
(Our world) bonus chapter

Akin sense the attack and immediately immediately tilt his head to the side and dodged the incoming attack why grinning from ear-to-ear towards his opponent making the man frustrated and provoking me for the to lose concentration so that he can launch a sneak attack which he successful deed.

why the man was angry and lose concentration I came hard sneaking run behind him and slit his throat with a knife coated with the seven seven coloured snake poison a poison known for its fast killing and doesn't has an antidote that was how the fight to an end

A/N: sorry for the inconvenience I may have caused you and also forgive me if some of my spellings are wrong it is because this is my first book so the further I go the more I improve please bear with me thanks.

to make things clear the world we live in makes us strong it is a world filled with experts of different races like the elves, Demi humans, dwarfs, mage, sword Masters and so.

my mum was a vampire my dad is sage and a prominent sword master. I got my looks from my mum deep red eyes with only shows if I wish to show the natural colours of my eyes I naturally go with ocean blue eyes the perfect face for role model a pointed nose and a lovely dimple if I smile. my mum was a beauty no one that my dad took her as his wife that I was loved daily by both parent and I have a killer look but I was still a kid I was just seven of age. in this world we straighten ourselves through cultivation meditationand what suits your tribe or technique your tribe called to wait for my dad he uses both naturegift for the sage and mana to strengthen his swordmanship my mum feeds on blood to survive.

in this world they are group of people known as the grand elder is who weren't bounded to anyone they did whatever they wished to do my dad is is also a member of the Grand Elders the most feared of all you never think twice before he slays his enemy.

He was known as The dragon the slayer the man who brought peace today land when an Azura dragon was creating havoc on the land. there is also a realm known as the divinity realm where expert who has broken through from the grand elder ranks cause their existence may destabilize the flow of Mana into our land.