
The Grand Heist

Jason was just an ordinary everyday construction site worker, he had no goals in life and had no expectations. He just planned to live a simple life with his mother, until one day something unexpected happened. He doesn't know if it was fate or if it was just a coincidence, but one thing he knew for sure was that it changed his life completely. Join him as he goes through the trials of his life and unmask the mysterys surrounding him. Watch as he carried out one of the greatest heists ever recorded in history. NB: This is my first time writing a book, so the wording might not be good at the start but will progress as time goes by.

larry_prince · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Chapter 2: 30 million dollars

1 second....

5 seconds.....

30 seconds...

1 minute...

I just stood there speechless, it was one thing to say you picked up money from a storage room, but it was another thing to say you picked up that type of money. For the first time in my life I didn't know what to say. I tried to calm down thinking I heard wrong, so I asked again.

" Ehh, how much did you just say "

I closed my eyes praying I heard wrong, But he said it again and this time slowly.

" I said I found 'THIRTY MILLION DOLLARS' ".

I opened my eyes and just stared at him for a while as though thinking of something, Then I started laughing hard.

" Hahahahaha, dude I come on don't pull pranks on me like that okay it's not even April fool's day yet".

I said while trying to hold back my laughter. But he didn't reply, he just started at me clearly frustrated.

I stopped laughing after I realized that he doesn't look like he's joking at all. My mind went blank again trying to understand what's going on. I looked at him weirdly then asked.

" So you actually found a bag of money ".

He nodded.

" In the storage room " I asked again.

And he nodded again.

"And to be precise Thirty million dollar " I asked the last time for confirmation.

But to my surprise he still nodded. Look you can't blame me for not believing him okay, we're talking about Thirty million dollars here, not thirty thousand. I earn fifty dollars after a hard day of work, so how am I supposed to react to 'someone', not just anyone 'my friend', and not just any friend 'my best friend' telling me that he has thirty million dollars in his possession. It just isn't logical.

I sighed and said.

" Okay where did you keep the money? I don't see any money on you. You still look like a church rat, in fact calling you a church rat I a disgrace to their society. "

He didn't look offended by my comment, he just looked around to check if anyone was listening to us. Once he made sure the coast was clear he said in a hushed tone.

" Once I found the money I was shocked and didn't know what to do, so I shoved it under my clothes and ran home and hid it under my bed before coming to get you".

The more he explained the more I was loosing my mind, because what he was saying was actually making sense. I've known Chuck for a while now and I know every time he lies, whatever he says doesn't make sense. so I was really freaking out here.

After thinking for a while I frowned while saying.

" Are you an idiot, even if you saw the money like you said, you weren't supposed to touch it. What if it belongs to some thugs or thieves, what are you going to do when they come looking for their money. Do you think they are just going to let their money go down the drain, that's a huge amount of money and whoever owns it will come back looking for it. So I suggest you bring back the money and keep it were it was supposed to be, then you forget this ever happened ".

" No way!! "

He screamed like a mad dog. Some people turned to look at us thinking we were about to fight. When Jason saw everyone looking at him he blushed and lowered his voice and said.

" Jason look this money is more than enough to get us out of our miserable lives okay. Forget about who ever kept it there, if the money was so important to him he wouldn't have kept it at a construction site in the first place. Look man just think about your mom at home, she's getting older as days go by and still doing so many jobs at once. It isn't good for her health. With this money we can get out of this dump and start any business of our choice, or even go back to school. If not for yourself dude, do it for aunty at home, she's like a mother to me as well and I wouldn't like to see her suffer anymore okay, so just think about it ".

What he said hit me hard. I stood there thinking about what he just said. It's true with that money we can leave this place and start a better lives for ourselves. But I still hesitated, who ever kept that money there probably will come back looking for it and when they don't find it who knows what they might do.

But at the mention of my mom all my hesitation went out the window. I had promised myself to give my mom a better life and now that the opportunity has presented itself before me why should I hesitate. Chuck's right if the money was so valuable to the owner he wouldn't have kept it at a construction site in the first place. So I made up my mind then that I would use the money to make life better for us.

After thinking it through I turned to look at chuck only to find him looking right back at me nervously. It seems like he thought I would still hesitate. I just smiled at him and said.

" Your right, this money I our ticket out of here, we shouldn't let go of an opportunity like this".

After he heard what I said he breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and said.

" I knew I could count on you to make the right decision. Okay now that were on thesame page, what do we do next ".

I thought for a while the said.

"I think we need to first quite our jobs here since we won't be working here anymore. Then we go to your place, take the money and keep in an account or something, we can't just keep that amount of money in your run down apartment, what if someone finds out and comes for it ".

" Yeah you're right" he said agreeing" We can't just casually be keeping it with us, but I don't have any account that we can keep it in ".

" Well I don't have one as well " .

We never made a lot of money so nither of us ever thought of getting an account since once we get paid the money just vanishes on expenses.

After considering our options, I said.

" Well we could just go to the nearest bank and register for an account before depositing the money there"

His eyes brighten while he nodded rapidly.

" Your right, all we need to do is register an account. haha were gonna be rich, I can't believe this".

I laughed as well clearly not believing what was happening as well.

" Calm down dude, we haven't even thought of what to do with the money yet and your already this excited ".

" I know, I know, I know but I can't just help it, just the fact that were in possession of that amount of money is making my blood boil " he said clearly excited

I just shaked my head and smile. Actually I can guess how he feels. After leaving a life of poverty and suffering, now that he has an opportunity to change everything of course he's going to be excited. And honestly speaking I'm a little excited as well. Just this constant worry of what if something goes wrong. I can't just ignore the fact that we found that type of money In a storage room

" Okay common let's go hand in our resignation letters and get out of here, then we can get the money and stop at the bank after sorting out our thoughts ".

He nodded his head while saying.

" Okay, I can't wait to get out of here. I've been working in this place for as long as I can remember, now that I can leave I won't waste any time to do it.

I just smiled and pulled his hand as he kept on babbling about this and that.

Never would I have thought that this was the beginning and end of our lives.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

larry_princecreators' thoughts