
The Goblin King [By Storyteller]

This is the story of a woman named Liza Merrisu who die and reincarnated as a nameless baby male goblin. Through trial and hardship, slowly but surely Liza becomes stronger and fights her way becoming the Goblin King. This is a story I wrote on Wattpad, if you want read more or you want to see more art Goblin Liza than my Wattpad name is: StorytellerAnime2021

Sora_Gemini · แฟนตาซี
35 Chs

Chapter 11: Trolls & Smells

"Master!" Scarlett said frightened.

"Yes?" Liza said as she turned her head.

"Oh no..." Liza said as the color of her face washed away.

Three tall figures approached forward as they held large clubs in their colossal size hands. Even in a distance, the odor they produce is absolutely heinous. Liza snatched Scarlett's wrist and dragged them both to hide. When did, Liza received a Pop Up.


'Smell? So I now know different types smells? How lovely...' Liza rolled her eyes in sarcasm before a few Pop Ups appeared.



'Great... now I know who stench I'm smelling. But why isn't goblin in my list of smells, is Scarlett sense stronger than my own? If that's the case that means---' not even finishing that thought, Liza took Scarlett and ran away before noticing the Trolls already chasing them.

'I don't know anything about Trolls in this world besides they are huge, they kill you mercilessly before eating you and that they have incredible sense of smell!' Liza huffed and puffed as she felt her stamina leaving her.

"Don't worry Master! Allow me!" After Scarlett said those words, Liza was instantly ride on Scarlett's shoulders.

'I should remember more often about Scarlett's incredible strength and speed, we might live longer that way,' Liza turned her head around as she saw the three Trolls getting farther and farther away.

"That was a close one..." Liza sighs in relief.

"Have we lost them yet?!" Scarlett yelled with enthusiasm.

"We lost them around twenty minutes ago," Liza chuckled as Scarlett stopped with an completely shocked expression on her face.

"We did? Why didn't you say anything," Scarlett whines.

Liza smirked before patting gently on Scarlett's head. "Because~ you looked so happy, I didn't want disturb you having fun,"

Liza paused as she slowly started hugging Scarlett head. "Thank you Scarlett,"

Scarlett felt her heart pounding so much that she was afraid it was going jump out her chest. Scarlett sat down, still bundled up in her master's warm touch.

While for Liza was humming a simple toon her sister used to sing back in her human life. In that moment, to the both of them. Time has slowed down and for once everything felt peaceful.


'Praise, huh? I guess I can check what's that about,'


"When you praise a creature or person for high achievements, they'll gain the skill 'Praise Worthy' and excelled in their best capabilities. The more you praise them, the more those capabilities will grow."

'So basically, if I praise Scarlett for stuff like that before. She'll become more stronger? Neat...' Liza smiled as she slide off Scarlett shoulders and into her arms.

The two curled up against each other before falling into slumber. While the Trolls searched for their ran away meal.