
The Grand Heist

Jason was just an ordinary everyday construction site worker, he had no goals in life and had no expectations. He just planned to live a simple life with his mother, until one day something unexpected happened. He doesn't know if it was fate or if it was just a coincidence, but one thing he knew for sure was that it changed his life completely. Join him as he goes through the trials of his life and unmask the mysterys surrounding him. Watch as he carried out one of the greatest heists ever recorded in history. NB: This is my first time writing a book, so the wording might not be good at the start but will progress as time goes by.

larry_prince · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Chapter 12: Experiment (part 2)

[ President's office ]

"Sir I just got report that he passed through the first stage and his body is stabilized now".

"There's no need to keep me updated Peter, I know he's going to make it through all the stages. We are just going to have to wait" Mr Charles said in a surprisingly serious face.

Peter just sighed at his overconfidence but didn't say anything. Then he seemed to have remembered something as he asked.

"Sir it doesn't seem like the squad likes Mr Jason very much, I don't think it's a good idea to include him in their group. It's going to be troublesome when they go out for missions to work together, it would have been better if we allowed him to create his own group from the new batch".

Mr Charles nodded agreeing to what he said but smilled while saying " You are right they don't seem happy about the addition of another member to their crew, but that's not going to last for long. I've just received some Intel from my undercover agent and it seems like it's time to do a clean up. If you know what I mean".

"Hahahaha sir you really are smart, that's a really good idea, I can't wait to watch the show".


[ Three hours later ]

"Ouch my head!! it hurts so bad" I woke up with a splitting headache. I looked around and found out I was the only one left in the room.

"Those bastard left me here alone. At least they undid the belts" I grumbled annoyed.

I tried to sit up but the pain in my head was to much for me, so I lied back down. After about two minutes the doors to the lab was opend and Charlotte gracefully walked in. She walked up to me and asked with a smile that wasn't really a smile.

"So Mr Jason, how are you feeling, is the anything I can get for you?"

"Is this woman kidding me right now? after torturing me with who knows what, she's now insincerely asking me how I'm feeling. She even looks like she's enjoying my painful expressions" I thought.

But I composed myself and answered " I feel terrible thanks to you, and by the way you can get me to the hospital".

Her smile turned into a smirk as she replied in a dramatic tone "Ohh Mr Jason you can't possibly tell me your still feeling pain over that small injection we gave you. And besides this is a hospital and I'm your doctor so you don't have to bother, just tell me what's wrong with you and I'll solve your problems".

I just sighed in defeat. From the moment I saw that smile of hers, I knew she was going to be trouble.

When she saw I wasn't talking anymore, she smiled again and nodded while saying " Ok then since you don't need anything, let's begin the next stage shall we".

After saying that, she removed a normal looking syringe from her coat and without even given me the opportunity to speak, she pierced it into my neck.

My eyes widened in shock, I wasn't even able to speak "This woman really enjoys stabbing people with syringes doesn't she?".

After some few seconds, I started feeling dizzy and felt really sleepy.

"You!!" I said trying to point at her but I was to weak to even raise my hands, and before I knew it I had fainted for the second time in one day.

"He has entered the second stage"


[ Three more hours later ]

"Oh look who's up again"

That was the first voice I heard when I woke up, and it definitely wasn't the voice I wanted to hear.

I sat up feeling drowsy and really tired. But at least this time I had the strength to sit up. When I looked to the left I saw the face of the mad scientist who did this to me.

Right now I felt like Frankenstein and she the mad scientist. The only difference is that I'm not dead yet and she's too pretty to look like a crazy person.

"So how are you feeling this time around Jason, any issue you'd like to share" She said with her signature smirk which irritates me to no end.

I just rolled my eyes at her and kept quiet because I knew if I answered she might use that opportunity annoy me even more.

"Oh! are you trying to give me the silent treatment, looks like somebody is becoming a naughty boy and needs to be punished" While saying that, she pulled out another needle from her coat and approached me with it.

"No!!" I screamed jumping off the table with the remaining strength I had left which caused me to fall on my back.

"Hahahaha, look at you jumping like a frog. Relax I'm not going to stab you again, well not yet at least. Your body isn't ready for the last one" She said while laughing at me.

I glared at her but she ignored it and walked up to me giving me a hand to help me stand up. She helped me towards a chair at the corner of the room and had me sit on it. Then she sat on the chair opposite to me and just stared at me.

I just ignored her and looked in the other direction. But I still felt her staring a hole through my head.

Time passed really slowly for me and I started feeling uncomfortable. When I couldn't take it anymore I turned to her and asked irritated "What are you staring at?".

She smiled sweetly at me and said "I thought you weren't going to talk again".

"Ohh God please help me" I thought feeling helpless.

"Ohh common don't cry, I haven't done anything to you yet and your already sulking I..."

"Can you please just give me the last injection so I can get out of here" I interrupted her blabbing trying to sound angry so she might leave me alone.

She clicked her tongue, rolled her eyes and said "Are you sure you want me to do that, I told you your body isn't ready for it. But if you really want me to do it then what can I say".

"Just do it, It's my body so I know what it can and can't take"

"Ok then, get ready this one isn't really going to hurt but it's going to have a weird feeling" and like usual not giving me the opportunity to speak she she stood up and stabbed me with another needle right on my neck.

This time I wasn't really surprised, I just lay on the chair waiting for whatever was about to happen to happen.

After some few seconds, I started feeling a weird sensation spreading throughout my body. it wasn't painful and neither was it uncomfortable, it felt really soothing and warm and it made me feel really sleepy.

Under the guidance of the feeling I feel asleep feeling really good for once today.

"He has entered the third and final stage of the Awakening"

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