later. But for now, you can be my Steward. " I responded. We both giggle a little.

" Okay… BUT I DON'T HAVE TO GO BACK TO THE NORTHERN WATER TRIBE, RIGHT?! " Aurora asks " quietly " .

" No. " I responded.

" Thank you so much! "

" No need to worry. I feel the same way, locked up in a cage and not allowed to leave. "

" Oh? "

" I've never left the Upper Ring. "

" Wow!? That's crazy. "

" So… friends? "

" Yeah, friends," I say.