
The Great Alpha System

In the past , there was no light , no joy , no pain , no laughter , no regrets, . It was just me ,me and an eternity of darkness, then i created the heavens , i created a place for me , i created my followers . I guess it was quite fun. For a God like me protecting , creating, was one of my specialty as i love it like so. so i created many dimensions , many universe , many live , at least it reduced the darkness. But as they say good things don't last . things started going wrong. Then , things started going wrong when one of my own followers desired my spot , my spot as a God as king of all living. He went against me and my every will.and the worst part is that, i can't Kill him , after all he is one of my creation . So i locked him up far away from my every creation of mine , but am sure it wouldn't hold him for long . i just feel it and am sure his coming back . "since you are the king of all live , I'll be king of all deaths" he said as he laughed out loud ."Hahahahahahahahah'" Right now am going to do something i never thought I'll do I think Ill need help from one of my own creations . _____&&&&&&_________---&&&&&&& This book actually has 4sides, for you to understand the book fully you need to read all 4 sides. (Note , this story is not a werewolf based story, am trying to creat a new Parth of fantasy just need your support ) My first time writing so first few chapters might not be that good it get better at chapter 16

Willfried_Jilib · สงคราม
19 Chs

Chapter 2: Grey and the military school

Grey and the military school

A bus could be seen running at full speed through the high way , without the intention of stopping anytime soon.

" Hold on tight kids we will soon be there!"

A man shouted from the driving seat as he held on to the staring of the car and going at full speed .

All the kids in the bus had sweat running down their faces as they were desperately holding up to anything they could around them , all the students had only one thought I their head . ' why run so fast in the first place ?' they all wondered but non of them had the courage to voice it out.

At the very back of the bus ,a young skinny boy could be seen. this kid had dirty blonde hairs , with somany minor scars all over his body which must have been caused by some type of torture ,.

This kid was Grey , Grey Redems. , And he was an orphan .

Grey lost his parents in a war , the war between humanity and Demons .

Currently Grey and every single one of the kids in the bus were been taken to the Military school, where they shall be trained on how to defend their selves properly.

Although it was believed by most that the war with the demons was over .

Those at high power and the military believed in the contrary , .

The could feel it , the demons , they only drop in They way they would normally attack , Android would only attack now and then in minor numbers , which will easily be dealt with, either by the military ,or by some group of hunters.

Grey was probably one of the students who had more difficulty in holding tight , for one , due to his skinny nature he was quite light , therefore making it easy for him to be moved in any direction that the car went in.

Another reason why Grey found it difficult to hold himself was because of the way he was sitting, for some unknown reason the whole of the back seat was left only for him , giving enough space for him to be flung from left to right.

Soon Grey couldn't take it anymore as he started to have a tickling feeling inside his belley , .

' Oh no , i think am gonna ' Grey thought as an acidic taste filled his mouth , not wanting to keep such a sensation in him, Grey had no choice but to let it out.

As soon as Grey left a little bit of space for the acidic taste to move out , it forcefully pushed his mouth wide open making a good way for it to flow

out freely.

As soon as the liquid hit the ground, screaming could be heard all round the bus , as the students who didn't wanted to sit with Grey on purpose only voiced out their thoughts.

"Ill , gross ,i knew something like that would happen , thank goodness I wasn't close to him ,bluqk! "

A girl with blue eyes, matching her wavy blue hairs , smooth skin and outstanding body which will easily make boys fall to her feet said as she looked at Grey as some disgusting pice of shit.

" Ill , is it me or that guy looks more to a zombie " another person said from the front sit.

." Nahh , his no zombie , he must be a patient "

Many more comment were being aimed at Grey , but he didn't say anything , he quickly clean his mouth and all other areas that seemed to be wet on him , not really caring about their dirty comment .

He was already use to this , in The past , the school he use to attend , quite a lot of use to call him harsh words , and he couldn't do anything , .

He didn't know why they were such a difference in treatment back then , sometimes , some boys would even come after bhim during closing hours only to use him as a punching bag .

And the simple but worst part of it was Grey couldn't do anything to stop , since they were far bigger and stronger than his .Grey was even excited about the fact that he was going to the military school , for him , he thought that a change in environnement would stop everything ,he thought that maybe it wasn't his fault ,and perhaps it was his environment which was already corrupt.

' guess I was wrong then' Grey thought , admitting that , in this world they are things that seem to never change.' i guess it's only me and you then little guy ' Grey said as his hands went on to the amulet on his chest , it had the form of a well carved diamond but the difference between this amulet and a diamond was that, it had a dirty golden colour ,

Grey didn't even know where he got the amulet from , but he remembers that he had it since a long time ago , how long he didn't know but to him it was of no importance as he touched it .

Soon every body including Grey could be seen moving towards their front , an aftermath informing them that the bus had come to a stop.

"Ok kids , were finally here , so get off the bus!" the man at the staring of the car spoke , but this time with more seriousness , making his sentence short

and clear as possible , that was the military, making instructions clear so that they should be followed easily, the kids knowing that it was an order rather than a demand , quickly came down from the bus without having second thoughts .

Even Grey tried his best to be as fast as possible .

Once on the ground all the students took a look around them and they could see that they were in a vast land mass , and they could see that they weren't alone , all around them was filled with students of around the same age group , and far ahead of them they could see some men stand on a platform above the normal ground level , but what was interesting was that the platform was made of complete earth .

'they must have a high level of understanding of the earth viterlity to be able to do such a thing ' Grey thought as he continued to look at the large platform that was made of earth.

In the past , during the war between humanity and the demons, the planet Earth had experienced something unexplainable ,from the sky, droplets of different colours could be seen dropping unto the surface of the earth.

one could say it was raining colours , it was yet a beautiful sight to behold , and after that thou many things change on earth, one could even say it was the changing point of the the war , from their , people started showing different sings , of being capable of doing things that were unexplainable by science ,

Some people were capable of running at inhuman speed , some were capable of manipulating water , some fire and air , with many more.

This was really something useful to the humans a that time .

From then, the knowledge of such power were being passed on from time to time , some people passed their knowledge to only to their blood line , while others for the sake of humanity passed the knowledge down to any one who wanted to use it for the same purpose, while others shared the knowledge only to those that were willing to work under them .

And that's how the world became a mess , after the war, those that ruled earth were those that were believed to be Earth's strongest people. And right now they were five , and they were nick named the fantastic 5.

Right now on earth , justice was no more and what mattered was connection and power .

On the platform , they where currently three men in military uniform standing side by side with one in the middle ,

"I think that was the last bus sir " the one by the left side said as he continued to go through the list he had at hand, making sure they were no mistakes. He bad short brown hairs and black eyes , with a good looking face , he seemed to be in his late twenties, his name was Packer , .

As for the one he was talking to , the one in the middle , he had a blad head which suit him quite well , but unfortunately he had only one eye making him look a little scary , the eye on the left side was tide with an eye patch and a huge scar could be seen going from his forehead through the patched eyes and stopping at his chick . His name was Lorex.

" Good then, let's get this done already, should we ?" The man said as a smile came up to his face .