
The God of Swordsmen [Naruto Fic]

Our MC was Reborn in Naruto as Yato Aburame and strives to be the strongest swordsman there is!

Takemikazuchii · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs

The Beginning

Wayde: "Ugh, What happened?"

God: "Simple, you died"

Wayde: "Oh....Are you here to claim my soul or something?"

God: "But I am here to cleanse it for your reincarnation"

Wayde: "REINCARNATION!? I must have been really good in my past life!"

God: "Don't butter yourself up now, everyone gets reincarnated"

Wayde: "Oh, Do I get to choose?"

God: "Good question but No. There is a wheel over here that you must spin. That will determine where you'll end up in the next life"

There was different anime on the wheel like Attack on Titan, Fairy Tail, DragonBall and other Anime you have probably watched.

God: "The reason your wheel has Anime shows on it is based off of your mindset. For example, people that watch shows about magic and stuff, Different magical worlds will be on their wheel, People that want to live the life of a cowboy or adventure, different cowboy/adventure worlds will be on theirs. In your case, you get the chance of exploring the world of Anime. Your actually the 17th person today who will be reincarnating into an Anime world!"

Wayde: "Thats nice! What about that second wheel?"

God: "Ahh, Thats the wish wheel. Everyone that gets reincarnated has the chance to spin that wheel. You have 0 Wishes, 1 Wish, 2 wishes and 3 wishes on that will. The chances of getting 0 wishes is 85%. The chances of getting of getting 1, 2 or 3 wishes are all 5%!"

Wayde: "Uhh, And how many people has actually achieved that?"

God: "Hmmm, There was this one guy several centuries ago, he got 1 wish. But thats off topic, hurry up and spin your wheels!"

Wayde got up and the first wheel he went to the 'Choose Your World' wheel. He spinned with all his might since for some reason people think if you put maximum power in a spinning wheels such as this, you'll get good results and well he actually did, to him atleast. He got the World of Naruto. Usually no one would want to be in Naruto since you require plot armor to live. Luckily he is the Main Character.

God: "Now for your wishes, Although I doubt you'll get any!"

Wayde made his way over to the 'Wheel of Wishes' and once again, spinned it with maximum power. The wheel slowed down at 2 and the pinned ticked over to 3 wishes.


God: "Very lucky Indeed, Now state your wishes"

Wayde: "I want to have Infinit-"

God: "You cant have Infinite anything, No powers from others worlds, Definintly no Rinnegan or six paths stuff, Uchiha clan is off limits, too many people want to reincarnate in that clan, you can choose clans like aburame, or Inuzaka. No Senju, You cant be a Indra or Ashura Reincarnate, thats stupid your already a Reincarnate. You cant be a jinchuriki, No kekkei genkai if your not in the clan, You cant have all 5 elements unless your luckily born with all 5, No Perfect chakra or elemental control, I cant guarantee that you'll be born with chakra or be a Rock Lee v2, you get what Im saying right?"

Wayde: "Sigh, Yes. If thats the case than can I get a custom sword?"

God: "And what properties do you want to be customized?"

Wayde: "You know, stuff like the color and maybe...add some powers? Pretty Please?"

God: "Hmm, sounds fair enough, The power can be OP but it cant be OP from the get go, you have to train it to be OP. But if you want your sword to instant kill everyone, than thats a red x there"

God summoned a plane sword in front on Wayde.

God: "All you have to do is say what you want it to look like outloud and it change to your mental Imagine, so dont worry about having a bad description"

Wayde: "Thanks! Well I want the handle and the sheath of the sword to be light black with a black stripe going down the middle. (Look up Black Kusanagi Sword for Image) How many abilities can I equip on here?"

God: "2 any other ablities will have to be learned or created by you"

Wayde: "Mhm. Well for the first ability I want it to be 2x Chakra Element, so if I add my chakra element to it, it will be 2x stronger"

God: "No"

Wayde: "Whaaa?"

God: "You can do 1.5x Cakra Element. But 2x has to be achieved by training. You may wonder how to increase your Chakara Element multiplier, So this is the only advice I'll give you, If you keep using your sword while its Enhanced with your element, the sword will eventually get stronger and go to 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9 amd eventually 2x"

Wayde: "I see. Then 1.5x Chakra Element. For the second ability, I want chakra absorption!"

God: "Nope. You lazy bum, if you dont wanna train to increase chakra than just try stealing the samehada sword. "

Wayde: "Man, I really cant think of anything else. Can I just make it Unbreakable?"

God: "Of course! Theres nothing OP about an unbreakable sword if the user doesn't even know how to use it."

Wayde: "Im offended. I still have 2 wishes right?"

God: "Sure, the sword abilities can be counted as a type of sub-wish I guess. A wish inside of a wish if you wanna call it that."

Wayde: "Ok, For my second wish I want the swift release, that way my swordplay can be on another level and I get a 2 good chakra afinity. Thats a win, win.

God: "Thats very smart, but you'll have to learn swift release on your own. As of now I can give you lightning and Wind affinity as of now. Neither Affinity is dominent over the other so that should be able to help you combine your Wind and Lightning affinity"

Wayde: "Thank you! Its really hard to think of what I want when my choices are so limited but for my third wish Instant Mastery of all techniques I lea-"

God: "No. What do you not understand of not to op?"

Wayde: "Heh heh, sorry. Uhh then I guess I could go with the Aburame clan"

God: "Oh! Your actually the first person to reincarnate in Naruto that actually chose that clan. I guess I can let you choose your insect, think of it as sort of a exclusive deal since you chose a unpopular clan"

Wayde: "Man, I feel the Aburame aren't as appreciated cause we dont see much from them. Like Imagine, Im battling, They enemy punches and now he is some how paralyed. I come in with my hands in my pocket and be like "The moment you touched me, my bugs crawled onto your clothes and injected paralysis poison in your body. You will die in 15 seconds". So badass! I want the Kochū bug since they are the ones with Paralysis poison!"

God: "Mhm, but dont think those bugs will be easy to control. The stronger/rarer the bug the more troublesome they are tame and deal with. Since you have finished your customization, I bid you farewell in your next life"

With a flick of thee wrist wayde was gone and was currently being born into the world of Naruto!

A place where someone still thinks about you is a place you can call home.


Takemikazuchiicreators' thoughts