
The Glory of The Emperor

The Glory of the Emperor is a historical novel set in the state of Qin of ancient China, following the rise of Lin Han from a slave-born boy to the throne as the emperor. As he grows older and joins the imperial army, Lin Han becomes a skilled strategist and warrior, rising through the ranks and ultimately leading a rebellion against the corrupt rulers who have allowed the empire to decline. With determination and unwavering loyalty, Lin Han fights to restore the greatness of the Qin Dynasty and bring prosperity and unity to its people.

MeSovereign · สงคราม
2 Chs


In the ancient kingdom of China, there was a boy born into a life of poverty and obscurity. His name was Lin Han, and from the moment of his birth, he was destined to live a life of hardship and struggle.

Born to a family of farmers in a small village on the outskirts of the kingdom, Lin Han knew only the hard work and poverty of rural life. But even as a young child, he was determined to rise above his station and make something of himself. He was a bright and curious boy, always asking questions and seeking knowledge, even though the opportunities for education were few and far between for someone of his humble birth.

"Lin Han, why do you always have to be asking so many questions?" his mother would say with a sigh as she worked in the fields. "Can't you just be content with what you have?"

But Lin Han could never be content with simply accepting his lot in life. He wanted more, and he was willing to work hard to achieve it.

"I want to be someone," he would tell his mother. "I want to make a difference in the world."

Despite the challenges he faced, Lin Han never let his circumstances get him down. He worked hard, day in and day out, always striving to improve himself and his lot in life. And as he grew older, he began to dream of a life beyond the fields and the toil of everyday existence.

He dreamed of adventure and glory, of one day becoming a great warrior and serving the empire. And so, when the opportunity presented itself, Lin Han seized it with both hands. He joined the imperial army, determined to prove himself and make a name for himself among the great and powerful men of the kingdom.