
Ch. 26 Tyrells

"I am to marry Myrcella Baratheon?" I numbly asked Tywin.

"Yes, dear," Cersei said from the side. "After watching those upstarts trying to lay claim to you and my children, I brought it to Robert's attention," Cersei said with a proud and glowing smile.

Cersei lounged in the padded chair, looking immensely smug. She reminded me of a cat that caught the canary.

"He actually thinks it is his idea to wed the two houses the Tyrells were attempting to marry into," Cersei practically purred.

Glancing towards Tywin, I'm met with his usual unreadable expression. However, there is a slight tightness around his eyes. Tywin isn't pleased...

This bitch!

Cersei just swoops in with arrogant ignorance, fucking up my plans and engaging me to her daughter born of incest.

With a herculean effort, I push a smile on my face and give Cersei a slight bow to hide my face from her view. I need to buy a bit more time to ensure my eyes don't look like daggers when I see her.

"I am honored beyond words, your grace," I cordially say to the floor.

Cersei gracefully stood and stepped in front of me. With her delicate fingers on my shoulders, Cersei lifted me from my bow. "You are a good lad, Lancel. I know I can trust you with my daughter." Cersei softly said with a face of a victor.

"I will do my best to make Princess Myrcella happy, your grace," I reply once I'm confident I can meet her gaze.

"See that you do, dear," Cersei said as she stepped away from me. Turning to Tywin, Cersei gave a nod of her head and farewell before moving towards the door.

Jaime gave his own farewell to Tywin before following his secret lover out. When Jaime reached me, he stops and leans towards me. "I'll see you in the morning," Jaime said before striding out of the room.

I guess I now know why Jaime started sparring with me. Cersei must have shared her plan with Jaime from the very beginning.

By the Seven, I feel sick.

I have nothing against Myrcella, and I do not blame her for the circumstances of her birth. That fault lies with Jaime and Cersei alone. But none of the royal children should be marrying a Lannister. That level of incest is just asking for all sorts of trouble, and I want nothing to do with it.

I need to get out of this betrothal without disgracing the family. I can't tell Tywin the truth. He would have to catch them in the act and hear them admit it before he would believe it. And I would have a better chance of getting a wildling to kneel than I would at convincing Robert to rescind the engagement. Luckily, I have another nine or ten years before a wedding.

With a better grasp on my emotions, I look towards Tywin and let the annoyance show on my face. "This is a mistake," I earnestly announce to the Lord Paramount of the West.

"It is a set back to finely crafted plans, but it is not a mistake," Tywin corrected. With his eyes squinted at me, Tywin continues speaking. "I agreed to allow you to pursue a Tyrell marriage because I wished to see what you could manage. But now I ask, why are you so set on a Tyrell alliance?" Tywin demanded.

I move over to the chair to give myself some time to think. I need to figure out what I shouldn't tell Tywin. Once seated, I organize my thoughts before speaking.

"Lady Olenna mentioned how the Reach has sold nearly twice as much grain to King's Landing than in previous years. I've heard nothing about the Crownlands having a difficult harvest or conflicts," I state as I look at Tywin.

Taking Tywin's silence as agreement about the Crownlands, I push on. "Since Lady Olenna didn't seem to be concerned over dispensing an unusually large amount of food, I realized how beneficial they would be during a war. For or against us." I summarize part of my reasoning for wanting an alliance with the Tyrells. It wasn't a very good reason, but it's not like I can mention the War of Five Kings.

"The Tyrells are seeking a solution to stabilize their hold on their own kingdom," Tywin refuted with a sneer. "The Hightowers have more wealth, manpower, and prestige than House Tyrell. The Redwynes are near equal strength to the Tyrells as well. Then there are some half-dozen houses unsatisfied with them for one reason or another."

"The Tyrells need us far more than we need them," Tywin spoke with near disgust in his voice.

As events currently stand, Tywin is right. If it wasn't for my knowledge of future events, an alliance with the Reach would offer the Westerlands little.

"Perhaps we can help keep them destabilized?" I ask.

"Explain," Tywin said after a moment of consideration.

"If the Tyrells can wed Margaery to Joffrey, she would become the queen of the Seven Kingdoms once Robert dies. That would solve the Tyrells stability in the Reach and give them immense power of the other kingdoms." I said.

"But if we were to make alliances through marriage and business with the Redwynes, Hightowers, and Tarlys, then the Tyrells would face additional pressure from their own bannermen. It would greatly reduce their efficiency in war and distract them from the crown." I eagerly propose. "Too bad Renly Baratheon is a sword-swallower. It won't be easy for us to secure a marriage with him, and he is likely the Tyrells' next target." I disappointingly said.

I nearly laugh at the sudden look of horrified disgust flash over Tywin's face. It appears my ruthless uncle was not aware of Prince Renly's nocturnal activities. I wonder how he's going to use that information?

Resuming his typical stony face, Tywin gives me a wave of dismissal. "That will be enough for today," Tywin commanded.

After bidding him farewell, I depart the solar for my family's living quarters. I can already see my mother's reaction to the news of my betrothal. There will be tears. Lots and lots of happy tears.

Damn Cersei for interfering! Margaery and I would have been wed before Jon Arryn's murder. That would have reduced Renly's force to less than 20,000 men and put the Westerlands in a much better position to put-down any rebellions.

I stop mid-step in the hallway as I realize my mistake.

This entire time, I've been working on how to best handle the War of the Five Kings. I should have been working to prevent it from ever starting!

I originally planned to kill Petyr Baelish the night Jon Arryn dies and stage it to appear as if he fled. Grand Maester Pycelle could declare Lord Arryn's death as a murder, and the Seven Kingdoms would launch a manhunt for the deceased Baelish.

It would have eliminated or reduced so many problems. There would be no one to convince the Starks, Tyrion hired an assassin for Bran. Baelish wouldn't have been able to put Ned Stark onto Jon Arryn's mission to find Robert's bastards. And tons of other plots and schemes the little shit concocted. Hell, Baelish probably put Jon Arryn and Stannis Baratheon on the bastard hunt in the first place!

I see no point in waiting to remove that treacherous little cunt.

Plans are made and discarded as I resume my walk towards my family. With a sudden smile, I can't help but let out a small laugh.

Poor Baelish. Working in a brothel that caters to unsavory patrons can be hazardous to one's health.

Short Chapter.

Prepare for a time-skip!!!

Anyway, hope you enjoy, and let me know what you're thinking!

LargeFarvacreators' thoughts