
The God Of Playmakers

"As a footballer, what do you desire the most?" For most footballers, the answer to that question was very simple, they all wanted the same thing. Besides the goalkeepers, they all wanted to score more goals and win more awards because that was the criteria used to judge the best players. However, Axel was different, just like every other footballer, he wanted to become one of the GOATs of the game if not the goat but he wanted to do it his own way. Why do all the great players and legends have so many goals compared to the assists and none of the so-called great playmakers has been able to reach five hundred assists while a good number of great goal scorers has crossed that number for goals? Is it because assists are harder to pull off compared to goals? No, it's because they are neglected. If most players were to choose between a goal and an assist, they would pick goals all the way but assists are just as important, they all lead to the same result which is contributing toward winning the game. If they are going to put goals ahead, then I am going to put assists ahead, I will surpass all their assists records and put an unbelievable gap between me and them. I will become the first player to reach an unimaginable number of assists, I will become the god of playmakers and no one will ever come close. **** This is my second attempt in trying to write a good football novel so please give this one a read, thank you.

Franklin_Nwakamma · กีฬา
142 Chs

Chapter 131: The Move Finally Happened

Ultimately, Axel ended up breaking every will and resolve Veronica had to fight back and since she was down, the other girls went down with her.

She agreed to no longer say anything derogatory to Aurora let alone bully her and also agreed to formally apologize to her at school tomorrow but it wasn't like she had any say in the matter, to begin with.

The girl walked away with her head held down in shame just after Axel told her she could go and while Layla followed her out of the area, Emma stuck around.

"I thought I made myself clear when I said you guys could leave," Axel remarked as he slowly stepped out of the house.

She was standing on the steps leading up to the door with her gaze on the floor.

He was aware that she felt guilty and ashamed about all this but still, that doesn't excuse the fact that she was a part of it.

"Um….I just wanted to say, thank you." She muttered.

"And why are you thanking me?"