
The Greatest Challenge...Fatherhood

So the god thought it would be cool to make me op, with a few twist. Well not like it’s that bad

PAIN_41 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs

Chapter 16: Talks

Appearing at the end of the forest that Borders the east of the hidden leaf, I look down from a tree seeing itachi look back at me, next to him was yuiko. Shaking my head I jump down.

"What are you doing here, yuiko" I said, walking forward.

"I was busy but I told you I was going to make reports" yuiko said coming up and leaning on my chest.

"Then give your report me and itachi have another matter" I said, kissing her forehead.

"Chino thinks she has found another outter but we do not move with out your order, the outer is something she wants you to see in person" Yuiko said, smiling.

"Very well take this to her and tell her she will be reward, make sure omomaki takes the medicine, I have written down and the twins wait until I have there bodies before using there doujutsu anymore" I said, handing her a scroll.

"It will be done, do not forget my reward yama, I will move out immediately" yuiko said, smiling and disappearing.

"She has not changed much...what is it you wish to show me" itachi said, walking up to me.

"A Uchiha that we followed before has some how used my same method to unlock there eyes" I said, walking forward.

"What does it matter? Killing them is a easier way, the fact there Uchiha interest if they have information, Besides the ones we have in our circle, I don't not know of other Uchiha outside of the hidden leaf" itachi said walking beside me.

"Let's move, I want you to ask them a question for me.." I said disappearing.


Kiyomi moved back to the village with Anzu, while Sasuke left to continue his mission, Sakura went home with sarada that had more questions.

"Your back what happened?" Shikamaru said seeing Naruto come inside.

"The problem is being dealt with by ya.." Naruto said looking down but was interrupted.

"Ahhh" shikamaru coughed, making Naruto look up and see Tsunade sitting on the couch.

"Granny Tsunade" Naruto said, scratching his head.

"No go on naurto what were you going to say"Tsunade said with her legs crossed.

"Nothing there was something I and Sasuke needed to deal with" Naruto said walking pass her to the desk.

"You've never been a good liar Naruto, from shikamaru's acting there's something going on" Tsunade said, looking at Naruto.

"Lady Tsunade, there's something we would like to talk to you about" shikamaru said, looking at Naruto.

"What Is going on" Tsunade said.

"Kiyomi, Airin and Aykane. Along with the girls should be aloud to live together and come back into the village" Naruto said, leaning forward on the desk.

"Why do you bring this up now? The fact that many still remember the war and that the girls are from his blood why would allow them into the the village?" Tsunade said, leaning forward.

"Do you hate them granny?" Naruto said.

"No, they could not be blamed from there fathers mistakes"Tsunade said.

"You know as much as i do that he was not what they.." shikamaru tried to say.

"How much blood was on his hands?! How many lives were lost in his path?! He gave life to the last of the senju but he is..." Tsunade said starting to get angry.

"Enough granny! He is back..." Naruto said, slamming his hand on the desk, shikamaru shook his head.

"What are you talking about Naruto? You know as well as i do he fell in the last great ninja war" Tsunade said, standing up but when she looked at Naruto serious eyes she stepped back.

"Granny listen to me, I don't know how it happened but.....yama has returned" Naruto said, with low eyes.

"What!!!!" Tsunade yelled.

[Back with mc]

Itachi and I dashed through the forest. Jumping from branch to branch, along the way we spoke.

"How do you plan to deal with the village" itachi said, jumping down to the ground next to me.

"We show them the truth" I said, walking forward.

"The truth..which part of it" itachi said.

"Is there a difference?" I said.

"The truth you have told me and the others? Or the truth in its entirety?" Itachi said, stopping and looking at me.

"The truth of me..there is no need to hide it any longer is it" I said, stopping and looking at the sky.

"So it's finally time" itachi said.

"Yes..I wish for the others to know, they will need us for what is to come. Along with setting my family free from this curse" I said, walking up to a cave.

"If that's what you wish" itachi said walking in with me.

"There's many inside, let's move" I said stepping into the dark.

Itachi red eyes shined as my purple eyes did, walking into the cave, the taps echoed out and the many red eyes in the cave looked back at us. I couldn't help but have a smirk on my face.