
Former Knight

A few hours have passed.

The death of the village heroes, and the executive were unknown to the public, which was for the best.

Apparently, the civilians of Wyvernwood were paying their hard-earned money into Lafarious' experiments. Some knew about this while others were unaware of the fact.

He was an evil man, controlling the village taxes, and having it go into his technological advancements.

If Grimhild didn't stop by Wyvernwood, then these people would be further into poverty from the economic inflation done by the executive and the other members of his group.

But the Witch couldn't worry about that right now, she didn't have time to deal with political issues, and village problems.

Maybe another time, she thought.

"Can you believe that shit?! A bloody elemental showed up and set the village ablaze months ago! That's when I picked up my blade, and enchanted it with my magic, slaying that bastard, and sending them straight to hell!"

"Is that so?"

Grimhild was sitting in a bar across the table from a drunken, middle-aged man, gulping down his booze.

"Gosh darn right!" He slammed his mug on the table, burping out loud. "Oi, bartender, fix me another one of these Muddy Dragons! That shits fuckin' delicious!"

"So, you slayed the elemental with an enchanted blade, saving Wyvernwood, and yet nobody bats an eye at you?"

"Exactly, Grimhild!"

"How shameful."

"Goddamn right!"

The witch sighed, taking a sip of her orange juice.

"Gunavoe, why're you living in Wyvernwood? It's not like you to disband your king."


He went quiet, looking off to the side.

"What happened during these ten years?"

"...It's nothing."

"You were loyal to King Lancelot, weren't you? Why did you leave his side? Why did you depart from the country of Mesnil?"

"It's none of your business." He crossed his arms, leaning back into his chair.

"It is my business because I am journeying to Mesnil as we speak."

He widened his eyes, facing Grimhild.

"Wait a bloody second, why the hell are you journeying to Mesnil out of all places?!"

"From a promise I made, nothing more."

"Tsk, you and your damn secrets, you never change, do you Grimhild?"

"I don't intend to change unless I have reason. The way I am now has kept me alive for centuries."

"Sorry old hag." Muttered Gunavoe. "But seriously, I expected you out of all people to know what's going on in Mesnil."

"I'm afraid I've been studying for the past ten years, so I have no update on the current world."

He sighed, crossing his bulky arms, and leaned back into the seat.

"Damn, where should I begin?"

[Ten Years Ago.]

[The Country of Mesnil, land of the Mages]

"Lord Lancelot, we have failed. My men have fallen to the dark forces of Nosferatu, leaving us with no choice but to retreat and return to Mesnil. I'm sorry, my lord."

"Give me details on what happened, Gunavoe."

Sitting atop a throne was a beautiful man with long black hair, deep blue eyes, and bluish, silver armor, fit for a king.

"When we ambushed their headquarters, we had the advantage at first, taking them down one by one. It was our victory, until..."

Lancelot lifted his brows in question.

"Until what, Gunavoe?"

"Until... they summoned that absolute evil. The evil that... destroyed my men like a lion in a cattle's den!"

Lancelot shifted his position on the throne and leaned forward.

"And what did they call this evil?"

"Nyarlathotep, sir."

"Nyarlathotep-? Pfft, Bwa ha ha!"

Lancelot leaned into his throne, slapping the armrest in disbelief.

"Nyarlathotep, you say?! Pwa haha! You mean the Evil God that existed a hundred millenniums ago?"

"Y-Yes sir!" Gunavoe fell to his hands and knees, lowering his head. "You have to believe me, my lord! Nyarlathotep was summoned, and he destroyed my men in the blink of an eye! We stood no chance!"

Lancelot stood up from the throne, approaching the general on his knees.

"Gunavoe, I promoted you to General of my army, and you have the guts to make up some childish excuse for your defeat?"

"N-No my lord, I'm telling the truth, I would never lie to you!"

"If it's true about what you said, then why aren't you dead, Gunavoe?"

"I-I was watching from afar, away from the battle, my lord, that's why me and my men, who survived, decided to retreat."

"Bring these other men into my presence, immediately."

"Yes sir!" Gunavoe stood up, running outside the throne hall.


"Nyarlathotep?" Asked the witch.

