

Amaline is a normal teenage girl until moves to an enchanted territory were things seem to be normal. but things start an ravel after her eighteenth birthday and her past comes rushing back ,she faces blood thirst demon dark lord who is on bulrnt on ruinning her and destroying her and everything she holds dear the Question is Will Amaline be able to save the world ?,oh will darkness and blood take over.

Khole_Willinton · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

100 decidays ago

Loud screams leave the Queen's chamber "push   push ,push." said he midwife repeatedly using all her strength and might Queen Ayris  , Breathed heavily and began to push the baby she could feel  the baby   pushing  on her cervix,    the feeling    was being cut open the  pain was excruciating .

She could feel herself being torn open by the pressure ,   she could  feel herself  dying from the pain, but all should think about was saving her  baby.  Bailey the midwife on noticing  this   and she started doing all she could to save the Queen , she could tell that Queen was having a trouble delivering her baby, but she wouldn't give up the fate of Oceania rested in her hands.

After five hours of tense labor  that almost  saw Queen Ayris almost loose her life,  the Queen  gave birth to a bouncing baby girl,    but she was not crying . This caused the Queen to go wild with worry , she was worried that her baby got tiered  during  the labor and she was still born  , frantically  Asked Bailey  to the check baby.  She said "it looks like it she was still born and her heart sunk  to the ground , the Queen started crying out of mind  , She didn't want to loose her baby, her and Emperor Zaal had been waiting a long time.

Keeping that in mind , she wasn't going to lose her baby  , she was determined not allow baby die with out putting  up a good  fight,   giving her mouth to mouth and pumping  her little  chest  I desperately  fought  to keep my  baby alive. Cleaning her face of mucus and blood  from her face she finally cried and it was music to Queen's ears and I decided  to name her Princess Sheraya, since It was miracle for her to be a live.

3 months later on the day of Princess Sheraya krisening , the royal palace had a festive glow to it everything had to be perfect, the palace was covered with beautiful pink roses and the royal church had been prepared with attention to detail. Everything from the altar was highly decorated it looked like a pink wonderland with different shades of pink flowers, that made the church look magnificent , taking one more look the royal decorators were pleased and decided to call in the priest . Who was immediately followed by the royal family, Zaal the Overlord and Ayris the Queen , as held their lovely daughter Sheraya in her arms .

Walking gracefully they make it to the altar where the priest awaited them , finally there the priest asked for the God parents to hold the princess, as there were seconds away from baptizing her , taking her from her mother Kristen held Sheraya as the priest was about to anoint her with holy water when suddenly.

Blood started gushing out of my gaurds one by one , something or someone was killing them , there guts were scattered All over. Human parts such as bloody arms, legs were everywhere, as I struggled to keep the peace , but unfortunately I fail , my attacker had over powered me and I was sinking into quick sand .

I struggle to keep a float as quick sand began to swallow me , fighting with all my will and might , I crawl out the quick sand. That I was currently sinking into , crawling on all fours I manage to free myself my eyes are greeted Flames everywhere the smell burnt toxic fumes fill the air making it difficult to breathe , the blazing flames continued rage on destroying everything.

Thousands of dead bodies were scattered with blood gushing out of them, the red liquid flowed out of the fallen like endless river, thousand more were injured out numbered and outwitted I still couldn't give up . Cause I was our last hope of survival and containing the threat , I was the only way to see this though the merciless muddy terrain made it difficult to keep my balance, with no merging for error, dig my feet into mud so to have a proper balance.

My heart was racing as adrenaline pumped through my system, holding up my Shelid breathing in I call upon my ability created hail began to use it to damage their machine guns the flames were getting more intense and wild, I kept fighting trying so hard to put them out, more and more of my soldiers were dying. I fought tirelessly to hold back our invaders, but there were stronger where gaining more ground Killing everyone, I hold dear come on "Zaal you can do this." I say trying to will myself to go on .

My body aches due to the wounds I have accumulated but like velvet soldier I couldn't give up , I had to kill Theros and his demon mummified soldiers , you will not win . "I will put in you back in your dark prison and I can I do it again." Zaal said confident in his ablity, "No matter how strong he was , I was the God of light and Weather I was sure that when I use my ability I will defeat him , using my powers I form a tsunami and flooded his tanks I was winning , with help of my wife we combined our abilities the gradually the tanks started to sink into the ocean below , we were winning. I was sure would gain control of Oceania soon.

Suddenly a ball of fire shot from the heavens and like boom blast it killed everything it's path I was sure that we would loose broken hurted and bleeding could feel myself starting to loose consciousness, so me and my wife made the hardest decision any parent can make ,

we decided to give away our 2months old new born baby to her protectors Kristen Lightwood and Jonathan Kent, dying and out of strength me and wife transfer all our remaining powers to our daughter princess Sheraya, hoping one day she will defeat theros and free us from our bondage, using the last bit of magic left in our systems we made a enchanted credel and sent Sheraya to the world men.

With her protectors in order to keep her safe "see you , soon my love ." we say kissing her temple we watched as spaceship holding the enchanted credel along with her protectors, as it left for earth and with that I took my last breath . As I bled out , Theros had won the war.