
Ch. 17 Gerion's Return

Tywin pulled out all the stops for Uncle Gerion's reception. Servants were scurrying everywhere, trying to get all the preparations done. Banners where being displayed, soldiers were lined to receive an honored guest, and the Great Hall was being fitted for a feast tonight.

The Rock was an inspiring sight of wealth and power on normal days. But now it looked like the royal palace it once was. The main Lannister family members were standing in line, waiting to receive Uncle Gerion.

Tywin even had Joy present. She looked like a little doll, dressed up and held on the hip of her handmaiden. Tywin's treatment of Joy was something that surprised many in the Rock. He never visited or spoke of her, but she lived in Gerion's old quarters with her handmaidens and wanted for nothing. Except, maybe for her father. This treatment continued even after most believed Uncle Gerion dead.

I'm not sure what Tywin was thinking, but many saw his treatment of Joy as proof of his belief in family. It showed that even the bastards of a Lannister were still seen as family. Perhaps, just not regarded as highly as true-born Lannisters.

Even Tyrion was present and appeared mostly sober, as he stood between Tywin and my father. I caught a whiff of alcohol when I went to greet him. I thought he would be somewhat happy to see me, considering the pending arrival of Uncle Gerion. But I was mistaken. Tyrion was not rude, but he kept his comments brief and made a weak excuse to move away from me to greet Tywin.

Despite being one of my favorite characters in the T.V. show, I had lost any desire to befriend Tyrion. He was becoming the vain, spiteful little shite that Tywin hated in the show. The fact I wished to inherit Casterly Rock over Tyrion made us rivals at best.

The sound of a horn from the top of Lion's Mouth announced the arrival of Uncle Gerion. Or I should say Uncle Gerion's escort.

Shortly after the horn sounded, Lannister cavalry came into view. It looks like the Lannisters of Lannisport put a great deal of importance on protecting Uncle Gerion. The vanguard approaching Lion's Mouth looked to be two-hundred strong. Following behind the mounted men were three large carriages and two armored wagons. Another two-hundred cavalry provided rear security.

I suppressed my building excitement as the first carriage came to a stop a short distance from the Lannister reception. I know what I've been told, but I'll let myself be excited once I actually see Uncle Gerion.

I didn't have to wait long. With all the men dismounting, I immediately noticed as my uncle carefully stepped out of the carriage. He seemed to have aged ten years, and it took me a moment to realize why he was taking the carriage steps so carefully. His left arm was missing below the elbow.

With the exception of his missing limb, Gerion Lannister was dressed in finery befitting of the family wealth. His hair had receded a bit, and the wrinkles around his eyes and forehead were more prominent, but his smile was the same as I remember.

Uncle Gerion carefully looked at each Lannister lined up to receive him. His eyes would pause on each person for a moment before moving to the next. When our eyes met, Uncle Gerion's grin grows a bit more, and he gives me a subtle wink.

Finished looking over his family, Uncle Gerion sauntered up to Tywin with his familiar smirk. "Have you gained weight, brother?" Uncle Gerion quietly asked Tywin.

Tywin merely glanced at Uncle Gerion's stump of an arm. "I see you've lost weight." Tywin casually remarked. I was a bit put-off by Tywin's comment, but Uncle Gerion threw his head back and merrily laughed.

Once Uncle Gerion's laughter died down, Tywin pointedly stared Gerion in the eyes. "Are they dead?" Tywin asked in a grave tone.

"Undoubtedly," Uncle Gerion said before turning to Joy. Unconditional love filled my uncle's eyes as he looked at his daughter resting on the hip of her handmaiden. Joy is curiously staring at her father when Gerion reaches out and runs a finger over her chubby cheek.

Joy bashfully buries her face in the handmaiden's shoulder. After only a few seconds of hiding, Joy peeks back towards her father with a large smile.

The adorable moment was interrupted by the sudden clank of a heavy chest being placed on the cobblestones by four armored soldiers. Another five matching chests are brought over, each carried by four struggling men. Three men carrying a small chest each move to stand between the reinforced chests and Uncle Gerion. A final soldier walks around the side of one of the armored wagons holding a narrow case as long as he is tall.

