
The Gods Entertainment

A ritual is performed on the Earth attract the attention of the Unspeakable Ones. The Unspeakable Ones want entertainment and take five people from Earth and put them in stasis for five thousand years. When they are awakened on Earth they find that Earth is very, very different. They are the Gods Entertainment.

Hallowed_End · ไซไฟ
2 Chs

The Calling

As the influx of power poured into the ritual several things happened.

The pillar in Antarctica doubled in height, had the top flatten out, and shoot a beam of white light straight up. The pillar developed scale like patterns on it, the scales lined in gold. It glowed a blindness inducing white, a deadly light that spread over the Southern Hemisphere of Earth.

Millions more died, turned to small white crystals.

The pillar then sucked the crystals back in, forming a massive crystal in the shape of a decagon. The decagon sat at the flat part of the pillar and refracted the light of the beam it was shooting towards the other pillars.

At the same time the pillar in Australia emitted a light absorbing black, spreading dozens of black, bone clad tentacles, that dripped with a black fluid. The tentacles stabbed straight into the ground, shattering it, and bored into the mantle, heading straight for the core.

The fire pillar flared, tendrils of fire hundreds of meters long, erupting off it. It summoned a drill looking structure made of the black flames and sent it straight down. It to, had the destination of the core.

Both the tentacles and drill reached the core at the same time. The tentacles stabbed into the core and began sucking the heat out of it while the fire drill wrapped it in flame and began to convert it. The fire pillar flared, a massive lance of the caustic green flames shooting down towards the core. It went straight through the solid core and impacted the tentacles, forcing them back.

The pillar in Australia retaliated in turn, a massive black hand with mile long claws reached down and grabbed the core, pulling towards the surface.

A bird made of flame appeared over the flame pillar and reached the Australia pillar in an instant. A moment later, a scythe of black green flames cleaved Australia in half with a blow that shook the world.

The tectonic plate that Australia rested atop of, was split in half and a thousand mile trench was carved into the mantle. Constant flickers of green and black flame prevented the trench from closing.

The massive hand that held the core of the Earth dropped it, allowing the fire pillar to return it to the center of the Earth. The fire pillar than began to slowly transform the core into one of black flames.

The raging pillar in Russia unleashed a flood of the black blood it was made of in the form of hundred foot tsunamis. Each wave sped over the land at over a hundred miles per hour, leaving nothing but bedrock and massive grooves carved into it behind them. Forests were turned to splinters, animals crushed into paste, concrete turned to dust, and metal turned to twisted, ruined wrecks. Slower pulses of blood filled in the empty crater shape where the waves had ravaged the land. More tidal waves were launched from the pillar, a ten mile one heading straight for Japan.

The colossal wave broke the sound barrier as it moved, reaching Japan in less than five hours. The wave swept over the small country, ripping it to shreds. Smaller islands were ripped out of the sea floor and dragged behind the wave, causing more and more damage. The sheer power of the wave reversed the movement of the tectonic plates that made Japan, causing a trench to appear.

From the bone pillar in the Arctic a yellow light, like the color of old bone, was emitted. The light was a caustic, toxic thing, that slowly corroded the landscape near bye and striped the skin and muscle off of all living animals near the pillar. Three streams of black smoke, each filled with millions of eerie purple lights, burst from the pillar, spreading across the sky. Hundreds of the lights drifted down from the smoke like snow, and inhabited the bones of the animals that were touched by the light.

Slowly, unsteadily, a massive moose skeleton stood up.

The slow moving smoke suddenly sped up and began to completely cover the sky near the pillar. Soon the entirety of the Arctic had a pitch black sky.

A massive tear and space formed, spilling a hellish purple glow across Earth. People and animals screamed and writhed in agony as their body were changed by the light to things that should not be, their bodies warping and twisting, forming spikes of bone and grotesquely bulging muscles. Multiple eyes grew and hair became spikes of iron. The being that created this tear was massive, tens of thousands of kilometers tall. It had a skull for a face, it's four mandibles stretching out and clicking rapidly. One of its hundreds of hands slammed down into the surface of Earth directly over the pillar.

The black smoke circled around the hand and it's twelve fingers tipped in smaller fingers. The purple lights and the skeletons they controlled all circled around it.

The white light from the Antarctica pillar finally reached the other pillars and washed over them, damaging them and destabilizing their structure. As one, all the pillars fired back. The flame pillar launched a lance of black and green flames at the pillar. The Russia pillar send a tidal wave a hundred miles tall rushing at several times the speed of sound. The Arctic pillar ripped the animal bones apart and combined them all into a massive humanoid thing. A thunderclap of sound and a blast of darkness occurred as the thing vanished, reappearing next to the pillar. The Australia pillar launched a beam of black over the horizon and it arced to hit the Arctic pillar.

The pillar was scorched and burnt by the flame lance, speared straight through by the black beam, knocked back and cracked by the tidal wave, and humanoid thing's wild haymaker sent the pillar flying back with massive cracks running through it.

Another tear in space formed, this one radiating a pure white light that healed all touched by it. The being that stepped out of it was only a couple kilometers tall. It had pure white skin patterned with gold scales and two large feathered wings. It was similar to an angle from human religion. It conjured a gold spear and threw it, impacting next to the crumbling Arctic pillar. It instantly repaired it, it's radiance annihilating the other pillars attacks.

All the pillars all coated the sky above them in their own specific color and material, red and orange flames for the North America pillar, the Arctic pillar with white and gold light, the Russian in a black liquid, and the Australia pillar in an ink6 black made of constantly moving limbs coated in grey stone.

One by one, three more tears in space opened. The largest had a being of black and green flames the size of a small sun coming through accompanied by a harsh green light that melted the things it touched. The second had a humanoid of water swirling with poison and other toxins. The final one was different from the other tears. It didn't emerge with a up down orientation but with a left right one. It was like a massive whirlpool and several massive limbs of various types of hands and appendages reach through.

Abruptly a being one million kilometers tall, made of nebulas and an eternal darkness for a face appeared. It's face had a single point of bright light but that was it. It reach out and with two fingertips, grasped the entire Earth. It's presence caused reality to warp and bend around it and the same applied to Earth. Four more similar to it simply walked out into space, no tear necessary.

As one, the beings that had gathered around Earth backed off and fled, each diving back to their own dimensions. All except one.