
The God Of The High School : Lord Shiva's Legacy

A huge conspiracy happened years before the Heavenly war, A God who wanted to protect the human world and not to conquer it was killed by the other God's God Shiva As he opposed the war against the three realms, he was backstabbed and killed by his fellow gods. Her wife Parvati because of anger changed form with one of her incarnation, The goddess of Destruction Kali, creating destruction everywhere and killing the Gods that were responsible for her husband's death. But then also she didn't stop and almost destroying the whole heavenly realm, seeing this supreme god reacted and sealed her in her third heavenly realm, and giving her the false memory that she was Shiva all along. they thought that it was the end of this, but they didn't know that Shiva has left his legacy and his power for someone and something greater. ---------------------- it's just a try if this chapter doesn't get good reviews I will not continue it, so if you like it just review or comment or just add to the library. NOTE the Mc name is also Shiva. ------ please support me:-- https://www.buymeacoffee.com/silentking

Liarisknight · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
10 Chs

002 The God of Destruction (2/2)

In a dark place,

"Mmm.. ahhhhaaaa??"

I was woken by a huge pain in his body, only to see the lower part of my body broken and the puddles of blood all over it, even a slight movement made my body ache in pain.

"Oh, you are awake"

Moving my eyes I saw a small ball of light floating above the ground, it was flickering lightly.

"What is this!!!"

I tried to move my hand toward the ball of light but again the old voice came from the ball of light.

"You shouldn't move I have stopped blood flowing from your lower body but if you move they will start flowing again."

Seeing the ball of light speak, I got frightened and asked

"What are you??"

"Me, I am God"

"Haha haha..... you are a god?"

Hearing him say that he is God I start to laugh and asked again with anger

"DON'T FUCK WITH ME, How did a god as you changed to a small ball of light, and if you were a god can't you heal me"





"Sigh..well a betrayed god."

" What did you say!!!!"

I got shocked, seriously even my eyes were wide open.

If this is really The God of the High School world then all the gods should be in the heavenly realm, what is one of them doing here...is it because he was betrayed!!

"WHO ARE YOU?, how do you know about the Heavenly realm??"

As I was thinking a sharp voice came into my ears, and I was shocked by his question,

"You can read my mind!"

"Don't divert the question, I want to know how a human child like you know about the Heavenly realm?"



As if he saw that I was frightened he sighed again and asked

"Sigh...Sorry, I will try asking another question... is your world destroyed??"

"What do you mean by that?"

Hearing this question I got confused and seeing me he tried to explain to me

"I mean that, Did your world had a battle between gods, demons, and men"


Now I understand he is talking about Ragnarok, I have told him that there has been no fight but I am sure that it will happen in the future.

"You even know about Ragnarok and even when it will occur, interesting...who are you really boy?"

Did he read my mind again!!

"Well, I have a request...can you help me?"


God asked for my help, a God...

But thinking of the scene of god destroying the earth my eyes become serious as I saw the ball of light and asked

"Do you want to destroy the world, god?"

"Haha nice question, you want to know what they called me when I was not betrayed"


"The God of Destruction and Rebirth, Shiva"

" What!!"

What does he mean by that, how can there be two Shiva, if I am right there is a god Shiva in the third heavenly realm and she is even female, then how...

"What there is another female Shiva out there, how is that even possible??"

"Hey, stop reading my mind"

" Sorry, it a habit."

"Can you tell me about, this female Shiva you are talking about?"

"... Well if I am right she is a blue-skinned female with piercing red eyes, with slit-like pupils, a black dot under each eye, and a black tilaka on her fore... What the..."


As I was telling I felt a sharp increase in temperature, as if the air was boiling and a yelling sound came from the ball of light, causing a sharp pain in my mind but just as I was about scream the God Shiva spoke again

"Sorry, for the pain, are you alright?"

"It fine"

My head was still spinning from the shock but then also I asked

"So, do you know who is that female Shiva?"

"...sigh yes, well if I am not wrong she is my wife in form of her incarnation, I guess Tathagata did something with her mind..."



I don't know what to say....well that this

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