
The Goblin King [By Storyteller]

This is the story of a woman named Liza Merrisu who die and reincarnated as a nameless baby male goblin. Through trial and hardship, slowly but surely Liza becomes stronger and fights her way becoming the Goblin King. This is a story I wrote on Wattpad, if you want read more or you want to see more art Goblin Liza than my Wattpad name is: StorytellerAnime2021

Sora_Gemini · แฟนตาซี
35 Chs

Chapter 12: Evolution

Three days has passed since Liza and Scarlett escape from the Trolls, and through that time both Liza's and Scarlett's bond for one another have grown stronger than ever before. Recently, Scarlett has been fighting countless of monster while leveling up. Meanwhile, Liza has been doing her own type of training and trying to raise her new skill Praise.

Liza can't physically fight high leveled monsters, so she had thought up another method for defeating them instead. That method is call: Magic! Because what else she could do? Sure, Liza could've taught herself to how to use a bow and do long-range attacks but... Scarlett is a close-range combat fighter and Liza didn't want to risk Scarlett getting hurt within Liza's cross fire.

Plus Scarlett always hurt badly within battle, so if Liza learns healing spells it would be beneficial for both to her and Scarlett. That and magic is more effective on high leveled monsters anyway. Like kill two birds with one stone.

There is only one problem...


Liza, as smart as she may be... doesn't know how to read yet. Even after stealing a magic spell book from the human woman six months ago, Liza didn't understand any character on the pages. Scarlett wanted to help but she doesn't know what the book said either. What Scarlett said was; the writing on the book can only be translated by another enchanter.

'Maybe I should've let that creepy woman live and let her translate this for me,'

Even though Liza couldn't read the words in the book, she still did learn how to read and write in the common human language thanks to Scarlett. It seemed impossible at first, but now it looks like the most simple language in all history. Surprising Scarlett is a great literature teacher.

'I wonder if that's a skill that Scarlett secretly had. Or maybe she not aware of it yet,'




'That was quicker than I expected,'

"Master! You did it! You learned how to not only to read but write as well! Indeed Master, you are a extremely fast learner!" Scarlett praised as Liza smirked to herself.

"That's only because I had an equally excellent teacher," Liza chuckled.

"No! I'm a dumbass. Master you surely just--" before Scarlett could continue, Liza cuts her off.

"That type of attitude is why you're called a dumbass in the first place, you never stand up for yourself! Scarlett you are may be a dumbass but that doesn't mean you should be proud of it! Jeez! Do you even hear yourself when you talk like that? Scarlett you need to stop being a doormat!" Liza explained with angrily tone.

She doesn't mean to, but back in Liza old life. Whenever good and hard-working people look down on themselves, Liza couldn't help but get angry. Being humble is one thing, but never respecting yourself is a different thing entirely.

Liza hated being looked down upon, that's why it angers her whenever she meet someone who are exactly like her and yet they accepted it all the same. Because just knowing that people who do their absolute best get treated like nothing but human leftovers being flushed down into the toilet bowl, to Liza it was unacceptable.

Liza grabbed Scarlett chin and pointed her gaze toward Liza's own. "Never look down upon yourself, because you are amazing!"




"Evolution?" Liza blurted out as she watches the flash of the Pop Up.

"Master! Are you going to Evolve?!" Scarlett jumps up and down excitedly.

"Seems like it, but this is weird. Usually I would just evolve right when it happens but this is different. Apparently I have a choice this time," Liza explained with a curious expression on her face.

"Really?! That sounds cool! What are the choices?! Are there a lot?!" Scarlett leans over Liza to if see what is happening.

"There are only two but I'm not sure which one I should choose. To be honest, I don't like either of them,"


"Becoming a Goblin Warrior will allow you to gain higher strength, defense and stamina status. You will also gain the Extra Skill Anchor Howl."

'My father was a Goblin Warrior and yet he never strike me as the strong type. Besides I'm strong anyway, and all Anchor Howl dose is forced my enemies to attack me! Screw that I don't want it... but the other one isn't good either,'


"Becoming a Goblin Shaman will allow you to gain higher intelligence and perception status. You will also gain the Learn Skill Magic of Maglubiyet."

