
Chapter 71: Interrupted "Party"

The footsteps stopped at the door and Scarface's voice resounded from the outside.

"Boss, a group of mercenaries were spotted around the perimeter of the forest. They seemed to be scouting the area." Scarface reported without entering the room.

The beaming smile on Zaos' face died when he heard the report, he couldn't help but sigh as he thought.

[I was planning to enjoy this but if I waste any more time, the mercenaries that might try invading this place might interrupt me. Forget it, let's just get this over with,] Zaos sighed once more as he took a large step forward.

His figure blurred and he reappeared right before the door. He unsheathed his blade and delivered five precise lunges at the door.

The momentum behind the strikes shattered the cheap wooden door to pieces revealing the figure of Scarface who had five stab wounds across his chest to his stomach.

Scarface collapsed to the ground, his face betraying, shock and pain.

Zaos didn't bother finishing him off, he stepped over Scarface as the latter slowly bled to death.

The commotion at the central building naturally drew the attention of the group partying by the campfire. Yet when they turned their gaze toward the building, the sight they witnessed was too bizarre for them to comprehend.

Their vice leader lay on the ground while an unknown figure wielding a short sword emerged from the home of their leader.

Who was the figure? Why did he attack their vice leader? Where was their leader? Was he also attacked by the figure?

Different thoughts ran through the heads of the elves as they could only watch dumbfounded as the imposing figure approached the campfire.

In the dead of the night, only the figure's footsteps could be heard as the rest of the forest came to a hush.

"I would have taken my time to kill you all but time is of the essence, so instead you will all die silently and less excitingly," The figure let out a long sigh. He pointed his free hand at the group of elves and before they could make any moves, a viscous sea of purple-black substance spewed out from the figure's outstretched hand and engulfed the group of elves.

A few seconds later, the substance retracted into the figure's hands, and all the elves that were present a few seconds ago had vanished.

Zaos sighed as he felt a rush of power flow through his body.

[Although this elemental weave has good crowd control capabilities, these kinds of fights are incredibly boring,] Zaos walked away from the camp towards the trees where he had previously spotted a few elves.

The distance between the guard posts in the trees and the main camp was relatively large so the elves stationed there were unaware of the situation on the ground.

Gazing at the few dozen elves who were either chatting in hushed voices or vigilantly scanning the area, Zaos shook his head and unleashed his elemental weave once more.

The viscous liquid mana construct gushed out of Zaos' outstretched hands and engulfed the elves within it, the elves were then consumed by the construct due to the property of devouring impeded in it.

As the purple-black mana construct returned to his body, the elves devoured were converted into nutrients that strengthened Zaos' physique. It shared a similar concept to those with the vampiric gene, where they drank blood to gain a boost to their physique, but this was less messy and more efficient.

After taking care of the majority of the elves in the camp, Zaos nodded in satisfaction.

[Now I won't have to deal with this group after returning the merchant's daughter. Plus, it was quite satisfying,] Zaos smiled to himself. Although his training had helped alleviate most of his stress, he still needed an outlet to release his pent-up stress.

Feeling much better, Zaos teleported to Finnea's location. The beautiful dark elf was still collapsed on the cave floor when Zaos reappeared at the entrance of the cave.

He walked inside, hoisted her onto his shoulders, and carried her back to the city. On the way there, Finnea awoke and began struggling intensely.

"Settle down, I'm taking you to your father. I am a bounty hunter hired by him," Zaos effortlessly restricted the lady as he explained nonchalantly.

Finnea stopped struggling at the mention of her father and after realizing she was no match for Zaos.

She was just about to retort when her expression twisted, she covered her mouth, holding back a gag.

Zaos observed her reaction and quickly understood what was going on. He stopped running and placed her on the floor.

Finnea was experiencing motion sickness due to the vast speeds Zaos was traveling at.

After she recovered from the motion sickness a few minutes later, Finnea turned to Zaos with resentment and wariness in her eyes.

"How do I know you aren't a member of the Spectral Raiders," Finnea asked in a skeptical tone.

Zaos sighed, contemplating whether to knock her out again so he could teleport with her.

"Look around, does this look like the Thieves' den to you? Also, you aren't tied up and I'm alone," Zaos explained after deciding against knocking her out.

Finnea seriously considered Zaos' words as she inspected the area. They had stopped at a deserted, remote location, but as someone who often followed her father's caravan, Finnea recognized the location. This deserted location was on the path leading to Larek City.

When this realization struck her, Finnea breathed a sigh of relief. She no longer gazed at Zaos with hostility and instead curtseyed at him with a sincere expression.

"Thank you," She spoke mid-curtsey.

Zaos waved his hand dismissively as he replied.

"It's nothing. Let's get going, if we are quick, we will arrive at Larek City before morning," Zaos urged as he began walking down the path.

Sensing Zaos' disinterest in conversing with her, Finnea obediently followed behind Zaos as they walked at a moderately fast pace.

Yet even though they moved quickly, they only arrived at Larek City after dawn since Finnea needed to rest a few times.

Zaos led her into the city before inquiring about the whereabouts of her home.

Finnea led the way excitedly without objection.

They walked to the lower residential district, towards a more luxurious street inhabited by merchants and other fairly wealthy individuals.

Finnea's home was a manor among the many others situated in the street. It was a two-story building made from ash-colored bricks, it had a simple lawn in front of it that was guarded by a few security personnel the merchant had hired.

Zaos and Finnea walked up to the gated lawn and when the security personnel recognized Finnea, they hurriedly greeted her with surprise written all over their faces.

"Where is my father?" Finnea asked. Her tone and mannerisms shifted from the obedient matter she had addressed Zaos with to a more authoritative tone.

"Lady Finnea, the boss is inside." An earth elf amongst the guards replied.

Finnea nodded and then turned to Zaos, "Please follow me inside," she had once again switched to her respectful tone of speech.

Since Zaos needed to be paid, he didn't object.

"Ok," He said simply.