
The Gladiator System

Hello this my second ever book so please dont be to harsh on the grammar errors and If you have recommendations please comment them

Nocorah · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Training for the Show

Kura's heart was beating so hard Kura started to fear that it might actually explode. Trying to calm himself Kura tried closing his eyes and breathing deeply and tried recollecting him self. This process took Kura about 10 minutes but during this time the man didn't say a word but stood up and prepared to get into stance once Kura was ready.

Kura stood up finally calmed down and looked at the man. The man then prepared to get into a pose. Kura knew better than to not take this seriously so he got into the same pose. However this time it felt more like getting into his own pose instead of mimicking the man.

The man then launched at Kura. Shooting out he was approaching fast but nowhere close to as fast as the bear. Kura dodged preparing to counter however instead of hitting the man on the back like he wanted instead the man twisted his body and parried his attack.

The man sliding in order to come to a stop asked in a nonchalant tone "So was the beating I gave you that bad that you had a nightmare about it?"

Kura gritting his teeth lunged towards the man and said "It wont be as bad as what I'm about to do to you"

They then went back and forth for half a hour though after a while Kura wobbled and then fell down exhausted from dodging and lunging at the man trying to hit him. The man then walked over to Kura. Kura subconsciously flinched expecting a hard blow to the back or head, but instead the man sat down beside him.

The man looked over then opened his mouth Kura expected to be insulted but was shocked by his words "Congrats you didn't get knocked down for a little under half a hour not bad you learn quick."

Kura was genuinely shocked and was about to thank him until the man continued "Though your form was sloppy, you often overexerted spending more energy than what was necessary due to petty insults, your punches are thrown out randomly without good precision often leaving you vulnerable..." The man continued listing things off about Kura's mistakes making Kura wish he had the energy to get up and walk away until the man said something else.

"So as a reward what do you want to know about me?"

Kura didn't expect this then thought for a bit and asked a simple question "what's your name?"

The man looked at him then said "wow that was wasteful now I don't think I'm gonna give you a opportunity like that again."

The man stop for a bit then smiled saying "My name is Rowan though what the crowd calls me is Semi Legacy"

Before Kura could dwell on this Rowan stood up and pulled up Kura to his dismay and got into a fighting stance again saying "Come on you only got 6 more days of training better not waste it talking and laying down."

And like that the next six days went by; Kura was both confident in his abilities though also terrified of the show that was yet to come. Kura spent his time watching shows now. The crowd of the shows had been dwindling more and more with less and less people showing up.

The amount of people who still showed up was in the tens of thousands but still no where close to where it had been before. Kura speculated they were saving up money to go to the big show or more correctly his big show.

A sickening feeling went into Kura's stomach as he thought about his show; his dream still fresh in his mind. Kura wanted to think that the dream was nothing but a dream but the dream was too realistic from the fear he had felt to the pain of his ribs shattering.

The thought that the pain was realistic also scared Kura because he shouldn't had been able to feel pain in the dream. The thought he tried to use to settle his brain was that it was his bruised body that was the pain he felt but Kura knew the difference from a bruise and a broken rib.

A few more days past and a dreaded guard walked in and said words Kura wished to never hear but had always expected for a month now. "Number 798 you have a big show today come with me."