
A Quest Line

Lu Li also knew that he wasn’t a particularly charismatic person, so his chances of triggering the quest weren’t higher that of an average player.

Carolina seemed to be stuck reminiscing. She was picturing herself exploring the forest with two other children, back when the times were simpler, with no enemies, with no disputes…

“I had forgotten about this Ring for many years. You are a lucky young man.” Lu Li waited in trepidation as Carolina finally spoke.

The previous expression on her face had been replaced with elegance and nobility. Although she had a pleasant look in her eyes, everyone couldn’t help but feel as though it was fake.

“So, can you point me in the right direction?” Lu Li asked uneasily.

“I would be more than happy to do so,” Carolina said and smiled as she pointed in the northwest direction. “Go to the Moonlight Forest; Keeper Remulos should be happy to help you.”