

When Leah reached the room, she found many people So, she didn't have where to start . A girl stood up and said,"Oh, Hey Roomie finally, where have you been,?" She had a lot of words.

" I'm Yuzana, Hope you don't mind I took the bed against the outside wall, Pedro,'Love machine' here is on the other side and he has ambitions. I am not listening in on that while I try to sleep." Yu zana continued

"Hey" Paul said," You're the concrete chick" Leah was frozen🥶 on that moment another girl there said, Hey aren't you the Bathroom flooder."😰 Leah felt like crying at the same time😱 angry. Yuzana was an Empath.

The next morning when they were moving around the school compound, "So, you were all making fun of me!" Leah said. They went to the Library and after a long pause of quietness Yuzana gave Leah her answers

Yuzana: Well, it's pretty hilarious, you have to admit.

Leah: It is not funny for me.

Yuzana: Give it a Week.

leah: Yes, But, right now I am stuck in today! so, um that is not much help.

Then Yu zana said," Guess what else isn't going to help!

Leah replied her as if talking rudely, " What"."Sitting in the Library and feeling sorry for your self."

"I'm not, I'm- I'm Everyone thinks I'm Loser and I'm going to get expelled."

Yuzana used some of her power and she said," Okay, so first step to not being considered a loser, stop acting like one. The only person wasting so much time thinking about you is you."

' Mum always says that kind of stuff. Except, um, she isn't this mean.' Leah thought. " Hello, your mom m is right." Yuzana Said

"How would you even know?"

" l am an Empath Dumbass"

"Oh" leah said. ' I think that's kind of cheating! ' she thought.

"So Buck up, already! By tomorrow, No one will even remember all of this." Yuzana said.

"Leah Taymore" someone called

" Yes" she replied

"Dr. Santos wants you in her office first thing tomorrow morning."

Leah cried and Yuzana said, "I could be wrong."

I am in the mood today I'm willing to give you chapters please give me your votes and also comment.

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