
The God Of Undead

I seem to have done evil and was sent to hell... oh? the ruler of hell likes me? I get to be reborn? sure, Hell seems boring, so maybe the living world would be fun. Warning, MC is a sadist, and would do Anything

Itachi102 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
12 Chs


Within a basement, two females were held captive. the females were around their 20s, meanwhile, the young male who held them at gunpoint was a teen. there was also a young girl who was being shielded by the two females,

"You know what hurts the most?" the teen asked with an unstable look while he removed his shirt, one of the female eyes shrink upon looking at the flesh revealed after the shirt was removed. it was a body filled with all types of scars, cigar scars, blade scars, and so many others.

"the physical injuries my parents inflicted upon me was nothing... but the fact you just turned and ran away the second you could, leaving me alone, thinking you would return one day to save me." He said as his hands shook, one of the females shook hearing his worlds

"Abel..." She wanted to speak, but she instantly shut her mouth in fear as he yelled at her,

"YOU WERE THE ELDER SISTER... we endured everything together, you were the only reason I could keep going for so many years. but I get the chance to run away and find you threw me to the back of your mind. we used to share their abuse, but once you left I took on everything along with their rage. how could you just leave, you were all I had." He said as tears ran down his eyes, Abel's sister seeing this couldn't control herself as she began crying, she wanted to explain, but she was cut off.

"It's funny... we both grew up in an underground basement, never to step outside, I only found out what the sun looked like a few days ago. I thought I cried so much I no longer had tears" he said softly as he felt the tears flowing down his face before his eyes turned cold while looking at the 3 people in front of him.

"Everything they put me through... it's only right you feel it too. as my elder sister, it's not right that you walk away from this, you can't just turn your head away from this." He said with sharp eyes, making his sister quickly shake her head, seeing that look on her face, he laughed madly, unable to control himself, he held his head.

Seeing this, his sister ran forward and threw herself at him. the sound of a gun being fired sounded through the basement, causing everyone to freeze as they looked at Abel's sister who was currently on top of Abel, they didn't know if the bullet hit her or not,

"they told me you ran away, I spent years searching for her. I even looked throughout the house with the police, but I couldn't find you... I'm so sorry. I never once forgot about you," She said in tears while looking at Abel, Abel froze upon hearing her words.

"..." Abel's eyes widened as he saw the blood slowly filling her clothing, he didn't know. he was left alone for over 10 years to endure his parents. all of the abuse they threw at him, he had to endure everything, it was hell. so when he ran away only to find his sister, smiling away with her new family who took her in, he snapped. this sister of his was all he knew,

he has never seen another kid before, she was his pillar holding up his world, and he found out that for the past few years, that pillar was only an illusion,

"I shouldn't have thought that they could move you away... I'm so sorry, sorry, i'm sorry." She said as she hugged him tightly onto Abel, but after some time, found she could no longer feel him. opening her eyes, she found herself in hell, in front of her, a line was formed which seemed to go on for as long as she could see,

"damn it, do you know who I am? I'm the son of the demon. touch me again." up ahead, she heard someone fighting as they tried to leave the line, but there were people to force that person... no, that soul back into line after beating the soul up,

She looked around and saw that there was a line forming behind her, every second 10 new souls appeared and began looking around in confusion,

'I'm dead...' She thought while seeking to see if someone she knew would pop up, but her 2 sisters didn't pop up, seeing this, she sighed softly with the thought that they were not dead, she didn't want to think any more of what might happen, she just wanted to roll up and just cry herself to sleep. but she couldn't do that, so she just lowered her head and blankly followed the line which moved every few minutes,

she didn't know when and didn't care. but she was soon snapped out of her blank state of mind when a loud voice called out to her, shaking her soul. looking up, she was stunned to find a giant looking at her with a pity look.

"It was not your time, you were one of the many who was affected by the ripples." A charming woman said while looking at a book called the Life and Death Of Bella.

"I'm stepping in for my father the king of hell. Bella, if you were to live up to your 70s, then again it's not like the life waiting for you was anything worth wild. but then again, with the changes that happened, you might have turned things around for the better if your brother never popped up." She said calmly as she shot the book in her hands, Bella didn't know what to say, so she just listened.

"with everything that you went through, you have gathered good karma. so this empress shall gift you with something more than reincarnations. this empress doesn't have siblings, so this empress like those souls such as yourself. Do you accept?" She said with a smile,

"... will my family be okay?" She asked softly, she would not be able to live knowing that the family she took in suffered because of her.

"need not worry. your brother is unstable, so he was locked away. your two sisters were unharmed, although they would need some therapy after seeing their sister throw themselves in harm's way to shield them." She said softly, making Bella just lower her head in shame.

"Sigh, you're a good elder sister. there is nothing you could have done." She said softly as she bit her finger, and went on to mark a paper holding Bella's information,

"This empress hopes we meet again since cultivation is returning to this world, this empress hopes we can be friends." She said with a gentle smile, before she stamped the paper, over her blood. and with a flash, Bella disappeared.

