
The Grand Heist

Jason was just an ordinary everyday construction site worker, he had no goals in life and had no expectations. He just planned to live a simple life with his mother, until one day something unexpected happened. He doesn't know if it was fate or if it was just a coincidence, but one thing he knew for sure was that it changed his life completely. Join him as he goes through the trials of his life and unmask the mysterys surrounding him. Watch as he carried out one of the greatest heists ever recorded in history. NB: This is my first time writing a book, so the wording might not be good at the start but will progress as time goes by.

larry_prince · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Chapter 1: Alexander Jason prince

My name is Alexander Jason prince, and I turned twenty one this year. With such a noble name I bet you guys think I'm some big shot with a lot of money and fame.well I'm not! Quite the opposite actually. Let's me just get you guys up to date about me before we begin.

I was brought up by my mom. My dad left us when I was still a kid, and since then we haven't heard anything about him. I never got to interact with him, so I don't really feel his absence. But my mom on the other hand had to go through a lot on her own. We weren't from a rich family or high class background, so life wasn't easy at all . My mom had to work different jobs just to support me in school and keep the house running. But I couldn't just stand by and let her suffer, could i? So I dropped out of school and started doing any random job that crosses my way.

Life wasn't easy at first but you get used to it. Wherever I go people treat me like I was nothing, a piece of rag that should have never been born. But life has to go on, I have to keep on going if not for me but for my mom who sees me as her everything. I once asked her why she gave me such a name, even though I don't fit it, but she answered

" My son, even though the world sees you differently, in my eyes your the most unique thing GOD has ever created ".

That made me shed tears, and it was on that day that I promised myself

" No matter what happens I must make life better for her ".

So that brings us back to to today. It was a busy morning as usual in the construction site. Workers were moving up and down carrying out their various tasks. I was doing my usual job, which was fetching water for anyone who needed it. Actually I don't really have a fixed job, I was what you call an errand boy. The people working here decided to pick on me because they know I don't have anyone to defend me. But there was nothing I could do about it, it was better to just entertain them, than getting beat up.

On my way to refill my buckets, I heard what sounds like a pig screaming my name as though I stole his breakfast.

" Jason.... Jason, where are you "

I turned around and to see the idiot who decided to sing my name like an anthem.

" You idiot, are you trying to let the whole world know my name! "

I shouted back annoyed.

The 'idiot' screaming my name was Chuck, my best and only friend. I know right? I have a friend, I'm shocked about that revelation too. I met him at the construction site three years ago, and after some casual chatting we just naturally bonded and since then he has been my best friend. Since childhood, if I remember correctly the number of friends I've had is..., wait a minute, that's right I've had no friends.Even though our family isn't the only poor family in the city, people still treat me like the scum of the society.But once I met chuck, we just felt connected.

Chuck's an orphan.His parents died when he was young and since then he has been on his own trying to survive this harsh world. I guess that's why we bonded so well, we both have pathetic life stories.

He noticed where I was and rushed over. He was panting like a Camel that has been starved of water for days. Chuck had a really round body, so running wasn't really his thing.

He was still panting from all the running and shouting when he arrived in front of me

" Ja....son.....ja...son ".

At this point I was really getting mad.

" Can you just spill it out already, I still have work to do ".

He tried to catch his breath, but It took him longer than I expected. After what seems like forever, he finally calmed down, then he moved closer to my ears and whispered.

" Dude, you would never believe what I found in the storage room ".

I just started at him as though he was a chicken. If he knew I wasn't going to believe then why even bother telling me. But I just decided to ask anyway.

" Ok what did you find that's so unbelievable ".

I sounded really uninterested in what ever he was about to say, and that made him frown. He looked like he was determined to surprise me.

" I found a very large amount of money in there ".

He said with smirk.

I just kept on looking at him, clearly not believing him. When he saw how uninterested I looked, he became annoyed.

" Dude are you even listening to me, I just told you I found some money in the storage room and your just staring at me like that. If you're not interested just let me know, the more for me the better ".

" Hey,hey,hey calm down okay, How do you expect react? You just show up out of nowhere telling me about finding money IN A STORAGE ROOM!!. Do you know how crazy that sounds, of all places in this world you found money in a storage room. In this city where once you drop even a dime, you won't even have the opportunity to turn around and pick it up because it already vanished into thin air, ".

You see I live in the great city of new York where finding a job is more difficult than trying to catch a fish with your hands. And not only that, the economy is so terrible up to the point where robbing has become an official occupation. In this city people actually sleep with their eyes open, literally ' eyes open', because if not you might actually get up one day discovering that not only were you stuff stolen, you might have been stolen as well.

" look I know it's hard to believe but it's true. when I went there this morning to collect my equipment for work, I found it hidden under some bags of cement at the far side of the room ".

He added trying to explain, but I still wasn't buying it. I just gave him the 'really' look for him to understand that his story still didn't make sense.

" Okay even if there was money in the storage room like you said, how come your the only one who saw it. Last time I checked a lot of people have been in and out of there this morning even before you came? ".

He thought for a while, clearly confused by the situation as well. It looked like he didn't think of that as well.

After thinking for a while, he looked like he finally figured it out.

" I think it's because of how the cemments were positioned. You know before leaving work everyday I always hide the best equipment and tools so no one gets it before me the next day right".

I nodded remembering this habit of his. Actually most of the workers at the site do thesame thing. With the number of people working here, finding good equipment is difficult especially for those who come late. So to save themselves from trouble they tend to hide their equipment in a schedule area before leaving for home.

" So you see the last spot which I used to hide my equipments was found by someone, so I had to change positions and I picked the back of the room where cemments are kept. I hid them under the bags at the far Conner. So while going to collect them today I found a bag, when I checked to see what was in it I was shocked to find huge stacks of bills placed neatly inside".

Even though he's story made sense, I still had my suspicions.

" Okay, how much was it?"

I asked the next and most important question. He looked reluctant to speak, but I just started at him patiently waiting for his reply. After thinking for bit he looked at me nervously and said with a dreamy voice.

" I found 30 million dollars"

Jason: (• •)

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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