
The God Of Highschool: Reborn

hey guys I'm writing this fan-fic because I don't know why but, there is barely any fan-fics about The God Of Highschool so yea hope you enjoy. the story goes on about David being the first to complete a task that god wants done and he is a huge fan of god of highschool

denomination · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
2 Chs


David also known as the mc,well has no friends no body that cares about him, his family were disappointed in him, and he also reads a lot of manga an fan-fics, one in particular was his favorite manhwa of all, The God Highschool. Today was also the last day for the release of it and it's also his birthday.

He arrived at his apartment from work all sad that today was supposed to be fun instead of bad, that today was also the last day of the release of the god of highschool, well it cannot be changed he says as he sulked it up, he celebrated his 21 birthday by himself since nobody cared, he blows the candles away and makes a wish, reincarnate me with something god plz, in his thought hoping god would answer. then he enjoys the cake, the last chapter of god of highschool was realese and he was done reading and his thoughts were, best manhwa ever, though it's going down the drain

he gets ready for bed but the moment he closed his eyes he couldn't open them again. Not knowing where he was he thought somebody kidnapped him by blindfolding him but to his suprise he saw a man that was glowing, and had beared that was clean white so he thought god?.

yes my chiled

wait your god


so why am I here?

I'm sorry to say my chiled I accidentally killed you.

what do you mean you accidentally killed me? how?

well you see i, well never mind it was time for you to die again anyways

what do you mean die again I only died once and that's was just now.

you reincarnated for more than millennias or even myrioi's but, you do not have this memory cause it could kill you.

David went blanked because of those answer but nevertheless he calmed down and ask what next.

well the other reason you died as well was because in those myrioi's you reincarnated, you completed a task no others before you have completed just recently, well even if they did it wouldn't matter anymore because first come serve.

ok what comes next he asked

well you either go to heaven or reincarnate with my creation, the system and 3 wishes.

oooookkkkk second option

good option unlike you others don't get this chance

ok then ask away now

since I already have a system i will choose wisely so first wish I want to be reincarnated in the world of The God of Highschool


second wish I wish that I was called the original monkey king with immortality and that I can slow down time. and one more thing to the wish is that I lived before time it's self and I was spoken as a legend that was feared by everyone.


third wish I wish to have unlimited whatever in the system like sp's and what not


oh by the way can I ask you a little favour

ok fine but just one

ok that is can I have all knowledge of where I'm about to reincarnated

no the reason why I also gave you the systems was to also give you information on what you don't know.

ok then, can I ask that i have staff like mori's and can do whatever his staff does, with the colors of golden dragon going around my staff thats unbreakable. rules that the staff has is it only can be picked up by me and when I call for it, it responds to my calls.

ok fine but you wont have your memory untill mori gets out of the emerald thing that covers him

hmmm ok we have a deal, so what now.

now bye he says as he wave one hand and he blanked out again.