
The Goblin King [By Storyteller]

This is the story of a woman named Liza Merrisu who die and reincarnated as a nameless baby male goblin. Through trial and hardship, slowly but surely Liza becomes stronger and fights her way becoming the Goblin King. This is a story I wrote on Wattpad, if you want read more or you want to see more art Goblin Liza than my Wattpad name is: StorytellerAnime2021

Sora_Gemini · แฟนตาซี
35 Chs

Chapter 13: Hair connects Friends

Scarlett buried her face into Liza's neck as she sobs on Liza's shoulder. Liza was confused, she didn't knew what was happening around her. However, Liza did realize something was different about herself.

Liza realize that her over sized clothes could fit her now, and she felt like she got a little bit... chubby. Has Liza turned fat after evolving? Needless to say, she definitely felt heavier than usual. Not only that, the color of her skins has changed as well. Instead of the usual green, it's now a bronze red color. Similar to Liza's father skin.

"Scarlett...?" Liza said with a slightly gruff tone in her voice.

Scarlett revealed her face as she gazes at Liza. "Scarlett... tell me what exactly what happened to me through my evolution and don't leave out any details,"

Scarlett sniffled as she nodded her head and explained what happened.


Even though Scarlett was worried, she gave her master's some space so not to bother Liza in any way possible. Scarlett only watched from a far, but started rushing to Liza's side after being blinded by a certain light.

"Master!!!" Scarlett holds her unconscious master in her arms as she kept praying for Liza's fast recovery.

Scarlett felt Liza's body changing shape but she still didn't let go of Liza. Scarlett tears were pouring in none stop, she begged for Liza to awaken and scowl her for over worrying like Liza would usually do. The possibility of Liza didn't woke up, feared Scarlett. However, like Liza would usually do, she'll wake up like Liza always did. She will wake up, right?

"Master! Master Please Wake Up! Open your eye! Please!!!" Scarlett cried with her eyes squeeze shut.

Until eventually, Scarlett heard a bell sound rung in her ear. She open her eyes and saw both her and Liza glowing in a bright and brilliant light. Scarlett Burke had gained a new magic skill.


Scarlett soon felt her heart rate was relaxing as she saw Liza finally waking up. Scarlett felt relieved as she held onto her master tightly.

"You're finally okay," Scarlett whispered.


"I see..." Liza said as she thought through all what Scarlett explained.

'So Scarlett learned magic even without knowing it first hand, which makes magic something that can be obtained by other means.

That also means even if I can't read the magic spell book, there are other ways I can learn magic,' Liza smirked at the mere thought of it, her being able to magic too someday.

"Master?" Scarlett sniffled as she crook her head.

Liza chuckled as brought herself on her feet. Liza definitely got taller, however it's normal for monster to grow larger as they evolve. But even that said...

'Damn it! Why!?'

Liza was still considerably short compared to Scarlett's height.

'Are all women in this world stupidly ass tall or is it just Scarlett? Not fair!' Liza groaned, remembering the woman enchanter was abnormally tall as well.

"Master? What are you?" Scarlett asked.

"What do mean? I'm still a goblin," Liza crook a brow.

"That's not what I mean. What I mean is what type of goblin are you now? Because if I'm being completely honest, I can't tell," Scarlett started.

"As in?" Liza responded.

"Well let's point out somethings. First is your height, if you were a Goblin Warrior you would at least be my height or taller," Scarlett explained.

'Wait! Really?! I would've been tall as Scarlett if I became a Goblin Warrior?! Then again... father was unusually tall even for goblins standards,'

"Second is your eye, if you were a Goblin Shaman you would've had a different eye color but your eye is stayed the same,"

'Really? Shamen have a different eye color, I never knew that. But now I'm thinking about it, the shaman in my tribe did red eyes. I was kinda scared of them so I would always try to avoid the shaman and avoid getting hurt so I didn't needed get healed by him,'

"Now lastly, what makes you not fit in either of the two categories is your hair,"

'My hair? What does my hair-- wait a minute! I HAVE HAIR?!' Liza thought before gripping the top of her head.

'It's true... I REALLY HAVE HAIR!!! And it's long too, not to mention that it's surprisingly silky. Is this really my hair? Well it's attached to my scalp so it has to be. Wow... I can't believe how much I missed to having hair again. This is the best day of my Goblin Life,' Liza smiles happily as she plays with her hair, brushing it through her fingers.

"Master? What are you doing with your hair?" Scarlett said, bringing Liza back to her senses.

"Oh, this? It's nothing really, I'm just feeling my hair that is all. You see I never had hair before and I always had a slight curiousity of growing hair on my own," Liza said.


"Oh~ I see! It makes sense, though I am surprised that you of all creatures would want to grow hair," Scarlett said with a beaming smile on her face.

"Is it now? Scarlett I may be your master but I am still in fact a monster. And as a monster it is natural for monsters like myself to have such thoughts once in their life. You should remember this in future," Liza chuckled as Scarlett nods her head vigorously.