And So, I was reborn. I found myself in the arms of a loving mother called Diana, and a loving father called Levi. I was happy to see that the two were normal, this life would be normal. but about 6 months later, my mother brought a baby over,

At first, I thought it was Abel, but that thought was thrown away as this person was so... life-like, he was always so happy to show his emotions, the good and the bad, His smile is what drew him to try and protect that pure smile he would have on from time to time for no reason.

but as time went on, that smile slowly died and he had a blink look... at least that is what others would see. everything he looked at me, it was as if i'm all that mattered. this brother of mine saw me as the center of his world, and I couldn't help but see him as the center of mine.

We have been glued together for years, the longest we have ever been apart was a few hours, we are closer than siblings, we were more like twins... well, that's my story. maybe I got closer to my little brother because of my past, maybe it was his smile... but that didn't matter. all I know is that I love him... well, I guess more than I expected.

"... I feel off," Hana said softly while scratching her hands slightly, she looked like an addict to her drugs. she didn't know why, but lately she just felt off, it was like she lost something extremely important, she wanted to find it, but she didn't know what. she wanted to ignore this feeling, but it only grew stronger and stronger over time.

"I told you." Hana's grandmother said coldly while throwing a cold stair at Diana, who had a speechless look.

"told her what?" Hana asked, did these two poison her or something?

"you and Sora have been close together all your lives, you two pretty much sleep in the same bed, use each other for emotional support, and so on. it's like you two became each other drug, so when Sora left, the effect is this. it's unclear if it's the further Sora is, or if it's the longer he is away from you. either way, we need to fix this problem." Hana's grandmother said softly,

"... If I'm feeling like this, is Sora as well?" Hana asked in shock, she wouldn't want to wish this feeling upon anyone.

"yes. he has it worse." Hana's grandmother said as she pulled and tapped her watch, revealing a hologram of Sora sitting in a corner, his body was shaking as if he was extremely cold, with Levi sitting next to him.

"you should have seen what happened when Levi was not there, You, Diana, and Levi seem to be all he has. without the 3 of you, he becomes a scared kid, throwing a tantrum until any of you come forward." She said as the hologram showed the place they were out, filled with damages, and undead just standing all over the place.

"... You let my son leave knowing he might be in such a condition?" Diana's body exploded with flames, causing cracks to run through the walls,

"yes. some time apart from each other would do them some good. has barely been a week, and look at the two of you. 2 days ago when you didn't see your mother, you were not too far away from going crazy." Hana's grandmother said softly, causing everyone to have nothing to say.

"... I'm leaving. I will never leave Sora's side." Hana said as she stood up, making her grandmother frown slightly.

"This is for your brother's future, if one day you pass away what then? Do you want him to do what?" She asked with a deep frown.

"He can turn me into an undead... I will not abandon him knowing he is suffering." Hana said softly, gravity around her became unstable, causing more cracks to appear within the room. her grandmother was stunned when she saw the look in Hana's eyes, she was capable of controlling herself these past few days as she didn't know what she was missing, but once she was told what it was, she couldn't take it anymore.

"... this only makes me want to keep the two of you apart. this is for you two own good." She said with a deep frown,

"go be with your brother, we can manage the kingdom," Diana said with a sigh, making her mother's face darken. what type of woman was this, not to see her children should be kept apart for some time,

"These are my children," Diana said softly, as Hana went on to turn intangible, flew through the walls, and shot off, leaving her grandma and mother throwing cold glares at each other,

"So, that's how I lost my virginity," Levi said making Sora speechless, what type of father tells their son this? were all dads supposed to give their sons this talk? then he did wrong to his children in his past life,

Levi secretly sighed seeing Sora was no longer in that uneasy state, it seems telling him something to distract him was a good way to control him.

"Are you alright now?" Levi asked as he patted Sora's back, Sora nodded slightly as he got up. with a node, Levi had Sora clean everything up before they returned to their journey after paying for the damage, which came out of Sora's savings. making his heart bleed,

'I should stay away from Hana, she is better off without me. but it's going to take some time for me to adapt to being far from her.' Sora thought with a sigh, head adapted to being away from Hana, but the ability [Super Adaptor] would not last forever, once he runs out of energy he would not be able to control himself.

'I wonder if Hana is facing the same trouble as me... in that case, should I go to her? no, I can't. but she could be suffering.' Sora began stretching his head slightly as he began frowning, meanwhile, his father who was looking at a map turned to look towards Sora, and found Sora had disappeared and was flying off, heading back towards the kingdom.

Speechless, he followed Sora. with his strength, it was not had, and soon he saw something which made him speechless. after flying for some time, Hana and Sora met, but they didn't stop and flew into each other, and gave each other deep hugs. the shock waves from them hitting each other created huge shock waves, knocking over the trees and creating a small pit in the ground.

"... I missed you sister," Sora said softly, Hana smiled slightly hearing Sora's words, and simply closed her eyes.

"Me too. Never leave my side." Hana said softly, to which Sora nodded slightly. These past 6 days as not been the best 6 days of his life, feeling dead for so long scared him, and when his father left, he went berserk.

"..." meanwhile, down below, Levi and Diana looked at each other,