
The Grand Heist

Jason was just an ordinary everyday construction site worker, he had no goals in life and had no expectations. He just planned to live a simple life with his mother, until one day something unexpected happened. He doesn't know if it was fate or if it was just a coincidence, but one thing he knew for sure was that it changed his life completely. Join him as he goes through the trials of his life and unmask the mysterys surrounding him. Watch as he carried out one of the greatest heists ever recorded in history. NB: This is my first time writing a book, so the wording might not be good at the start but will progress as time goes by.

larry_prince · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Chapter 3 : Get down

After settling with the procedure for resignation which took much longer than I expected,

We left the construction site not looking back even once. We started on our way to Chuck's house, which is located down town in the slums.

The slum is a place where the poor people of the society live. Everything there is cheap and most of the things you find there are always second hand stuff  or sometimes even third hand.

After passing many broken down houses and stores, we arrived at Chuck's house which wasn't in any better condition. We entered into his one room apartment, which had nothing but a bed, a table, a bench and a box of clothes lying at the  corner of the room.

Once we entered chuck made sure the door was tightly shut before proceeding to remove the bag from under his bed. The bag just looked like any other ordinary bag pack, no one would ever think that they would find thirty million dollars inside.

When he took out the bag and placed it on the table, I took a deep breath, thinking ' so this bag contains the key to our better future '.

He opened the bag and what lay inside was a sight to behold. There were stacks of neatly arranged hundred dollar bills placed inside in an orderly manner. I felt a shiver run down my back. Even though I already knew the contents of the bag, I still couldn't believe what I was seeing. This is the first time in my life I'm seeing this many bills gathered in one place.

After composing my thoughts, I asked.

"I guess you've counted it already".

He nodded and said.

" Once I rushed home, I just couldn't contain my curiosity so I sat down and counted the money. And like I told you thirty million dollars, no more no less ".

" Ok, like I said before we have to keep this money in a bank, it isn't convenient to have this at home. But it's pretty late right now so why don't we just sleep for today, then tomorrow early in the morning we head over to create the account". I suggested

" Your probably right, we'll just have to wait until tomorrow before going to the bank. Hehehe I can't wait".

So we just had our bath in Chuck's rundown bathroom. Then after that we prepared to go to bed. I don't actually live with chuck, I live with my mom some blocks away. But from time to time I spend the night at Chuck's place so my mom had already gotten used to it and doesn't bother when I don't come home at night. And besides neither of us had a phone to call or leave a message.

When we were just about to get on the torn bed, I heard some shuffling sounds coming from the window. I got down from the bed to check it out thinking it was a cat , but once I opened up the window the wasn't anything in sight. I closed up the window confused. I was pretty sure I heard the sound of something walking outside. But I just pushed it to the back of my mind, thinking I'm just excited about the money which is making me to hear things.

When I was about turning to get back to bed, I felt something cold pressing at the back of my head, then I heard a deep male voice speak in an intimidating tone " Get down!".

My mind went blank for a second, not understanding what was going on. I was confused at first then something clicked into my head. I finally realized what was pointing at my head snd I was so scared that I didn't move an inch .

But the man seemed to be loosing his Patience because he said again in a cold lifeless tone.

" I said get down if you wanna live ".

Once I heard the last line, my knees gave off and I just fell to the floor with my legs trembling. Although I lived a terrible life, it never got to a point were

my life was threatened, so feeling a gun being pointed at the back of my head, I felt like my soul already left my body.

I could already guess the reason why there was someone at Chuck's apartment at this time of the night pointing a gun at my head. 'OF Course It's because of the money'. Why else would there be someone here trying to kill me. It isn't like we own anything valuable here.

When I got down, my hands were tied and my head covered with a piece of cloth.

My mind was a mess at that moment.

" what have I gotten myself into, why did we even take the money. I shouldn't have listened to Chuck, are they going to kill us. what about my mom, I still have to make her happy ".

Questions just kept on going back and forth in my head and I knew no one was there to answer them.

After the mysterious man was through with me, I heard some shuffling at the side and I knew he was also tieing up chuck.

After sometime I was pulled up from the ground and pulled from the front. I heard the sound of the door opening, and we were pushed outside. The cold breaze of the night hit me and I started shivering. We were pulled on for a while before we came to stop, then suddenly we were shoved into something. After feeling around for awhile I found out it was a car.

Then I heard the engine starting and the car moving. I just sat there trying calm down, because I knew panicking wasn't the best solution.

After driving in silence for a while I finally heard voices.

" Charlie why can't we just kill them, what's the point of keeping them alive ".

It was the voice of a girl.

" Common Barbie, you know the rules no killing on missions with no threats. We can't attract to much attention, loosing the money was already troublesome enough ".

This time It was a mans voice, and if I remember correctly it was thesame person who pointed the gun at my head.

" I know, but still what's the point of taking them with us. We already got the money so let's just get rid of them and get lost ".

Thesame girl spoke in a stubborn voice. I was really starting to panic now, were they really going to kill us. I could even feel chuck shivering from fear by my side.

" Can you just shut up Barbie, Charlie's right, even though this two guys are just some poor workers, killing them will still rise suspicion and we've been on the raider for too long already. We have to lay low for a while".

Another voice spoke with with a thick British accent.

"Whatever, I don't care anymore. You guys can do whatever you want. But were are we going to keep them". The one called 'Barbie' said.

"We'll take them back to base of course, and let higher Up's decide what to do with them".

This time it was a different voice but still belonging to a girl.

" I can't wait to complete this mission. I need a vacation, and maybe some shopping as well". said ' Barbie' . She sounded really excited.

"Sigh, do you ever think of anything but shopping".

At this point I wasn't even listening to their conversation anymore. I was just glad that they weren't going to kill us. But I was still worried.

'Who are this higher Up's and what are they planning on doing with us' I thought dejectedly.

Then suddenly I felt sleepy, before realizing what happened, I passed out.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

larry_princecreators' thoughts