
Ch 1

[On a deserted road]

 'Ugh… How far does this road go? - it seems that the further I walk the farther I am from the capital…'

"WHAT THE FUCK!!!" a goblin jumps in front of you!

 'I've studied this before in the survival book! When a monster sees you as a prey, you should stay put, because that way it will surround you first before going straight for the attack. "

 Stop! [...]

 [...] An hour later... 'Why hasn't he attacked yet?'

 'Is it because the goblins only surround the prey when they are in a flock? - how strange! So if I don't move it won't go either! But I can't stay here all day besides that I have been for a long time on this road and until now I have not seen anyone passing by... I know I will move slowly until I pass him '. Take a short step forward. [...]

 The goblin becomes hostile and starts running towards you!

 "SHIT!!!" 'I HAVE TO FIGHT!'  The goblin jumps raising his sword to kill you! In a quick jump you unconsciously dodge, and the goblin pierces the ground with the sword.  'I HAVE TO ESCAPE NOW!'

 You start running as fast as you can and you can get very far, so you stop to rest, but hear the footsteps of the goblin running after you, when you look back you notice something.  'The goblin is empty-handed' "He abandoned Huff... his, Huff... sword!"

 So you feel confident, close your fist and punch him in the face, but the very angry goblin punches you back and bites your arm, "AAAAH!!!" 'what the fuck!'  When he loosens your arm, you start running as fast as you can while the goblin chases you.

 After a long time running away from the goblin, a sword appears on the road stuck in the ground 'So I was running away the other way, after he bit me!', "This sword will be... Huff very convenient!".

 You stop running, pull the sword off the ground, lift it and hit the goblin on the head, the goblin passes out and suffers cerebral hemorrhage until he dies. But to be sure, you hit the goblin in the neck until you behead him, and you pass out from fatigue.