

I was on the street lying there waiting for a car to notice me. But nothing came. I was on an abandoned road were there had been sightings of vampires or said to be vampires. I didn't believe it so one of my friends dared me to spend the night on this abandoned road and I did.

I was bored and all I did was eat and have a campfire. But soon I felt off. So I just went to sleep. I woke up in the dark scared because I heard noises.

I´m not stupid like the people in the movies though so I just stayed there. I waited until I knew I was safe. Then I hear a voice. 2 voices, two boys They were laughing and messing around with my stuff then I know that boys are just messing around. So I ignore it and cover myself up again but soon I realized something was wrong. I hear them running away and them saying is there anyone in the tent.

I yell why? Then they yelled "Fire". Get out and run. I thought it was a prank until I saw smoke everywhere. I started inhaling it and coughing. Then I hear them run away. Soon I couldn't breath. I yell ̈Someone please help me.¨ I hear nothing than a man yell who's there anyone there. I yell again ̈Over hear. I see a guy unzip the tent then that was all I could take I passed out not being able to breath.

All I remember is him picking me up and setting me outside of the tent and looking for my phone. Then he called 911 and ran off after saying there was a fire and a girl was injured. I saw him run away faster than I have ever seen. Soon I wake up to sirens and that was it. I still can't believe that he saved me if he was a vampire but I still don't understand.

I was just glad he saved me when he did. I woke up in the hospital with a mask over my mouth and my mom next to me by the side of the bed. I just don't understand why he saved me then I see the news. Just in, there was a giant forest fire injuring a 16-year old that was camping. She is in the hospital now, we should get more information soon.

I lean in to grab the remote but as soon as I start trying to watch something else all that was on was this. But then one catches my eye. It said ̈ This just in a guy said he saw a boy grabing the girl out of the tent then he called 911. This is a new mystery... who is this man?¨. My mom looks at me I shrug my shoulders acting like I don't remember a thing. But I did I remember me calling for help then hearing him yelling anyone there I yelled one more time and then I was out. I was scared. I thought I was doing to die but I remember a faint blur of his face.

Black moon colored hair with crescent blue eyes. I don't think he is a vampire I would think he would have killed me then. Who knows probably just a stupid boy trying to scare me.