
The Gospel of the white devil and Black-Wolf

allucardmikhailov · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs


At sunrise the next morning I wake up to the bed flipping on its side and the Morrigan yelling "Rise and shine princess fifty pushups let's go bud!!" I immediately just start doing them but my arms start feeling like jelly after twenty-four. She noticed me struggling so she decided to stand on my back then tells me "If your belly touches the ground you have to start over so if you don't want to be stuck here all day then don't fuck up." That really pissed me off but the anger gave me a huge burst of energy the rest of the pushups felt like child's play.

After that I got ready to go to the blacksmith with the Morrigan. She told me he could change the longsword that brought me here into whatever weapon I choose so on the way there I was thinking about what I was going to pick. A greatsword, a dagger , a scythe or maybe some knuckle dusters so many choices!

When we got there we were greeted by a tall fat guy with a big grey beard. He looked at me with a friendly smile and greeted me "How's it going there young lad what might your name be?" "My name's Viktor sir and I'm quite sore but doing pretty good" The Morrigan told him about the longsword and how we wanted him to use it to craft me my own weapon. "So Viktor in order for me to make you the perfect weapon first you must bind your spirit to the material and the astral forge will create your weapon and a spirit to inhabit your weapon" I was confused "So my weapon will be alive?" "Very much so and when you return to your body in the physical plane it will be yours to summon as you see fit" After he finished explaining to me how to channel my magic into the sword he put it in the flames of the astral forge and all of the sudden I feel my insides burning up then I am falling down a tunnel of fire then I hear a deep and rough voice "Viktor come to me reeeach" As I continued to fall I reached out with both arms and a wolf appeared before me and became a cloud of smoke that wrapped around me. The smoke covered me completely and then it started to change once more from smoke to a set of black leather armor with spiked knuckles and two daggers about 20 inches long. I hear the voice from earlier "We are now one child our lives belong to each other now one dies both die." I figured if we were going to be fighting together for our whole lives I would need to call him something so I asked him "What do I call you?" "Aodhàn my name is Aodhàn now go young Viktor your teacher is awaiting your return bud." I wake up on a chair in the blacksmith shop and see my weapons and armor from the tunnel of fire on the table in front of me. I look to my right and I see the blacksmith and the Morrigan walk through the door and the Morrigan motions with her hand to grab my stuff we're leaving.