
The Great Kek

A new monster has been made but under weird circumstances he was made through magical and scientific means. He was born human but was changed into a monster. They took his body and melded it through magic and science to make a hybrid. Half man Half frog. I hope that people will enjoy this. It will be an off and on for chapters because I am currently still in school. The chapters will be short.

MilkFrogGaming · เกม
14 Chs

Chapter 10

When we could finally see the nest, we saw the frogs I had left. Two of them died and the last frog was fighting a heavily injured arachnid. The frog had killed the arachnid, but not without a heavy cost as it soon collapsed injured but not dead. Working fast, I had the axe head drag the sled of wood near the entrance of the nest, while the frogs set up a perimeter around it. I dragged the heavily injured frog near the base of a tree while the axe head started dumping the wood in front of the entrance.

We started hearing rustling in the trees around us and looking up, I noticed that the gray apes heard the commotion of the horn and the fighting and decided it was to investigate. They started making a kind of circle around us to ensure that we didn't escape or run away and started roaring at us. It would seem that they are trying to provoke us into a fight. Turning back to the axe head, it finally dumped all the wood at the entrance reaching it's in the makeshift bag I had made and pulling out the flint and steel.

Just as I was about to strike the flint steel on the wood I was suddenly hit in the back with a rock. Looking back at what threw the rock, I saw a gray ape, but it was different. It had some type of tribal war paint on its arms that was a swirl on the shoulder and going down into a line to its hands. The ape had a smug look on its face, one that I oh so wish to wipe away. But I cannot afford to be distracted, so I look back at the wood in front of the nest entrance. I quickly strike it with the flint and steel watching as it grows and glows a bright fiery orange in front of me.

[< Quest Received! >

Title: Monkey see Monkey do

Description: You must hold out until the tree is done burning

Rewards: random skill or item

1. Random skill

2. Random rare item

Failure: Death]

As the fire from the wood suffocates the arachnids inside of the nest depriving them of their oxygen, I turned my attention toward the apes surrounding us looking like they're about to attack. Readying myself I give out orders.

"Ok you two protect that frog. Axe head attack anything that gets too close. You two come with me."

I and the two frogs are positioned at the front with the axe head behind us with the other two frogs and the injured frog at the back. I waited for the gray apes to strike. Then the ape from before, with the tribal war paint on its arms, raised its arm into the air and threw it forward, while giving a mighty roar. They came charging towards us like a gray wave. I raised my spear, my hand to the sky, while giving a scream in return.

When the first ape reached me, I immediately plunged my spear into its stomach while lifting it up into the air using it as a shield as an ape came slashing at me. The two frogs with me were immediately overrun by the growing number of apes. The axe head farewelled against the numbers as it swung its head left and right hitting anything that came close to it. I had to fall back to the burning pile of wood and while I was falling back the two frogs, I had protect the heavily injured frog was also immediately killed and overrun.

I and the axe head were cornered against the tree and the apes performing a circle around us we were trapped. It was then that the ape with the tribal paint on it came forward taunting me to come fight it. I was angry and that anger fueled me with strength that I did not know I had. I walked towards it, and we started circling each other. The surrounding gray ape started roaring, almost like they were cheering us on. I made the first move by running towards it while slamming my spear on my shield.

I tried to stun it by throwing my shield, but all it did was smack it away. But by doing so, it gave me the opportunity to try and stab it with my spear. Just when I was about to stab it, it grabbed the spear and then snapped it in half. I stared in shock as it snapped my spear in half and made a noise akin to a laugh. While I was in shock, the ape grabbed my head and then bashed into the ground. Waking up from my stupor I mean, they lash out with my {bone claws} cutting its stomach open and letting its entrails fall out.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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