
How the war was and Ethics discussion

Leah Taymore, Yuzana and their other friends including Paul consulted Stephen and Caitlin about the work which the ethics teacher Alexander Locke had given them.Stephen and Caitlin promised that they would find and discuss with them in their hostels.

When they reached Excelsior, they asked all the other students who would like to join them to also come.

Caitlin started to tell them a story.

"3 years ago,people were at the stadium as they were speculating the football match. Our big brother and mother were at the Stadium too. Our big brother started supporting as he said,' go, packers,' Our mum asked him, ' Go packers.....? ' then, our big brother told him that she hadn't no clue on what was going on. Our mother also said that she also never knew even alittle. Then our brother explained,' See, it's fourth down and they're at the 20-yard line. The Guy with the number 4 is the quarter back and the guy on his right- ' Mum cut him off saying, 'Who is that guy. in red standing behind everyone else?' ' Huh?' Big brother was suprised.

It was Calvin Washington with his Villains too.

Calvin said,' Remember we're not looking for civilian casualties here. But collateral damage is acceptable ' Big brother told mum that they should get out of that place quickly and so, they did. Before they got where to pass, the ground had cracked.

' The gap is too wide for you' Big bro said. he got a ladder and fixed in it a stadium chair and made a bridge- like- structure an the old woman passed.' I have no idea how you managed to find that' mum said with a smile.

They walked and when they reached the Locker rooms,

Marcus, told mum that they would get through the Locker

rooms. When they entered the Villains, were in.' Oh!crap' said Marcus

'Careful, If the shielding goes, everything goes' Calvin told his Villains. As Marcus and Mom were about to go back, Calvin.said,' Please don't be stupid. The quickest out way door is that.'pointing at the door in the left. ' Why are you, even doing this? ' asked Mother.

'A long Story you don't want to hear. Out!' said Calvin. And off, they went. When they reached outside.

'Well, I'm going to have a story to tell at Bridge club. Are you alright?' asked mother

'I am' said Paul 'What's that' he asked. They had someone shouting,'Marcus, it's Marcus Leo, Marcus help' A Villain had carried a large tanked Vehicle with fuel he pushed in the Stadium and it exploded in there." Concluded Caitlin

"I don't care what the numbers say but what matters is heart." Paul said."The numbers are people." he continued.

"Uh, Exactly if Calvin Washington hadn't Lost his powers, he'd have been able to save alot more people." said Jeremy. "Other heroes pick up the slack like our parents." Said Stephen.

"Not as well not all heroes are the same. " said Paul

"Some heroes aren't replaceable. The big Guns, the ones with scores off the charts, they change the whole ball game." Jeremy Supplemented.