"Aye, Grimhild, he is indeed real. He goes by many names; The Crawling Chaos, The Crawling Mist, Howler in the Dark, and The Faceless God."

"I have heard of him, yes, I know of their kind. There was a war with the Elohim of Yggdrasil against the Cosmic Other Gods, long ago. It's called the Celestial War that happened in the Mystical Age."

"Indeed. Rumor states that the Celestial war was the reason for the Elohim of Yggdrasil to become the way that they are now; evil, corrupt, and selfish bastards. The Other Gods corrupted Yggdrasil into a hellhole, and now we have to suffer from it."

"That's only theories, Gunavoe."

"Yeah, but it's a damn good theory! The Gods were caring entities who loved mortal life, until that war! I know my history, goddamnit."

"Yes. Yes, you do." Nodded the witch. "But tell me the rest, your story isn't quite finished."


[Back to Ten Years Ago]

Ten warriors walked into the throne hall, bowing to their knees before their king.

They were the men who survived the war against the Dark Mages of Nosferatu after their ambush backfired.

Standing before their king, they were asked questions that would tell whether or not Gunavoe was lying.

"Tell me what happened during your objective at Queen Valleys End."

"My lord, we have failed you, the mages of Nosferatu had a trump card we were unaware of." One warrior stood up, bowing their head, they were a woman.

"What she says is true, King Lancelot." Another stood up before the other eight did the same.

"I believe they called their trump card, Nyarlathotep, my lord."

Lancelot widened his eyes... until his expression mutated into one of disgust.

"You lying imbeciles."


The ten warriors froze in fear.

"W-What we say is true, King Lancelot!"

"Yes, we speak the truth! Nyarlathotep wiped out our comrades from the battlefield in the blink of an eye, and we were ordered to retreat from General Gunavoe."

"You dare continue these lies?!" Yelled Lancelot.


"You fools are merely following the story that Gunavoe asked you to follow, so you could make excuses about your defeat."

"No, my lord, that's not it! We speak the truth."

"I've had enough." Lancelot faced his guards. "Off with their heads, and send Gunavoe into the dungeon, I'll deal with him myself."

"Lord Lancelot!! Wait, we speak only the truth!!"

The guards approached the warriors, dragging them by their arms, and apprehending them for their crimes.

They begged and pleaded with their king, but he ignored them.


But Gunavoe wouldn't have this.

He ran back into the throne hall, begging on his hands and knees.

"Lord, please, take my life instead! My men have done nothing but tell you the truth! Not once have you executed your people, but if there is someone deserving of it, it is me!"

Lancelot scowled at the General before him.

"There will be no more games, Gunavoe, you have failed me many times in the past, and I have forgiven you, but that changes today. Death will be brought upon fools, and liars who cannot admit their failures."

"King Lancelot..."

"Take him away. He'll be punished, and then banished from my kingdom once I'm through with him."


The guards grabbed Gunavoe, escorting him to the dungeons.

There was no mercy in the ruler's actions, but only pure unbridled hatred.


"And that's why... I left King Lancelot's side."

"Are you telling me, he lost his marbles?"

"That's exactly what happened!" Said Gunavoe, pointing his finger at the witch. "For some reason... he lost his wits end and became tyrannical. Now he's no different than Dracula, the ruler of Nosferatu!"

Grimhild nodded her head before sipping her orange juice.

"I figured this would happen."

"You did?" Asked the bewildered Gunavoe.

"Yes, I already predicted this before I left; King Lancelot has already enjoyed his time as a hero, and wants to experience something new and thrilling, that's the type of ruler he is."

"...Are you saying that King Lancelot is doing this for the thrill of it all because he's bored of being a good man?"

Grimhild nodded her head.

"Indeed. He has too much power and can do anything he wants, but once he finishes those things, he has nothing left that can excite him. Thus, he takes a more thrilling path. One with chaos, death, and destruction; territories he has yet to touch, until now."

"Damnit!" Gunavoe scowled, looking down at the table in distress. "Compared to the fairy's immeasurable IQ, yours is on an even greater level. Why didn't I realize this at first?"

"It has nothing to do with IQ, it's called experience. But now that I know of this information, I will take precautions before I arrive."

"Huh?" The former general looked up, confused. "What sort of precautions?"