
The Gladiator System

Hello this my second ever book so please dont be to harsh on the grammar errors and If you have recommendations please comment them

Nocorah · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

The Legacy Show

Calot stepped into the lit arena causing a crowd of cheers though not as loud as the cheers Kura heard before. Kura followed Calot walking into the arena. Squinting his eyes he looked around. The arena looked the same as always, but the crowd was much smaller only having a couple thousand spread through the arena making it look much emptier than before. Although there was less people the pressure immitted was much greater with a sense of pride looming in the air.

The owner of the colosseum still sat with a expression of dissatisfaction half of his face covered with a mask that Kura recognized to be the same phoenix the man wore; though his seemed more polished and hid a greater presence behind it.

Looking into the spot were the masks eye holes were Kura saw eyes staring back at him with a fiery orange tint. Next to him his son sat a face full of loftiness on his face as he looked down on him. Something about that Angered Kura, but he knew he couldn't do anything about it.

Kura looked at Calot to see what he was doing but he stared at the owner locking their gazes together. The mans disdain only grew as Calot continued to stare at him. Kura then looked at the doors they were all shut and there was nobody else on the field.

Then in unison six different doors opened. stepping out men with armor that screamed pristine walked out. All of them wore no helmet but a mask that fully covered their face showing a reflective silver.

Calot looked away from the owner then at the people then at Kura and smiled. His lips parted as he spoke "Be ready for anything we don't know what their powers are only that they are powerful enough to be adopted into the Ashen family."

Kura nodded at hit as he got into a stance getting ready for a fight. One of the guard saw this then started charging towards Kura. He was crossing between them in a blink of the eye. Kura was ready for a heavy push when the man swung his arm. Shooting out a dagger was flying towards Kura ripping through the air it whistled.

Kura followed the blade but was confused by the fact he was of by many feet when the man clenched his hand; a magical ring appearing around his hand as a chain shot out attaching to the dagger making it switch direction making it a wide slice towards the side.

Kura moved his sword swiftly to the side to block when the blade stuck against him and his blade a loud crash was heard followed by scraping noises. Kura was slowly winning the interaction when a purple translucent arrow stabbed Kura in the shoulder making him lose his balance. Though this wasn't the end as the dagger broke through Kura's defense cutting a wide gash on Kura's chest.

Kura fell onto the ground blood spilling out of his chest like a fountain. Kura looked at his shoulder seeing a translucent arrow piercing through. Grabbing onto the arrow he clutched onto it. Shattering it into dust particles.

Looking back up towards the guard he saw him pulling back the dagger with the chain till it reached his hand. The guard through the dagger into the air. Shooting into the sky like a rocket cutting through the air like butter. The dagger kept soaring through the air when the man shot another chain connecting to the dagger again.

The guard stepped forward swung his arms down bring the dagger with it swiping down in a vertical arc slashing down like judgment from the heavens preparing to slash Kura who was still on the ground. Kura panicked putting his sword up in a guard position. The dagger was approaching fast.

A thought quickly past by Kura's mind when he looked towards the archer who shot him to see that he was preparing another arrow to shoot at Kura; he panicked knowing he didn't have the time to deal with both when his attention was caught again. A chain had rapped around his arm now pulling on it destroying Kura's block he had made to prevent the dagger from killing him.

Kura had a split second to decide when he rolled out of the way dodging the dagger. In front of him though was a new purple arrow seconds away from piercing him. He didn't have the time to swing his sword and he was still getting hiss bearings from rolling once let alone attempting to roll again to dodge. Having no other option Kura reached forward grabbing the dagger that had implanted itself into the ground. He then deflected the arrow turning it into dust particles.

Before Kura could catch his breath he felt himself being pulled by the dagger or more correctly the chain. Kura started sliding across the ground when he finally got up and got his footing he stopped himself putting him and the guard into a stalemate.

Kura then broke the stalemate by grabbing onto the chain and reeling it in towards him. Soon the guard was right in front of him when Kura swung the dagger at him. The blade moved swiftly when it was about to inches from the guards neck it had suddenly stopped. Looking back he saw a magic circle with a chain shooting out wrapping around Kura's arm.

soon another shot out from a different magic circle wrapping around Kura's other arm. Once both arms were captured the circle lifted in to the air leaving him to dangle a few feet above the ground. In retaliation Kura swung his leg kicking the guard pushing him a few feet back and causing him to cough blood ending up hitting his mask and dripping down onto the floor as the chains loosened.

Seeing this as his opportunity Kura shot towards the man grabbing his sword on the way slashing down the man clenched his fist causing the chains to tighten once more and reel him back. The guard shouted at Kura "You filthy rodent you think you deserve to touch me! Do you understand what I've done to be adopted just for a weakling like you to disrespect me."

The chains had lifted Kura into the ground again much tighter this time causing his arms to strain making the slowly tears small parts ripping spilling blood. Kura shouted as the man moved his arm to the side making two new circles to appear shooting more chains out wrapping Kura's legs.

The strain on his body only increased pulling on Kura more and more. His limbs on the brink of detaching. Kura thought it couldn't get much worse when a purple arrow flew through the air hitting him right in the stomach. Blood shot out of his mouth spilling on the ground; His organs ripped through by the arrow.

