

(21+) stories are hot and may contain adult content. Rich. Handsome. Arrogant. Are 3 things that quite describe a Max Wanger living a life. He has a lover named Jenny, but unfortunately, their relationship is not sanctioned by Max's parents. One day Jenny is kidnapped by a group of deadly criminals who call them selves a plot of Ghosts. This made Max angry! The man vowed to hunt down the Ghost gang and destroy all its members without a remnant! So, can Max save his girlfriend Jenny? What is the connection between the Ghost gang and the wealthy Wanger family?

DeeRaa_ · สมัยใหม่
19 Chs


An old saying goes that everyone has their way of life.

A fish is measured by how smart he climbed a tree, then the fish will look stupid forever. But if a fish is measured by how good it is at swimming, then the fish will look smart.

That's how everyone has their way of life.

As well as Max, who feels that his life path is to become a boxing athlete.

He enjoyed the profession.

He does not like to be an entrepreneur, like his father.


In Max's room, Arsen is still trying to advise his son.

"Max, you are my only child. And it is appropriate that you now focus on taking care of the company. Become CEO and bring a brighter future for Wanger Corporation. Doesn't that sound proud?"

The man immediately shook his head, as quickly as then he flatly refused his father's advice.

"No, Dad, this is not fair. A child does not have to be in the same profession as his father."

"But Max, won't the fruit not fall far from the tree?"Arsen remains firm in his stance. "So it is natural that you become a ruler like Dad."

"No! You know who Bill Gates is, right? He is the richest man on earth. He owns the giant Microsoft, whose father is a farmer in the village. If we're going to use dad's theory just now, then Bill Gates should be just a farmer in the village. Is that fair to him?"

Smart. Arsen must admit that Max is indeed a smart boy. Although she is as stubborn as her mother.

"All Right, Max, I won't argue with you anymore. So now what's your plan?"

"Normal," Max replied casually, straightening his legs on the mattress. "I will continue my career as a boxing athlete. And at the same time, I will also monitor the development of the company Wanger Corporation. Dina is the right and reliable person there. So I think it's right, right? "

Arsen finally shook his head resigned. This time he gave up. Max loves boxing, and his problem is impossible to stop.

"Okey, okay, I'm not going to bother you about it anymore. Now you are free if you want to fight and choose to batter in the boxing ring. But remember, Max, Your Mother won't be standing still. He will continue to ban you by being tough on that dangerous sport."

Max rolled his eyes. "Hoi, hoi, Dad, I'm used to hearing mom's nagging. So relax, don't worry about it."

Max laughed. His father also laughed. "Okay, just relax."

But suddenly a loud voice appeared from behind the door of the room.

"What's easy, Dad?"Vania came and immediately glared at them both.

"Eh? It doesn't matter. We're just relaxing. That's the point. Isn't it, Max?"Arsen was wrong. Max even laughed at his nervous father.

"That's Right, Mother. My dad and I were just having a casual conversation."Max confirmed again while closing his mouth because of holding back laughter.

"Yes, but why did you mention your mother's name?"Vania's eyes stared intently, full of probing.

"Eh, is that so? We never mentioned your name. Ah, maybe you heard the wrong thing. Isn't it, Max?"

Max nodded, still covering his mouth. "Right, Mom."

"Yes, you are the same. Anyway now I want to say a few things. First of all, I would never agree until any time if you still pursue the sport of boxing. The reason is simple it is a very dangerous thing. I don't like watching you get so battered. Huh, just like a delinquent!"Vania was annoyed, her nose snorted and her hands folded on her chest.

But Max responded to it all with a relaxed attitude. The man whistled without feeling guilty.

'I've also been opposed, but in fact, I'm still a boxing athlete. So to be opposed or not, for me, it's not a big deal,' so inwardly.

"And One More, Max. We've been talking to each other until we finally agreed to immediately set you up with Lady!"