Son of a whoreson! There is no doubt about that being a sword case!

As if he knew what we were thinking, Uncle Gerion stepped up to the chests and grandly waved his only arm over the chests. "Two years ago, I set out on a mission to Old Valyria, to recover our ancestral blade, Brightroar." Uncle Gerion loudly announced to the crowd. "It turned into a journey steeped with hidden dangers at every turn, and despite paying a heavy price," Gerion said as he glanced at his stump. "We never reached our destination."

"But, my mission was not a complete failure!" Uncle Gerion said with a lighter tone as he nodded his head towards the soldiers standing behind the large chests.

The lids of all six chests were lifted to reveal piles of gold coins and bars. One of the reinforced containers was filled with an immense selection of precious gems and jewelry. As impressive as this is, I noticed Tywin had his eyes fixed on the long narrow case being cradled off to the side.

"A failure it might have been, but it was not without its benefits." Uncle Gerion spoke up. "Even still, it is thanks to the courage and dedication of my men, and my two nephews that allowed me to return home." Uncle Gerion looked between Tyrion and me. "The two of you were an invaluable aid, and a Lannister always pays his debts."

One of the men holding a small chest, closely followed behind Gerion as he stepped in front of Tyrion. "To my nephew Tyrion, I present to you, something you once begged me for, so many years ago. A dragon egg," Uncle Gerion said as the chest bearing lifted the lid, revealing a large-scaled egg of deep green.

I couldn't see Tyrion's face, but judging by Gerion's smirk, he was stunned. "I'll leave it up to you to see to the hatching." Uncle Gerion said.

Butterflies burst through my stomach as Uncle Gerion stepped in front of me. He was not as tall as my father, but I was still several inches shorter than my uncle. "It is good to have you home, Uncle," I quietly say.

Uncle Gerion smirks, and I can just make out him mouth the word, 'favorite'.

"I owe you a great deal, nephew," Uncle Gerion formally said. Raising his voice for the crowd, "To my nephew, Lancel, I present to you, something I hope that is able to protect you, just as well as you protected me."

Uncle Gerion turned and nodded his head to the soldier with the sword case. I was suddenly as worried as I was excited. If Uncle Gerion is about to do what I think he is, I'm going to be right in the middle of him and a spurned Tywin.

Reaching into the opened case, Uncle Gerion lifted out an unsheathed sword. The hilt was worn and scarred but sized to be held with two hands. The blade was unmarked, allowing the rippled pattern to show clearly. At roughly four feet in length, Uncle Gerion presented the Valyrian steel sword to me.

"You will have to fit it with a new hilt and a name," Uncle Gerion said in an earnest tone.

I slowly place my hands under the blade and lift it from Uncle Gerion's grasp. It is lighter than I expected of a longsword, and the pattern on the blade is nearly hypnotic to stare at. Even balanced by its blade, something just felt right about holding it. "I name this sword, Lionheart," I announced in a shaky voice.

"It's a good name, nephew. May it serve you well." Uncle Gerion said as he laid his hand on my shoulder.

I barely noticed when Uncle Gerion took his hand away and turned to Tywin. A smirk firmly placed on his face as he moved to stand in front of his eldest brother again. I could only see the side of Tywin's face, but I'm not sure what he's thinking. While the Lannisters did gain a Valyrian steel sword, it was presented to me, someone not of his direct descent.

"While I may not have reached Valyria," Uncle Gerion said with humor as he reached towards the sword box. "I did stumble upon something..."

Uncle Gerion swiftly lifted a second sword from the case, a sheathed sword over five feet in length. The crossguard was heavily engraved, and nearly a foot across, and a beautifully detailed lion head made up the pommel.

"I present to you, brother," Gerion loudly announced. "Brightroar!"

Hope you guys and gals enjoy!

Next chapter will be a small time skip, but still the same age.

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