
The Greatest Family Wants to Live Quietly

The Diadaem Family is the strongest family in the whole kingdom. They are also the most powerful, the richest, and the one with the most connection. Yet, despite all of that, they preferred to live a quiet life. The lord and the lady of the family preferred to live in the countryside, and their children never wanted to be in the spotlight. But, with the king lying sick in his bed, will they make a move or leave the kingdom as is?

AesieDeLion · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Chapter I

Everyone dreamt to have a love story like theirs.

At the young age of eighteen, Clarissa Ferdinand was forced to marry the rumored devilish son of death duke that her stepmother feared will try to usurp the throne. But still, she cannot order for the death of the said duke as he was a hero in their numerous battles, and is one of their greatest assets. As the only legitimate daughter of the King, and the only one that can possibly tie the duke to them, she was bound by her duty to her people to give her the best that she can in order to assure their lives would be better.

She was wed to the Duke Severino Diadaem at Winter, in the middle of one of the strongest snowstorm that the kingdom have ever felt.

At first, others took this as an omen; that their union must not happen or the whole kingdom might fall because of numerous other disasters from the heavens. The people said this AFTER the wedding, and a forceful divorce will affect both hers and the duke's future marriages (if there will ever be one). The both of them talked with each other that night, instead of consummating their marriage, they came up with a plan to help the people of the kingdom.

"You may call me Clarissa."

"And you may call me Severino."

Love didn't start that night, but trust was slowly built in between them after that. With the plan that they concocted at that very same night, the majority that called for their divorce was silenced. With her magic, and his abilities, and both their trusted servants, they've saved their people and have kept them safe against the snowstorm.

She doesn't want to brag, but she has been proclaimed as one of the strongest mages in their kingdom, though she was sure that she could defeat the one that was proclaimed to be the strongest... because she did it once. Let's just say that her stepsister cried for her head when she defeated her in a magical duel that almost costed her, her beautiful golden hair (or so that was what her stepmother narrated to other people). She was locked away in her room for almost a week, with just a stale bread and water.

She wouldn't say that she was a battered child, her father actually fought for her whenever he can or whenever he is not busy with his work. He genuinely cared for her and have even fought for her right to be the next heir when half of the nobles favored her stepmother's children and her only half-sibling. But, what showed that he really loved her is when he stopped fighting for her right to the throne that she requested to him.

"Are you sure, flower?" Her father asked her that day, before the meeting between him and the nobles commenced. She approached her father two hours early to talk with him about her decision, her and her husband's decision to be exact since she also consulted him before doing anything big.

"I am sure, father. I know that you are aware of what is happening in between us and stepmother when you are busy or away..." Her father's eyes started glistening with unshed tears at what she said. Yes, he is aware, and have done everything in his power to fight for her, but she is aware at how much power her stepmother's family has over the nobles in the kingdom. Even though her father is the King, and she is the precious princess... there are still things that they should thread carefully.

"I miss your mother... Things would have been very different if she was alive." She was never one to look back at the past; she consider it as nothing but a waste of time, but... her father is right. If her mother was still alive, everything would have been better. As one of the daughters of the oldest and wealthiest family, not only in the entire kingdom, but the whole empire, her name alone will force the other nobles to not step out of line.

But with her death, her family have also shown that they were just there for her sake alone. They did not even stop to consider that her child might... need help from them. She didn't necessarily hate them, but when came the time where the family need help well least to say... maybe it'll be a tad bit slower.

"Don't worry, papa. Everything will be alright. I know Bernardo, he is fit to be the heir." His father smiled at her, wrapping her around his arms like when she was young. This was one of the few things that she would miss living inside the castle; her father's love and care.

"What will you do? What about your husband?" Speaking about her husband...

"Let us just say that everything is alright now."

A lot of things happened after she resigned her right to the throne. Even with her not fighting for the right to be the lead monarch, her stepmother still abhor and have tried with all her power to end her marriage, or even end her life. The first was starting petty rumors, which her own husband (and at that time, they were just starting to become comfortable with each other) has told the people was a lie. The second is sending assassins to her, which is a pretty stupid move on her part as she is still a successful mage and her husband is pretty much a monster in the battlefield. The third time was the final straw for them.

Before the third attempt, a lot of things happened that got the two of them to become absolutely infatuated with each other. They became... in love to say the least.

He never hid anything from the start; he told her everything about his past and his family. The rumors are true; he IS the god of death's son. His mother, the Lady Yvidia, caught the god of death's eyes and have taken her as his Queen. He still see his parents, but only a few times a year since he was created when his mother was still mortal.

"How can you join your parents, then?"

"By dying. I am still half a God, and have his powers flowing through my veins. It is up to me whether I instantly want to become an immortal or not..." She could feel his hesitation then. She understood why he is having second thoughts; the ones that he cared for will not be immortal like he was.

"You don't want to become an immortal." It isn't a question, but a statement of fact. They have been together enough to know each other's true nature.

"I fear to be alone. I fear a life... without you." At the same time that they kissed each other for the first time without any thoughts other than love, a maid was standing behind their door. Fortunately for them, the maid did not understand what they were talking about and only assumed that they were conversing about the throne and their shocking decision to back down with the succession.

"'I fear to be alone. I fear a life... without you.' is what the lord said to the lady in their bedroom! I have never heard anything much romantic as this!"

"I heard that in the recent battle in between our kingdom and the Clyancel, the lord did not leave the lady's side and have fought side to side. It seems that the lord really feared for his wife."

"They are in love!"

"It is rare for nobles to marry for love, though."

