

"All right people, We do not have all day here. you only have the next 4 years

to develop your brand identity!. And they don't give me enough time with you! More than half of new graduates have to redesign their costumes within a year. It is an epidemic! and it will happen to you if you don't pay attention." The teacher said." Typo-graphy, color matching, Exo-skeletons, Capes, Synthetic materials, manufacturing eeh!" he continued.

The boy who was sitting next to Leah starting shouting and babbering," Way more important than anything pesky like learning how to use our powers."

The teacher had him andshouted, "Your costume is an integral part of communicating with the public you serve!" He barked,"Change your costume and you may as well trade in your powers." He had eyes which could light when pressed so, he pressed them to show them some costumes.

"OK! Consider what does the first costume say?"

The boy replied," Marcus does manhattan"

"Exactly! Undignified Unimposing. Whereas the real costume says,' I can crush mountains surrender now! '

Then the teacher showed them of a girl just lyk she's fearing and said," Here, Brilliantly the costume says,' I am young and silly under estimate me!' It is no coincidence Lindsey has the record of least property damage by arrest! now you will begin_ begin your own design."

Everyone started and the teacher was moving around checking on the students.

Leah drew silly drawings only with Mini-skirts

'Hm ' said Yuzana

'I know' replied Leah

The teacher was behind her and said,"No No No No!"

"I thought the skirt wasn't too bad"

"You are not Listening." the teacher said as he pulled the paper out of Leah's hand."You are the atom manipulator you are powerful. Your costume must say,' I am terrifying fear me. ' as he teared the paper in anger."Well, these things take time."

The class was dismissed and Leah with Yuzana were going for the next class."Now what do we have? Leah asked." Ethics."