"Anyway, to what you were saying before. How does my hair have to do with my current evolution?" Liza said, changing back subject.

"Oh Right! What I meant before is that neither a Goblin Warrior nor a Goblin Shaman have black hair, nor do they hair so bountiful as your own," Scarlett said as lightly strokes Liza's hair.

"Is that true?" Liza said as she exams her hair more carefully.

'Is it really unusual for goblins have black hair? I guess I couldn't have known since basically all the goblins in my tribe were bald. Father had hair but it was red and it wasn't as long as mine,' Liza thought while stroking the edge of her hair.


'Hair Dressing? I completely forgot I had this skill. Then again... it is kinda unless since all it does is making hairstyles,'

"Master what are you doing?!" Scarlett said in a slightly overly worried voice.

"What do you mean?" Liza asked before a series of Pop Ups appeared.




'Huh?! What the Hell is going on?! Where did these Pop Ups come from?! Does the Hair Dressing skill really levels up the more I just play with my hair?!' Liza panic as she watches the Pop Ups continue their on way assault.






'What hell was that? I'm glad it stop but that happen too suddenly. My head can't wrap up what just happened,'

"Master! Your hair! It's..." Scarlett said before pausing herself.

"It's what?!" Liza sweats with worry.

"It looks... absolutely amazing!!!" Scarlett shout out of pure amazement.

"It does?" Liza tilted her head, slightly confused.

Liza learns down and watches herself in the reflection of a puddle. Liza hair was slicked back, shaved at the sides, while the rest of it somehow tied up.

Even if it did felt strange to Liza. But she had to admit she did looked quite amazing and handsome too, well to goblins standards at least. But something felt missing, Liza looked intensely at her reflection until she finally realized what felt wrong to her.

"Hey Scarlett can I ask you for any favor?" Liza asks to Scarlett.

"Of course! What is it?" Scarlett responded.

"Can you lend me strands of your hair?" Liza said.

The colour on Scarlett's face faded as she simply said. "What?"


"Master, may I ask again why you needed my hair?" Scarlett asked as she rubbed a shaved spot on the side of her head.

"And done!" Liza said as brings out two black and red bracelets.

"What are those Master?" Scarlett said as she stares with curiosity.

"Their something I call Friendship Bracelets," Liza said as present them proudly.

"Friendship Bracelets?" Scarlett crooked her head confused.

"They are made by both yours and my hair. They present the bond we both share, and they also represented good luck," Liza explained with glee.

"I see. But master, why did you need such amount of my hair to just create these bracelets?"

"Oh! That's because most of your hair was used to make a durable ribbon to keep my hair not becoming a mess. The bracelets are made as a thank you grift and also an apology for you using so much of your hair," Liza said as she passed one of the Friendships Bracelets to Scarlett.

"Master, I don't understand. Why give me this gift? Shouldn't give things like this to a friend, since it's call a friendship bracelet," Scarlett said as stares at the black bracelet in her hands.

"Huh? What are you saying? We are friends!" Liza laughed.

"We're friends?"

"Yeah! Well I hope so..." Liza placed on the red bracelet around her own wrist.

"Master?" Scarlett spoke as Liza suddenly got quiet.

"Scarlett... We're Friends, Right?"

When Scarlett heard those words, Scarlett immediately felt like a flaming arrow shot right through her heart. Guilt and conviction spread across her mind like wild fire.

Seeing her master's doubtful and disappointed expression made the feeling in Scarlett chest even worse. Her master made her a gift, to say thank you and say sorry for using Scarlett's hair. Her master granted Scarlett with kindness and all Scarlett did in return is insult her master's hard work.

Scarlett felt like should die right then right there. So to atone for her misdeeds for harming her master's feelings. But if she did, what would be the point of being giving this wonderful gift in first place. Her master did call Scarlett her friend, so it was only right to accept the gift and find another way to atone on a later date.

Scarlett puts the black bracelet around her wrist. "Yes! We are Friends!"

"I'm glad to hear it!" Liza smiled, and that smile cool down Scarlett burning heart.

"Hey Scarlett, let's make a promise,"

"A promise, Master?"

"Yes! Let's promise that if we separate one day, we'll always be friends!" Liza shows off a huge grin.

Scarlett felt another arrow got shot into her heart, but this time she felt a extremely warm yet fuzzy feeling. Like if she was floating through the clouds with beautiful angels side by side.

'There is no doubt, that Master is... so cute!!!' Scarlett thought as she slowly nodded her head.

"I promise to always be your friend, Master," Scarlett said with a slight tear in her eye.

'That is a relief. Now that is one less I need to worry about. I don't know how long I will be stuck with Scarlett but if she becomes my enemy one day.

I won't stand a chance no matter how much I level up. But for right now, I don't think she'll do anything of the sort anytime soon,' Liza sighed, feeling calmness finally resting on her shoulders.