He looked up at the crowd as they were pointing at him and mocking him. Looking back at the guard he had also seen this making him become more cocky as he walked up and pulled the arrow out of Kura's gut. A stream of blood oozed out as Kura screamed.

The guard simply laughed then took off Kura's armor. He then proceeded to start punching Kura in the gut taunting him more as the crowd started laughing and joined in the mocking now starting an uproar of laughter and taunts.

The echo of noise reverberated through Kura's head giving him a splitting headache and the constant punching made it impossible for him to think through the pain. The chains also continued pulling his body threatening to rip him apart.

Kura started shouting in a blind rage for the man to stop to his amusement as he continued taunting and making the chains tighter. Kura was slowly going insane as his headache kept throbbing as all he could hear were laughter and taunts.

He continued shouting in agony. It was when Kura was shot by another arrow he saw a new screen appear.

System Skills

Rage [activate]

Without giving it a second thought Kura chose to activate it then felt his conscience slip as a red mist enveloped around his body. The guard had dashed out of the mist in fear of the possibility of it being a attack. Kura's muscles tensed as a noise of metal creaking and giving out could be heard but nobody could see past the red mist.

The face on the guards face paled when he heard chains breaking and the constant drain of his mana disappear. The guard grabbed his dagger when he threw it out and swept through the mist when it suddenly halted and a violent tug was felt that sent the guard flying into the mist.

The archer started to sweat as he prepared to shoot whatever came out of the mist. when he saw the mist separate he let go of the string of his bow releasing a purple arrow that this time didn't look translucent but looked like a solid object.

The arrow slice through the air and went right through a object blood soon following covering the floor in red. The archer calmed down and was preparing to focus on Calot when he saw a figure walk out with his fellow guard's body in his had with a hole through their chest.

The figure was obviously Kura who had put the guards body out first to make sure there were no traps placed for him. Kura had stepped out of the mist and dropped the guards body on the floor and began a mad dash towards the archer covering about 30 feet in a second while being injured.

Kura kept charging and was about to reach the archer when Kura realized that it had became practically impossible to walk. When looking down he saw a black tar substance covering the floor clinging onto his leg.

He then stared to his left to see a guard down on his knee touching the ground sending the substance at Kura. The archer sighted in relief when he started preparing a new arrow until a spear flew at speeds so fast they couldn't react. The spear impaled the archer making the arrow he had started to form disappear.

The man touching the floor started preparing for a fight when he was flung into a direction behind Kura waiting for him was Calot with his spear ready impaling him. Kura started rushing to Calot in a blind fury when he ran out of Mana making his eyes dull down from a red shade to more of black. The red mist that had been emitted from Kura dissipated in the wind. His charge slowed down to the speed of a crawl as he started to limp over to Calot with a confused look.

Calot congratulated Kura and then cracked the Guard he had heads open then reached in and grabbed a small orb and tossed it to Kura for him to absorb. Kura complied feeling sluggish from blood loss and crushed the Mana core feeling a surge if strength greater than when he crushed the bears Mana core sweep over him.

Kura looked around to see that the three other guards he hadn't even seen fight were all dead; only leaving Calot without even a single deep cut on his body. Kura felt his body weaken when he started to hear Calot scream.

"My fellow warriors and forgotten legacies we must do something as they plan to unleash a great beast for us to fight. They have a village level threat monster ready to fight within this year. If we don't do something we will all perish under its might."

Calot was going to continue when the owner spoke up "Silence with these false rumors Barbarian and Invisible trike won now go back to the lounge or be executed for being dismissive" The orange fury in the owners eyes grew only more.

Hearing the owners angry words on spread more of a seed of doubt as the owner never showed anger before making them believe there truly could be a great terror they would face. Calot clicked his tongue though walked back to the door as asked knowing he accomplished his goal of planting a seed of fear into the hearts of all the warriors.

Kura walked back put away his armor and weapons and was handed a potion witch he drank that helped him get back into shape. As he followed a familiar guard who wore a phoenix mask. They finally ended up back at the lounge. When the door opened a outrage of panic could be heard as people were running around everywhere like chickens with their heads cut off. The guards hand trembled in anger as she shouted a loud in a large bellow for everyone to stop moving and talking as he forced Kura and Calot to reenter the lounge.

A strange silence and intensity fell over the room till the guard left when everyone scrambled together to make a plan chaos ensued. Shouting could be heard all across the room until one calm voice shouted louder than the rest. "Forgotten legacies calm down we still have a chance for action we shall wait for now until the next show start when we shall attack all at once and storm out of the lounge and rampage through the place until we find the exit and escape our fate."

This calm voice was of course Calots. His words soothed the fear in hearts slightly and spread hope to them as they all listened they slowly started agreeing and preparing to make a escape the next time the door is opened.

Kura looked around at what was happening. A look of astonishment written all over his face as we watched as one man manipulated so many people to riot against what in their eyes were practically a god. The man in question merely sat back down as more people started scheming their escape plan once they get out of the lounge.

The seeming fear of getting killed by the guards that had kept them in check before varnished replaced with a new one. The new one forcing them to escape.

Kura slowly fell into a slumber as the weight of drowsiness crashed against him all at once. He then found himself in a familiar situation of running through the damp, dark hallways.

Authors note sorry for the long pause in-between chapters I'm working on getting a job so it ate up a lot of my time. Also thank you Radai_Valenciana for your continued support of my book I really appreciate it.