
The God level Mage

He stood on top of the hill staring at the collapsed building below as tears appeared in his eyes. He fell to his knees crying whiles muttering under his breath,” I won’t fail you.. I will become a strong mage.. A strong mage like no other...to make sure this never happens again”. ... Meet Jim what you will call a typical poor guy who loses his parents through an attack from magic beasts. He promised his parents to become a mage to prevent that disaster from happening again...Will Jim become successful in his Dream to become a strong mage?..or will he simply die before reaching his target?... Will he give up when he realises the difficulty of becoming a mage...Will he fail his parents?... Follow Jim on this exciting adventure on his road to becoming a god level mage. ***** Other works by the author: The Lightning Descendant. [Disclaimer!] 汉字 [The cover of the book isn't mine. Found it on google]

The_little_boy · แอคชั่น
26 Chs

First practical battle

"Sigh, we have no choice!", the mayor said.

"Huh? What do you mean?", Kelvin asked. He didn't understand why the mayor of the city would say that."Its a command from above. We are to send out our city defense guards to help with the war or we face the consequences ", the mayor said in a solemn voice. "Huh? What kind of command is that? Do they want the city to be stamped over by demon beasts?", another person stood up and said angrily. This person was rather well known for his position. He was the head of the only Basic mage school in the city, Lightsway City Magic school. He was none other than Mr William Scott.

"Will you calm down! We all don't like their idea but wee have no choice! The only choice we have is to send them out!", The City's mayor burst out.

"I am sorry! I was too angry because of their demand.", seeing the mayor's angry face, Mr William hurriedly apologised and sat down. "Can't we talk to the head of the eastern sector? Isn't he your brother?", Mr Kelvin asked the mayor. "Sigh! I have tried. The order isn't from my brother but the Head of the Eastern region. He is also told to do the same thing. That's why I said we have no choice. We cant defy his orders.", the city's mayor said in a solemn voice. "Now that you know who this order is from do you have any objections?", the city's mayor asked.

Silence. Total silence. No one had any objections so no one talked. In front of real power, these honourable men had no choice but to bow. This is the real meaning of ' there is a person beyond a person and a sky beyond a sky'. "Okay. Since no has an objection, it is agreed then. We will send over the City Defense Guards to join the war. Kelvin, prepare for your departure.", the city mayor said before standing up and exiting the room.


"Drey, can I absorb your power now? I want to know if all of the training has paid off.", Jim asked Drey the moment he entered his spirit space.

"Yes. You can use around eighty percent of my power. So you can now start learning the techniques you got at the spells library. Yo have only two weeks to your test. You have to know at least one spell.", Drey replied.

"Okay. Since I choose to learn the lightning strike technique which I think I would be able to finish one of the techniques within a week. As for the other, I wouldn't be able to complete it since it take around two weeks to finish them both. So what do I do after I am done with the first technique?", Jim asked Drey.

"Hmmm, after you are done, I will teach you how to control my power so that your body doesn't break down. It will be your first practical control test. After that, we will have a spar. I will teach you how to fight really well.", Drey said.

"Oh? seems that you have really planned this. So the spar will then be my first practical battle huh? I cant wait!", Jim said in a happy tone.

"Now learn or else I will never teach you anything and you would simply not go to any sect.", Drey said to Jim.

"Okay. I am on it. I will definitely enter a sect this year.", Jim said with a resolute voice as he sat down and began to learn the Lightning strike technique.


Jim continued to train for the whole week. At first he doubted his comprehension ability. However, After he started to learn and cultivate the Lightning strike technique, he now knew how powerful his comprehension ability is.

He was able to use only a week to fully study and understand the technique. Even though the technique was difficult, Jim didn't really suffer much because of his comprehension ability. Only a week was left to the test. On the first day of this week, Jim was able to have a body breakthrough again. He was now at the third level. As for the remaining six levels, Drey told Jim not to try them now since they were more difficult to train in.

However, even though Jim was currently at the third level through his hard training, he was still at the first level of elementary realm. His cultivation didn't increase at all. He still had a weak cultivation.


"Hey Drey. I am here for the control test you mentioned the other time", Jim said when he entered his spirit space. However, surprisingly, Jim couldn't see Drey's massive body. Drey's massive body was always visible no matter where you were in Jim's spirit space. So when Jim didn't see him, He began to have suspicions.

"Now that's weird. How come I cant see Drey's massive Dragon body. Where is he?", Jim thought as he looked into the sky.

"Are you looking for someone?", a voice suddenly came from Jim's back. Turning to the source of the voice, Jim saw a handsome middle aged man wearing a blue armor with a familiar looking sword tied to his back by a familiar looking chain. The first impression Jim got from the man was actually good. Moreover, the man had a very familiar aura around him. An ancient and powerful aura.

Seeing the powerful aura surrounding the man, Jim didn't dare be rude. So he clasped his hands together and bowed whiles asking,

"May I know who you are?".

However, to Jim's surprise, the middle aged man laughed menacingly whiles saying, "Do you think being polite is going to help you escape death?".

"But..", Jim tried to talk.

"Just die!", the middle aged man shouted as he suddenly attacked. He threw out a punch which was directed towards Jim's head. The power behind the punch alone made the space in Jim's spirit space twist. Jim was sure he would definitely die if he was hit, so he ducked down and then launched himself backwards to create space between him and the middle aged man. However, to Jim's surprise, the middle aged man suddenly took the familiar looking broad sword from his back and attacked again. However, the attack wasn't a physical attack this time. It was a spell. He cast a spell. Moreover, he was using a very complicated spell.

The broad sword in the man's hands began to charge up with the lightning element. When the charge reached its peak, The man suddenly raised the large sword up and shouted, 'LIGHTNING ELEMENT!



After his loud shout he began to wave the sword around. Each wave would produce a devastating lightning bolt which was able to cut through space. Within few seconds, the bolts blocked Jim's escape route as they attacked him.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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