
The God Of Highschool: Reborn

hey guys I'm writing this fan-fic because I don't know why but, there is barely any fan-fics about The God Of Highschool so yea hope you enjoy. the story goes on about David being the first to complete a task that god wants done and he is a huge fan of god of highschool

denomination · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
2 Chs

Monkey king has been defeated

Lights flashed in the darkness of what I saw, i thought somebody has come in my tomb. The arrival of an unknown has woken up my slumber.

he seems to have left but he seems to left something, a letter?

I'll just get it later he said and went back to sleep

*after 10 years*

during those sleeps he regained his memory from the past.


there was nothing untill a person came along searching aimlessly for who knows what.

but later he took his hand out and created a ball full of life he throws it upward and bang!!!

what was full of nothing became full of life,

creatures that had limtless curiosity opening passage way to a better life but not all.

he then opens up a rift and then he goes in and arrived to a remote dimension and there he created a life again but this time the creation were more stronger, ferocious, the monsters. then he went to another dimension and he created creatures with high amount of power stronger than the previous, and were more calm, less ferocious, arrogant aura, the gods. the unknown person spent a lot of time with his creation.

"yawwwnn it seems I have slept well, now let's see what the letter is about"

Father of all, the monkey king has been defeated by okhwang and then for unknown reasons we cant contact him, we believe he is dead, or he went somewhere which is beyond our reach