Their story spread like wildfire. Adding to their recent heroics in the battlefield, and the money that they have donated to support the common people and the knights with the sudden attacks from the Clyancels, they were being viewed by the common folks and the nobles as something out of a legend. They were being praised like heroes in fairytales.

"I myself would like to find love just like the lord and the lady Diadaem." Others would declare that they are poisoning the minds of the youth because of their story of love and its grandeur when it is not possible for people from the nobility. There is no love for the people in the nobility for love can't help them with their goal of expanding their connections and wealth.

At the end of the war in between their kingdom and the Clyancel kingdom, they have decided to consummate their marriage. Who would have thought that it would easily bore them a child?

A magnificent joy was seen in her husband's face as she told him the news. A child! They were going to have a child! His husband immediately declared that he will be throwing a party at their estate; the first one since forever, and everyone should be here when they decided to announce the pregnancy.

The first person that they sent the invitation to was, of course, the King. They have not shown any indication as to why they have suddenly decided to throw a party, but they did say that it was for a joyous occasion. Others speculated that it was because of the defeat of the Clyancel, but their friends thought otherwise. They knew that Severino and her would never throw a party celebrating the death of so many people.

The speculations went on and on until the day of the party arrived. Everyone was eager to come, especially when they heard that even the common folks were given a party of their own courtesy of their money and servants.

"Everyone, I would like to thank you all for coming here. I know that some might have thought that this party was for the victory against the Cylancel kingdom, but to tell everyone the truth, we would never throw a party celebrating a war no matter what side have won." Everyone started talking to each other, some agreeing with what Severino have said, while some felt that what he said was too scandalous and an insult. If it wasn't for the King standing up and agreeing to his sentiments, most of them might have made this party a public debate (though... truth to be told, they were somewhat afraid of the couple. They have seen how they carried themselves in the battlefield, and they knew just how much money the two have and well... even the royal family might lose to a battle with them).

"Then, what is the reason for this gathering, old friend?" Benjamin Remiona, one of Severino's close friends, asked.

"This gathering is for a good- no, a great news that we would like to share to everyone. We are going to have a child!" Loud shouts of joy (a huge portion of them from the King who have jumped from his seat) and echoes of congratulations surrounded the whole estate, at the same time, the common folks who were given a party as well are also congratulating the lord and the lady loudly. It was such a huge news, and seeing how happy the couple is, the people were infected with their joy and they celebrated for at least a week.

But, there are still a few who isn't happy with the news. The stepmother and her stepsiblings were one of those people.

As said before, her stepmother have done something so horrifying that it was the last straw for both her and her husband. She tried to force her to miscarriage. A horrifying experience that no one deserves to feel, but she have unfortunately almost felt.

Her youngest stepsister have invited her to tea, which she vehemently refused because of her pregnancy. She knows that they are going to do something to her, and she wouldn't risk her unborn child's life for a stupid hatred and jealousy that they felt for her. But, she have underestimated them...

In the middle of the night, when her husband was away, an assassin tried to stab her in her stomach. The knife was inches away from her when she threw up a shield surrounding her upper body. She, then, blasted the man away from her and chained him up with magically-produced ropes that forces him to tell the truth.

Her breathing was haggard, and her body was slowly falling apart. She isn't suppose to use this much magic while pregnant, it would endanger her and the child.

"Issa!" She felt her husband's true aura that night. It was cold, dark, and death-like; it feels like death is slowly walking towards you and you have nowhere to run.

"Who did this to you?" He asked, his voice only a whisper as if he was afraid that raising his voice might kill her. She tried to speak, but she had no energy to do so. She collapsed, almost falling down the floor if it wasn't for her husband catching her.

Before she lost consciousness, she heard her husband interrogating the assassin. She was sure she heard the name clearly, about who it was that ordered him to kill their child.

"Ilvana Ferdinand..." Her stepmother.

The assassin died the minute that he uttered her stepmother's name. It was a dark curse to cast on someone, and it was completely illegal to do so in every kingdom. With no proof to show that the Queen have ordered someone to kill her and her unborn child, they decided that living inside the kingdom would be far more dangerous for them and the family that they have decided to build.

The people were devastated of course, especially the King. He was furious at the news that somebody have tried to kill his daughter and his unborn grandchild. So furious that he have decided to declare that if they found out whoever tried to kill them, they would be stripped off their rights as a human and be jailed in the cold towers.

Everyone agreed, without noticing how frightened their Queen is. But they two have noticed, and one day, they knew that the woman would have her head hanging in the noose.

But, in the meantime, they have decided that enough is enough. They have served their kingdom faithfully, and so they have the right to live the rest of their lives peacefully.

"Where are you going to live? May I come visit you?" The King asked. She smiled, taking her father's hands and enclosing it with her own.

"Of course, papa. You are always welcome there. Though, we assured that it is enclosed in strong shield and illusion magic that only those that we want to come would be the ones to see the right path to us, we would always want you there."

And so, the King visited once a month, he was even there a day after the birth of his grandchild, a granddaughter which he wanted to celebrate with the whole kingdom. But, with the Queen and the other nobles who are against the two of them still alive and with power, they told the King that they could just celebrate in their humble home.

"Humble home, alright. You just started your own little village here with your servants and their families." Their servants decided that they are going to follow them even if they have to move houses. And they did; they even built them their own houses and have included them in their magical protection and illusion. For their own safety, they have decided to cast a spell around the village that whoever has evil intentions towards any of the people inside, even if it is the people inside, they are going to be expelled in an instant and could only enter again if they have calmed down or have thought of things rationally.

"Well, a whole village with your people is a perfect setting for celebration, right papa?"

"Yes, it is."

But their story did not end there. It is actually just going to begin.