'This one sucks too! Whoever made this system was really out for goblins, because this is evolution is S**T! Only two of my status will raise up and what's with this Magic of what's it's name?! How can I use it if I can't use magic at all!?'

Liza groaned at herself as pinches the bridge of her nose. Even though Scarlett was worried, she gave her master's some space so not to bother her. Liza was very irritated, but she was saved when a light bell noise rung in her ear.

Liza looked up as she saw nothing had changed from the Pop Up but a visible option button that was placed between the two horrible choices. The option only had one word on it, and it was wrote: CREATE.

The option was filled out with all white capital letters, however the way it would glitch gave out wary and uncomfortable aura about it. Liza rubbed her good eye as she tried to checked the screen again. The option was still there. Liza gulped heavily as she weighs out her thoughts. As she took a deep breath and wiped the sweat on forehead, Liza came to a decision.

'This is stupid... but it could be worse right?'

And with that, Liza press the CREATE option.

And... nothing. Nothing happened. The screen disappeared and Liza felt the same. Liza was confused but relief. Until she started to had a bad feeling in her gut before witnessing a bright light flashing in her eye. She then heard a familiar voice and Liza knew why it sounded familiar. It was because it was her own voice yet it was glitchy and warped like a machine that have drunk gallons of ink.


The way the voice talked gave chills up Liza's spine. Liza couldn't see but she knew something was happening to her, she just simply didn't know what it is yet. Within the blank white space in front of her, suddenly a Pop Up appeared. But only this time it was different, it demanded of Liza to type down a name.


'A name, huh? What should I type? It's not like I've done anything like this before... I think I have a decent name,'



'Stats bounces? Can I put down as much status as I want or is there a limit? Either way, I make sure my status are perfect for my survival. Hints the name 'Goblin Survivor' so it should have the best status for surviving this harsh world,'












"You may only choose four"

'There are so many! Can I check it's data the same way as skills and titles? What does willpower mean?'


"A measure of the character's mental resistance (against pain, fear etc.) when falling victim to mind-altering magic, torture, or insanity.

'Mental resistance? So I would like have resistance against psychics or something? And pain or even insanity? That... is actually awesome and it's differently something I needed 'For the secret of survival is having the will to want to live' my sister used to tell that,'

Without a second thought, Liza chose Willpower as her first bonus stats bonus. The other three were Perception, Wisdom and stamina.

Perception will give Liza more awareness of her surroundings. Wisdom will give Liza better chance on learning magic. Finally, Stamina will give Liza less need of rest and will won't die easily like before.

'That should do it. I wanted to Luck instead of stamina but I thought stamina would be the more smarter option. Luck might influence anything, but mostly random items, encounters and outstanding successes or failures. Knowing that, it sounded too risky to me,'


'Creating a new skill? So it's making a bonus skill that suits the stats I made. If that the case I'm just started wondering something. Why I was able to use to have four stats bonus while the other two evolution didn't have as many stats? Is it because I'm creating this evolution my self?

This is the first time anything like this ever happened to me so I can't be completely sure. Not only that, but I don't know if I will have a opportunity like this ever again. I want to experiment this 'creating evolution' thing on a later date and evolution isn't something that would happens often either,'


'It's done already? What kind of skill is it?'


'Wait! At least tell me what skill I get from evolving first?!'

But before Liza knew it, her mind went blank. She felt her body transforming into a different shape and growing slightly bigger. Her eye, her ears, her nerves, basically all of Liza senses felt like if they were on overdrive.

Liza could feel the tiny particles breathing in and out of her. Even not more moving, the strength increases in a rapid pace. Soon Liza slowly feel her mind to clear as she gaze upon Scarlett watery eyes.

"Master! Master please wake up!" Scarlett cried.

Liza groaned as gradually sitting up. Sitting up? When was Liza lying down and for how long? Why was Scarlett crying? What exactly happened to Liza while she was evolving?