"What??? Wait, What Did you say just now?"Max snapped. "Do you want me to meet Lady? This is no longer the time to talk about matchmaking."

"Max, especially for the request this time mom does not want to be refused! You must marry the Lady soon. We talked about it with Uncle Nikola and Aunt Mora. Even the Lady had agreed to this arranged marriage. Next month we will go to America to attend Lady's graduation ceremony. Then when you get home from there, you will be married immediately."

"No, Mom, big no!!"Max refused. "I don't even know him. So how could I marry a woman I don't know?"

Vania immediately approached Max, sitting next to him.

"It's simple, Max, you'll get to know each other over time. I think you guys are perfect. So there is no reason for you not to get married," Vania said as she rubbed her son's head-a treatment that should not be done to children who are already in their 30s.

"But I don't love her, mom -"

"You will love each other. Sooner or later!" cut Vania quickly.


"Ah, never mind, Max, anyway for this arranged marriage plan you should not refuse it. And obviously, remember one more thing! I would never agree with your relationship with Jenny! Leave the window now!"

"Mom!!"Max immediately grumbled annoyed when Jenny's name began to be mentioned!

"I've been patient enough to hold back my emotions. But from now on, NEVER call Jenny a widow again!"

"Why, Max? She's a widow. Is there something wrong with me?"

"There! Because mom called it in a tone that seemed to be condescending to her!"

"Oh, are you a psychic? I just called her a widow, not being condescending to her."

"Aggrrrhhh!! Never mind, enough!!" shouted the upset Max. He also ruffled his hair. "Anyway, I don't care! I love Jenny, and I refuse my marriage to Lady!"


"What the hell are you guys doing?"Arsen, who had been dizzy seeing his son and wife quarrel, finally spoke up. They both have the same character, they are both stubborn and stubborn.

"Shame, if anyone knows we're screaming in the house like this. Come on, we can talk about all this well, with a cool head. If we have these emotions, how can we find a solution?"


At once Max and Vania were silent. Both of them are still murmuring and folding their hands together.

"Okay, tell you what. Now I have a solution. How about from now on, you try to take Lady for a walk, Max. Eh, wait a minute, listen to me talk, " Arsen immediately prevented Max from protesting.

"Yes, Max. I said 'try it, and that means you guys can have time to get to know each other. If it finally fits, please continue. But if it doesn't fit, well, what can it do? We can talk about that later. But obviously, we want you guys to start dating now to get to know each other."

Max was silent. He was thinking about the fate of Jenny who was now out of nowhere, and how she was. Max's mind was so twisted, that he wanted to end this conversation.

Max stood up from his seat.

"Okay, Dad, I'll try to take the Lady for a walk. But I didn't promise to marry her."

Arsen nodded. At least he was quite happy with his son's decision.

"Okay, Max. Uncle Nikola and Aunt Mora will surely be happy with your decision."

Max just loosened his shoulders, no matter what. He did this just to be able to quickly get out of this conversation, then went to look for Jenny.

"Okay, I'll go right now," he said and walked away.

"Hey, Max! Where are you going? You are in healing time! Don't go-go yet!"Vania quickly pulled her son's hand.

"Mom, never minds, I'm tired of arguing. Look, I'm fine."

Max moved his body and wanted to show that he was very healthy, even as strong as a bull.

"After all, if mom stops me from leaving, How Will I meet Lady?"

Vania quickly took off her hand. He is afraid that Max will even be upset and refuse this arranged marriage.

"Okay, please go. But make sure today you see Lady soon. I'm gonna call Aunt Mora right now."

"Whatever. Please call me, Mom."

Max then leaves his room leaving his father and mother who can only shake their heads.

In the garage, Max's Porche Limited Edtion car is already waving. As if I can't wait to be invited to speed on the highway this afternoon.

"How Are You, Boys?" said Max to his favorite car.

Then Max starts the engine and leaves the mansion.

Not to meet Lady, but to find information about Jenny's kidnappers.

Max's quest, will start here!